NAME Net::SSL::ExpireDate - obtain expiration date of certificate SYNOPSIS use Net::SSL::ExpireDate; $ed = Net::SSL::ExpireDate->new( https => '' ); $ed = Net::SSL::ExpireDate->new( https => '' ); $ed = Net::SSL::ExpireDate->new( ssl => '' ); # smtps $ed = Net::SSL::ExpireDate->new( ssl => '' ); # pop3s $ed = Net::SSL::ExpireDate->new( file => '/etc/ssl/cert.pem' ); if (defined $ed->expire_date) { # do something $expire_date = $ed->expire_date; # return DateTime instance $expired = $ed->is_expired; # examine already expired $expired = $ed->is_expired('2 months'); # will expire after 2 months $expired = $ed->is_expired(DateTime::Duration->new(months=>2)); # ditto } DESCRIPTION Net::SSL::ExpireDate get certificate from network (SSL) or local file and obtain its expiration date. METHODS new $ed = Net::SSL::ExpireDate->new( %option ) This method constructs a new "Net::SSL::ExpireDate" instance and returns it. %option is to specify certificate. KEY VALUE ---------------------------- ssl "hostname[:port]" https (same as above ssl) file "path/to/certificate" timeout "Timeout in seconds" sni "Server Name Indicator" expire_date $expire_date = $ed->expire_date; Return expiration date by "DateTime" instance. begin_date $begin_date = $ed->begin_date; Return beginning date by "DateTime" instance. not_after Synonym for expire_date. not_before Synonym for begin_date. is_expired $expired = $ed->is_expired; Obtain already expired or not. You can specify interval to obtain will expire on the future time. Acceptable intervals are human readable string (parsed by "Time::Duration::Parse") and "DateTime::Duration" instance. # will expire after 2 months $expired = $ed->is_expired('2 months'); $expired = $ed->is_expired(DateTime::Duration->new(months=>2)); type return type of examinee certificate. "ssl" or "file". target return hostname or path of examinee certificate. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at AUTHOR HIROSE Masaaki REPOSITORY git clone git:// patches and collaborators are welcome. SEE ALSO COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright HIROSE Masaaki This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.