Mon July 25 22:55:58 CDT 2000 ----------- jdk118_v2_arm15a-n.tar.bz2 The JDK was Built under netwinder image 15a. int XmJDK_getIMheight(Widget vw) was added to motif 1.2.x itself. The math library (-lm) was removed from linking of and from the JRE. This is somewhat related to the link order of libgcc.a. HotJava(tm) likes a lot of memory, and will sometimes crash during low memory conditions. Adding the following might help if having problems with this. /usr/local/java/bin/java -ms32M -mx48M -classpath Add the -ms32M -mx48M to the hotjava script, which by default is placed at /usr/bin/hotjava. The ARM port of the JDK is the only port that is known to have this problem, and could be related to the memory useage of the FP emulation and not having fully robust checks within the native code portion of the JDK. As some crashes have been pinned down to math related. If trying to build from the source, crashes due to no ANSI_X3.4_1968 within build 15a for the netwinder will show up. If building from the source and using the OpenMotif source, note that at least 4 patches directed towards the jdk are missing. The lack of these patches will cause SIGSEGV's in certain instances. Native threads have not been fully tested, although in the past they were working although they don't seem to fully work with hotjava. Note: If during startup of java you have a long wait (possibly 3 minutes), make sure to look at the colorcube information. Normally this is 8bit related. No JIT is available at this time. ---------- Thu Jun 17 11:36:48 CDT 1999 /bin/arch does not exist on the Disk 12 build. The following will create such a file and have it return what is needed. As root, edit /bin/arch (a new file) and add the following line uname -m Then write the file, then the following command will make it execute chmod a+x /bin/arch arch is needed in the java wrappers (shell scripts) that run the binary java files. Fri Jul 23 17:58:09 CDT 1999 ----------- To build, check to make sure /usr/include/bits/setjmp.h has the following: #define __JMP_BUF_SP 20 If not, change it; otherwise nothing will work. Thu Sep 9 15:40:53 EDT 1999 ----------- To speed up starting the jdk on 8bit depth graphics (i.e. remote computer) set the following (assume using bash for a shell): export COLORCUBEPATH=$HOME A file such as /home/srh/colorcube_256_32 will exist after running an awt related java app. The next time it is run, the colorcube file will be read only if the COLORCUBEPATH is set and the file is readable. Much faster response time on startup should be found.