PACKAGE NAME: sqlite-2.8.17-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./dev PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 199 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 940 K PACKAGE MD5: 96a47ab11094349638667839811e3d07 ./dev/sqlite-2.8.17-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: readline >= 5.1,ncurses >= 5.5 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: sqlite: sqlite (An Embeddable SQL database engine) sqlite: sqlite: SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, sqlite: embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. sqlite: sqlite: sqlite: SQLite Copyright: The original author of SQLite has dedicated the code sqlite: to the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, sqlite: compile, sell, or distribute the original SQLite code, either in sqlite: source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial sqlite: or non-commercial, and by any means.