PACKAGE NAME: glu-9.0.0-x86_64-2vl71.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 274 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1650 K PACKAGE MD5: be784dc826a393a27fff506ed679d3b0 ./x/glu-9.0.0-x86_64-2vl71.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: gcc-g++ >= 4.7.2-x86_64-3vl71,libX11 >= 1.5.0-x86_64-1vl71,libXau >= 1.0.7-x86_64-1vl71,libXdamage >= 1.1.4-x86_64-1vl71,libXdmcp >= 1.1.1-x86_64-1vl71,libXext >= 1.3.1-x86_64-1vl71,libXfixes >= 5.0-x86_64-1vl71,libXxf86vm >= 1.1.2-x86_64-1vl71,libdrm >= 2.4.49-x86_64-1vl71,libxcb >= 1.10-x86_64-1vl71,mesa >= 10.0.5-x86_64-1vl71 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: glu: glu (a 3-D graphics library) glu: glu: Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API very similar to that of glu: another well-known 3-D graphics library. :-) The Mesa libraries are glu: used by X to provide both software and hardware accelerated graphics. glu: This is the bleeding edge GIT version. glu: glu: glu: License: GPL glu: Authors: glu: Website: