# # backend.py: Interface for installation backends # # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Paul Nasrat # Jeremy Katz # import glob import shutil import iutil import os, sys import logging from syslogd import syslog from constants import * import isys import kickstart import packages import storage from flags import flags log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) class AnacondaBackend: def __init__(self, anaconda): """Abstract backend class all backends should inherit from this @param instPath: root path for the installation to occur""" self.instPath = anaconda.rootPath self.instLog = None self.modeText = "" # some backends may not support upgrading self.supportsUpgrades = True self.supportsPackageSelection = False # some backends may have a special case for rootfs formatting # FIXME: we should handle this a little more elegantly self.skipFormatRoot = False self.rootFsType = None self._loopbackFile = None def postAction(self, anaconda): pass def doPreSelection(self, intf, id, instPath): pass def doPostSelection(self, anaconda): pass def doPreInstall(self, anaconda): self.initLog(anaconda.id, anaconda.rootPath) def copyFirmware(self, anaconda): # Multiple driver disks may be loaded, so we need to glob for all # the firmware files in the common DD firmware directory for f in glob.glob(DD_FIRMWARE+"/*"): try: shutil.copyfile(f, "%s/lib/firmware/" % anaconda.rootPath) except IOError, e: log.error("Could not copy firmware file %s: %s" % (f, e.strerror)) def doPostInstall(self, anaconda): #always copy the firmware files from DD self.copyFirmware(anaconda) if anaconda.id.extraModules: for (n, arch, tag) in self.kernelVersionList(anaconda.rootPath): packages.recreateInitrd(n, anaconda.rootPath) #copy RPMS for d in glob.glob(DD_RPMS): try: shutil.copytree(d, anaconda.rootPath + "/root/" + os.path.basename(d)) except OSError: log.error("Couldn't copy %s to %s" % (d, anaconda.rootPath + "/root/" + os.path.basename(d))) #copy modules and firmware if os.path.exists(DD_ALL): try: shutil.copytree(DD_ALL, anaconda.rootPath + "/root/DD") except OSError, e: log.error("Couldn't copy %s to %s" % (DD_ALL, anaconda.rootPath + "/root/DD")) storage.writeEscrowPackets(anaconda) sys.stdout.flush() syslog.stop() def doInstall(self, anaconda): log.warning("doInstall not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def initLog(self, id, instPath): upgrade = id.getUpgrade() if not os.path.isdir(instPath + "/root"): iutil.mkdirChain(instPath + "/root") if upgrade: logname = '/root/upgrade.log' else: logname = '/root/install.log' instLogName = instPath + logname try: shutil.rmtree (instLogName) except OSError: pass self.instLog = open(instLogName, "w+") syslogname = "%s%s.syslog" % (instPath, logname) try: shutil.rmtree (syslogname) except OSError: pass syslog.start (instPath, syslogname) if upgrade: self.modeText = _("Upgrading %s\n") else: self.modeText = _("Installing %s\n") def kernelVersionList(self, rootPath="/"): return [] def getMinimumSizeMB(self, part): """Return the minimal size for part in megabytes if we can.""" return 0 def doBackendSetup(self, anaconda): log.warning("doBackendSetup not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def groupExists(self, group): log.warning("groupExists not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def selectGroup(self, group, *args): log.warning("selectGroup not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def deselectGroup(self, group, *args): log.warning("deselectGroup not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def packageExists(self, pkg): log.warning("packageExists not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def selectPackage(self, pkg, *args): log.warning("selectPackage not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def deselectPackage(self, pkg, *args): log.warning("deselectPackage not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def getDefaultGroups(self, anaconda): log.warning("getDefaultGroups not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def resetPackageSelections(self): # we just leave this one unimplemented if it's not needed pass # write out the %packages section of anaconda-ks.cfg def writePackagesKS(self, f, anaconda): log.warning("writePackagesKS not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError # write out any config files that live on the installed system # (e.g., /etc/yum.repos.d/* files) def writeConfiguration(self): log.warning("writeConfig not implemented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError # write out any other kickstart bits the backend requires - no warning # here because this may not be needed def writeKS(self, f): pass def getRequiredMedia(self): log.warning("getRequiredMedia not implmented for backend!") raise NotImplementedError def complete(self, anaconda): pass def doBackendSetup(anaconda): if anaconda.backend.doBackendSetup(anaconda) == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_BACK if anaconda.id.upgrade: anaconda.backend.checkSupportedUpgrade(anaconda) iutil.writeRpmPlatform(anaconda.rootPath) def doPostSelection(anaconda): return anaconda.backend.doPostSelection(anaconda) def doPreInstall(anaconda): anaconda.backend.doPreInstall(anaconda) def doPostInstall(anaconda): anaconda.backend.doPostInstall(anaconda) def doInstall(anaconda): return anaconda.backend.doInstall(anaconda) # does this need to be per-backend? we'll just leave here until it does :) def doBasePackageSelect(anaconda): if anaconda.isKickstart: anaconda.backend.resetPackageSelections() kickstart.selectPackages(anaconda) else: anaconda.backend.resetPackageSelections() anaconda.id.instClass.setPackageSelection(anaconda) anaconda.id.instClass.setGroupSelection(anaconda) def writeConfiguration(anaconda): log.info("Writing main configuration") anaconda.id.write() anaconda.backend.writeConfiguration()