To run Opera, you need a Pentium with at least 32mb RAM. It is a superior browser, but it is more complicated to install. Here are the step-by-step instructions:
Step 1: Upgrade main BL3 library
It takes two packages to upgrade the BL3 library. You will find full instructions here.
pkg glibc-solibs-2.3.1-i386-3.tgz
pkg misc-libs.tgz
Step 2: Add some X libraries
All the X libraries you need are in one package called x-libs.tgz. You will find it in the BL3 add-ons.
pkg x-libs.tgz
Step 3: Get the Opera 8 static-QT package
Go to It will offer you a Windows version. Click on Show other versions. Then click on Linux i386. You will be shown a drop-down menu. Select Other/Static DEB. Mark the box that says Download this package in TAR.GZ format and choose your download site.
Step 4: Install the Opera 8 static-QT package
Put the Opera package in /tmp and unpack it:
tar -zxvf opera-8.???-static-qt.i386-en.tar.gz
cd opera-8.???-static-qt.i386-en
Note: | ??? represents the version/date of the Opera package. |
Use the actual numbers from the package you download. |