Printing Quickstart Guide

NOTE: This is only a short quickstart guide, there is a more exhaustive document available in the "Realease documentation" section.

Check to see if your printer is supported at the following 2 sites

Then before you get too far along make sure your parallel port or usb port
is working by sending some raw text to the printer.
so on mine I could do either date > /dev/lp0
or echo -e "test\f" > /dev/lp0
and it sends raw text to my printer through my parallel port.
If that does not work try /dev/lp1 or for usb it would be /dev/usb/lp0 or lp1 or what ever port you have.

still as root or su open a console and enter the following

killall -HUP cupsd

This will stop the cups daemon,
then still as root enter the following

/etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart

Which in theory should restart the cups damean. It takes a while to restart because the foomatic data gets updated so give it a good long while to do the update.
Or if you prefer you could just reboot, and it should do the same thing. But if you do this be carefull, you'll think its hung up when in fact its just updating all the data.

After that open a browser of your choice and type http://localhost:631/
or http://localhost:631/admin
user is root and password is your root password.
Then just work your way through the cups installation.