PACKAGE NAME: XML-Writer-0.600-noarch-1.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli/perl-packages PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 17 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 60 K PACKAGE MD5: 551413f94d5cb9f2577f8d9391f15c51 ./cli/perl-packages/XML-Writer-0.600-noarch-1.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: perl >= 5.8.6 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: XML-Writer: XML::Writer 0.600 (Perl extension for writing XML documents) XML-Writer: XML-Writer: From the POD: XML-Writer: XML-Writer: ``XML::Writer is a helper module for Perl programs that write an XML-Writer: XML document. The module handles all escaping for attribute values XML-Writer: and character data and constructs different types of markup, such XML-Writer: as tags, comments, and processing instructions. XML-Writer: XML-Writer: ...Additional support is available for a simplified data mode with XML-Writer: no mixed content: newlines are automatically inserted around XML-Writer: elements and elements can optionally be indented based as their XML-Writer: nesting level.''