Download QSA from then rename the directory to something a little more descriptive of the Qt version, like qt-qsa-: tar xvf qsa-x11-opensource-1.2.2.tar.gz mv qsa-x11-opensource-1.2.2 qt4-qsa-1.2.2 tar -cvf qt4-qsa-1.2.2.tar qt4-qsa-1.2.2/ bzip2 -9 qt4-qsa-1.2.2.tar I made the qt4_qtdir_VL patch because the configure script assumes that there are not any other versions of Qt installed (even using the QTDIR override, the configure will fail) and the makefile generator (configutils.cpp) also doesn't consider the QTDIR override. the doinst.h script will have the symlink info prepended to it.