Version 1.6 (24/11/2003): * Fixes compilation warnings * AutoSync sample rate detection scheme changed * Fixes default preset 7 for H9632 cards Version 1.5 (21/11/2003): * Added a .desktop file * H9632 bug fixes (thanks to Pentti Ala-Vannesluoma) * Fixes presets handling for H9632 cards Version 1.4 (01/11/2003): * Adds support for H9632 cards Version 1.3 (no public release): * Adds metering for H9652 cards * Stops shipping unused pixmaps * Shows stereo relationships in the mixer * pixmap directory has been cleaned up Version 1.2 (no public release): * Fixes a graphical bug for H9652 cards * Changes FLTK detection scheme in configure Version 1.1 (27/07/2003): * Fixes a typo for Digiface and H9652 cards in HDSPMixerSelector.cxx (caused a crash on startup) * Fixes a menu messing bug in Submix handling * Fixes FLTK detection in configure * Fixes a bug preventing full reset to factory settings Version 1.0 (27/07/2003): * Initial release