Updated missed DFLOAT to DBLE in Fortran code to meet current compiler requirements.
Changed print messages to use the warning function as suggested by moderator.
Updated KIND=8 to KIND=KIND(0.0d0) for greater compatibility.
Updated DFLOAT to DBLE in Fortran code to meet current compiler requirements.
Updated Data location to make it consistent with standard package design.
Removed R_forceSymbols(dll, TRUE) requirement to allow the Linux versions to compile correctly.
Fixed type mismatch issues with functions DtH and phi0dt, reported by CRAN
The number of digits was hard coded in the functions. This was changed to be an option with a upper limit of 9 decimal places and a default of 9.
This is the second issue of this package, with a new function to compute the water vapor pressure according to the Wagner and Pruß equation (1993). Every function of the R Code was revised to eliminate the automatic echo; now the return should be assigned to a local variable.