import re from ..udev import * from flags import flags import iutil import logging log = logging.getLogger("storage") def _filter_out_mpath_devices(devices): retval = [] for d in devices: if udev_device_is_dm_mpath(d): log.debug("filtering out coalesced mpath device: %s" % d['name']) else: retval.append(d) return retval def _filter_out_mpath_partitions(devices, multipaths): """ Use serial numbers of the multipath members to filter devices from the devices list. The returned list will only partitions that are NOT partitions of the multipath members. """ serials = set(udev_device_get_serial(d) for mpath_members in multipaths for d in mpath_members) retval = [] for d in devices: if udev_device_get_serial(d) in serials: log.debug("filtering out mpath partition: %s" % d['name']) else: retval.append(d) return retval def parseMultipathOutput(output): """ Parse output from "multipath -d" or "multipath -ll" and form a topology. Returns a dictionary: {'mpatha':['sdb','sdc'], 'mpathb': ['sdd', 'sde'], ... } The 'multipath -d' output looks like: create: mpathc (1ATA ST3120026AS 5M) undef ATA,ST3120026AS size=112G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=undef `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=undef `- 2:0:0:0 sda 8:0 undef ready running create: mpathb (36006016092d21800703762872c60db11) undef DGC,RAID 5 size=10G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 emc' wp=undef `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=2 status=undef |- 6:0:0:0 sdb 8:16 undef ready running `- 7:0:0:0 sdc 8:32 undef ready running create: mpatha (36001438005deb4710000500000270000) dm-0 HP,HSV400 size=20G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw |-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=-1 status=active | |- 7:0:0:1 sda 8:0 active undef running | `- 7:0:1:1 sdb 8:16 active undef running `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=-1 status=enabled |- 7:0:2:1 sdc 8:32 active undef running `- 7:0:3:1 sdd 8:48 active undef running (In anaconda, the first one there won't be included because we blacklist "ATA" as a vendor.) The 'multipath -ll' output looks like (notice the missing 'create' before 'mpatha'): mpatha (3600a0b800067fcc9000001694b557dd1) dm-0 IBM,1726-4xx FAStT size=360G features='0' hwhandler='1 rdac' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=3 status=active |- 2:0:0:0 sda 8:0 active ready running `- 3:0:0:0 sdb 8:16 active ready running """ mpaths = {} if output is None: return mpaths action = None name = None devices = [] policy = re.compile('^[|+` -]+policy') device = re.compile('^[|+` -]+[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+ +([a-zA-Z0-9!/]+)') create = re.compile('^(?:([a-z]+): )?(mpath\w+|[a-f0-9]+)') lines = output.split('\n') for line in lines: pmatch = policy.match(line) dmatch = device.match(line) cmatch = create.match(line) lexemes = line.split() if not lexemes: break if cmatch and if name and devices and action in (None, 'create'): mpaths[name] = devices action = name = devices = [] elif lexemes[0].startswith('size='): pass elif pmatch: pass elif dmatch: devices.append(dmatch.groups()[0].replace('!','/')) if name and devices and action in (None, 'create'): mpaths[name] = devices return mpaths def identifyMultipaths(devices): """ This function does a couple of things: 1) identifies multipath disks, 2) sets their ID_FS_TYPE to multipath_member, 3) removes the individual members of an mpath's partitions as well as any coalesced multipath devices: The return value is a tuple of 3 lists, the first list containing all devices except multipath members and partitions, the second list containing only the multipath members and the last list only partitions. Specifically, the second list is empty if there are no multipath devices found. sample input: [sr0, sda, sda1, sdb, sdb1, sdb2, sdc, sdc1, sdd, sdd1, sdd2, dm-0] where: [sdb, sdc] is a multipath pair dm-0 is a mutliapth device already coalesced from [sdb, sdc] sample output: [sda, sdd], [[sdb, sdc]], [sr0, sda1, sdd1, sdd2]] """"devices to scan for multipath: %s" % [d['name'] for d in devices]) with open("/etc/multipath.conf") as conf: log.debug("/etc/multipath.conf contents:") map(lambda line: log.debug(line.rstrip()), conf) log.debug("(end of /etc/multipath.conf)") topology = parseMultipathOutput( iutil.execWithCapture("multipath", ["-d",])) topology.update(parseMultipathOutput( iutil.execWithCapture("multipath", ["-ll",]))) # find the devices that aren't in topology, and add them into it... topodevs = reduce(lambda x,y: x.union(y), topology.values(), set()) for name in set([d['name'] for d in devices]).difference(topodevs): topology[name] = [name] devmap = {} non_disk_devices = {} for d in devices: if not udev_device_is_disk(d): non_disk_devices[d['name']] = d"adding %s to non_disk_device list" % (d['name'],)) continue devmap[d['name']] = d singlepath_disks = [] multipaths = [] for name, disks in topology.items(): if len(disks) == 1: if not non_disk_devices.has_key(disks[0]):"adding %s to singlepath_disks" % (disks[0],)) singlepath_disks.append(devmap[disks[0]]) else: # some usb cardreaders use multiple lun's (for different slots) # and report a fake disk serial which is the same for all the # lun's (#517603) all_usb = True # see if we've got any non-disk devices on our mpath list. # If so, they're probably false-positives. non_disks = False for disk in disks: d = devmap[disk] if d.get("ID_USB_DRIVER") != "usb-storage": all_usb = False if (not devmap.has_key(disk)) and non_disk_devices.has_key(disk): log.warning("non-disk device %s is part of an mpath" % (disk,)) non_disks = True if all_usb:"adding multi lun usb mass storage device to singlepath_disks: %s" % (disks,)) singlepath_disks.extend([devmap[d] for d in disks]) continue if non_disks: for disk in disks: if devmap.has_key(disk): del devmap[disk] if topology.has_key(disk): del topology[disk] continue"found multipath set: %s" % (disks,)) for disk in disks: d = devmap[disk]"adding %s to multipath_disks" % (disk,)) d["ID_FS_TYPE"] = "multipath_member" d["ID_MPATH_NAME"] = name multipaths.append([devmap[d] for d in disks]) # singlepaths and partitions should not contain multipath devices: singlepath_disks = _filter_out_mpath_devices(singlepath_disks) partition_devices = _filter_out_mpath_partitions( non_disk_devices.values(), multipaths) # this is the list of devices we want to keep from the original # device list, but we want to maintain its original order. singlepath_disks = filter(lambda d: d in devices, singlepath_disks) #multipaths = filter(lambda d: d in devices, multipaths) partition_devices = filter(lambda d: d in devices, partition_devices) mpathStr = "[" for mpath in multipaths: mpathStr += str([d['name'] for d in mpath]) mpathStr += "]" s = "(%s, %s, %s)" % ([d['name'] for d in singlepath_disks], \ mpathStr, \ [d['name'] for d in partition_devices])"devices post multipath scan: %s" % s) return (singlepath_disks, multipaths, partition_devices) class MultipathConfigWriter: def __init__(self): self.blacklist_devices = [] self.mpaths = [] def addBlacklistDevice(self, device): self.blacklist_devices.append(device) def addMultipathDevice(self, mpath): self.mpaths.append(mpath) def write(self, friendly_names): # if you add anything here, be sure and also add it to anaconda's # multipath.conf ret = '' ret += """\ # multipath.conf written by anaconda defaults { user_friendly_names %(friendly_names)s } blacklist { devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*" devnode "^hd[a-z]" devnode "^dcssblk[0-9]*" device { vendor "DGC" product "LUNZ" } device { vendor "IBM" product "S/390.*" } # don't count normal SATA devices as multipaths device { vendor "ATA" } # don't count 3ware devices as multipaths device { vendor "3ware" } device { vendor "AMCC" } # nor highpoint devices device { vendor "HPT" } """ % {'friendly_names' : "yes" if friendly_names else "no"} for device in self.blacklist_devices: if device.serial: ret += '\twwid "%s"\n' % device.serial elif device.vendor and device.model: ret += '\tdevice {\n' ret += '\t\tvendor %s\n' % device.vendor ret += '\t\tproduct %s\n' % device.model ret += '\t}\n' if self.mpaths: ret += '\twwid "*"\n' ret += '}\n' ret += 'blacklist_exceptions {\n' for mpath in self.mpaths: for k,v in mpath.config.items(): if k == 'wwid': ret += '\twwid "%s"\n' % v ret += '}\n' ret += 'multipaths {\n' for mpath in self.mpaths: ret += '\tmultipath {\n' for k,v in mpath.config.items(): if k == 'wwid': ret += '\t\twwid "%s"\n' % v else: ret += '\t\t%s %s\n' % (k, v) ret += '\t}\n' ret += '}\n' return ret def writeMultipathConf(writer=None, friendly_names=True): if not flags.mpath: # not writing out a multipath.conf will effectively blacklist all mpaths # which will prevent any of them from being activated during install return if writer is None: writer = MultipathConfigWriter() cfg = writer.write(friendly_names=friendly_names) with open("/etc/multipath.conf", "w+") as mpath_cfg: mpath_cfg.write(cfg) def flush_mpaths(): iutil.execWithRedirect("multipath", ["-F"]) check_output = iutil.execWithCapture("multipath", ["-ll"]).strip() if check_output: log.error("multipath: some devices could not be flushed")