IGNOREPATH=/etc:/home:/var:/dev:/boot:/root:/tmp:/usr/local:/bin:/sbin:/tmp:/mnt:/usr/src STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y VERSION=6.2.4 PROGNAME="fetchmail $VERSION" DESC="\ fetchmail (mail retrieval and forwarding utility) \n\ \n\ fetchmail is a mail retrieval and forwarding utility. It fetches \n\ mail from a POP, IMAP, or ETRN-capable remote mailserver and forwards \n\ it to your local (client) machine's delivery system. You can then \n\ handle the retrieved mail using normal mail user agents such as elm, \n\ pine, or mutt. The fetchmail utility can be run in a daemon mode to \n\ repeatedly poll one or more systems at a specified interval." BUILD=1 MAINTAINER="Mark Post " SOURCE=http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/fetchmail PKGNAME=fetchmail-$VERSION-s390-$BUILD TAG=OPT compile() { tar -yxvf $CWD/fetchmail-$VERSION.tar.bz2 cd fetchmail-$VERSION/ # Pat says: this is the sloppiest source tarball ever chown -R root.root . find . -perm 664 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find . -perm 600 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find . -perm 444 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find . -perm 400 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find . -perm 440 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find . -perm 777 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -perm 775 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -perm 511 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -perm 711 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -perm 555 -exec chmod 755 {} \; CFLAGS=-O2 LDFLAGS=-s \ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-nls \ --with-ssl \ --build=s390-slackware-linux \ --host=s390-slackware-linux \ --target=s390-slackware-linux make } install() { make install DESTDIR=/package-fetchmail mkdir -p /package-fetchmail/usr/doc/fetchmail-$VERSION cp -a ABOUT-NLS COPYING FAQ FEATURES INSTALL MANIFEST NEWS NOTES README \ README.NTLM README.SSL TODO *.html contrib *.lsm \ /package-fetchmail/usr/doc/fetchmail-$VERSION ( cd /package-fetchmail/usr/man/man1 rm -f *.gz gzip -9 *.1 rm -rf fetchmailconf.1 ln -sf fetchmail.1.gz fetchmailconf.1.gz ) rm -rf /package-fetchmail/usr/doc/fetchmail-$VERSION/RCS rm -rf /package-fetchmail/usr/doc/fetchmail-$VERSION/contrib/RCS } attributes() { chown -R root.bin $PKG/package-fetchmail/usr/bin/ ( cd $PKG/package-fetchmail/usr/doc/fetchmail-$VERSION/contrib chmod +x debian_rc fetchmailnochda.pl fetchsetup getmail gotmail \ login logout maildaemon preauth-harness ) } special() { cd $PKG mv package-fetchmail/* ./ rmdir package-fetchmail/ cd $CTL cat $CWD/slack-desc > slack-desc sed -e 's%package-fetchmail/%%g' doinst.sh > doinst.sh.new cat doinst.sh.new > doinst.sh rm doinst.sh.new }