MuMIn package news: Changes in version 1.48.4 (2024-06-21) - Fixed DESCRIPTION issues causing R check problems. - Registered previously omitted methods and supplemented package references in the documentation. Changes in version 1.48.2 (2024-06-08) - support for "unmarkedFit" has been reworked, with more models included (all except the ones not using formulas as arguments, i.e. "occuMS" and "occuMulti"), and random effects and offset terms now being recognized (the latter reported by Jonathan Dinkins). Changes in version 1.47.12 (2024-06-02) - removed links to archived packages in the manual and included some new suggested packages to satisfy R Check. Changes in version 1.47.10 (2024-03-21) - (fixed) `r.squaredGLMM` now returns correct values for non-Bernoulli binomial models with response as proportion and weights specifying the number of trials. The result is now identical as for a model with response as a 2-column matrix (thanks to Emma Neigel for reporting this). - removed `logLik.coxme` as the package "coxme" now provides its own method. Changes in version 1.47.8 (2023-07-07) - (added) `duplicated` method for "model.selection" object. - (added) replacement version of `model.sel` that appends new models to an existing "model.selection" object. Changes in version 1.47.6 (2023-05-30) - (fixed) problem with matching interaction terms, affecting mostly `model.sel` (spotted by Francis van Oordt). - removed backward compatibility with pre-0.15.0 "averaging" objects. Changes in version 1.47.5 (2023-03-15) - r.squaredGLMM: added support for additional families using `insight::get_variance`. This requires the addition of 'insight' to the package dependencies, albeit very reluctantly, as in principle new dependencies are only added as a very last resort. - `` and hence `r.squaredLR` now work also with "survreg" class (reported by Caroline Zanchi). Changes in version 1.47.4 (2023-03-13) - (fixed) removed remaining references to `stats:::format.perc`. Changes in version 1.47.3 (2023-02-27) - (fixed) model.avg.default: duplicated interaction coefficients were returned when the main effect coefficients appeared in different order in the component models (spotted by Derek Corcoran). Changes in version 1.47.2 (2023-01-06) - Updated methods for models of class 'Sarlm' and 'Spautolm' from the package 'spatialreg' (reported by Iwona Dembicz). Changes in version 1.47.1 (2022-08-31) - Pleasing RCheck: updated NEWS file so that it can be parsed by the `news` function. Changes in version 1.47.0 (2022-08-30) - (changed) plot.model.selection: Most notable change is the way the 'col' argument is interpreted. The default colours use now `hcl.palette` and differ from the previous version. There is no backward compatibility. - Long defunct `mod.sel`, `tTable` and `updateable2` have been removed. `importance` is now defunct (use `sw` instead). Changes in version 1.46.7 (2022-08-24) - Rd files have been updated to meet changes in the HTML R help system, starting with R 4.2.0. Hence, the minimum required version of R is now 4.2.0. Changes in version 1.46.6 (2022-07-31) - (fixed) print.model.selection: Abbreviations now only include existing values (i.e. after subsetting). - (fixed) merge.model.selection: "modelList" attributes are now preserved. Changes in version 1.46.5 (2022-06-07) - (fixed) getAllTerms.gamlss: error with intercept only models and formulas containing offset (reported multiple times on Stackoverflow) Changes in version 1.46.4 (2022-06-07) - (fixed) dredge: in a rare case when intercept terms were passed as "fixed", some variable combinations were erroneously dropped from the result. Changes in version 1.46.0 (2022-02-23) - (fixed) r.squaredGLMM: now gives correct values for negative binomial models (thanks to Shuang Zhang for research) Changes in version 1.45.1 (2021-12-08) - (added) .vcov a wrapper for vcov returning result in a consistent format (a matrix) Changes in version 1.45.0 (2021-11-25) - pdredge is deprecated in favour of `dredge` with "cluster" argument. Changes in version 1.44.6 (2021-05-19) - added stringsAsFactors=TRUE to most '' occurences to bring back the desired behaviour (which changed in R 4.0.0). Changes in version 1.44.5 (2021-05-11) - std.coef: now matches coefficient names with model matrix column names. Changes in version 1.44.4 (2021-04-20) - coefTable.betareg - now includes residual df. Changes in version 1.44.3 (2021-03-05) - (fixed) getAllTerms.zeroinfl: error when the function was called from non-global environment (spotted by Richard Shefferson) Changes in version 1.44.2 (2020-07-14) - (fixed) error with makeArgs (and hence dredge) with glmmTMB with non-symbol response Changes in version 1.44.1 (2020-06-25) - importance: is now formally deprecated with a warning. Use `sw` instead. Changes in version 1.44.0 (2020-05-28) - (added) plot method for the class "averaging" produces a dot-and-whisker plot of coefficients. This uses a new general function `coefplot` that can be used to make plots for arbitrary model types. Changes in version 1.43.19 (2020-05-22) - (fixed) plot titles in plot.coefTable Changes in version 1.43.18 (2020-05-18) - r.squaredGLMM: issues a warning about zero-inflation and dispersion model being ignored in the calculation of R2 rather than an error as before (request from Alexander Bruckner, inspired by the code by Ben Bolker: - (fixed) some issues with evaluating in non-global environment (`updateable` and 'na.action' checking) Changes in version 1.43.17 (2020-04-14) - Merely refreshing date stamp to please CRAN policies. Changes in version 1.43.16 (2020-03-12) - (added) specs for 'unmarkedFitPCount' with mixture = "ZIP" (spotted by Hannah Clyde) - (fixed) r.squaredGLMM for binomial family models with N > 1 trials. The fixed effects variance now accounts for trial number (thanks to Daniel Schlaepfer) Changes in version 1.43.15 (2019-12-19) - (fixed) fatal error with QIC.geem introduced in the previous version (reported by Lee McDaniel) Changes in version 1.43.14 (2019-12-18) - (fixed) example(QIC) causing an error after recent update of 'geepack'. - Added quasiLik/QIC for the negative binomial family (reportedly supported only by 'geeM::geem'). Changes in version 1.43.13 (2019-12-14) - (fixed) get.models: in the absence of a 'global model', the argument 'subset' was ignored and a list of all models was returned. Changes in version 1.43.12 (2019-12-11) - (fixed) [p]dredge: error while formatting the error message about an overlarge number of predictors (found by a certain 89_Simple on Stackoverflow). Changes in version 1.43.11 (2019-12-09) - (fixed) getAllTerms now recognizes structured terms of form `struc(terms|group)` properly as random effect terms; - (fixed) dredge, model.sel: delta was not calculated if any rank was NA. Changes in version 1.43.10 (2019-12-05) - (removed) conflicting methods which are now defined in their 'survival' package (nobs.coxph, nobs.survreg). Because of that, MuMIn now depends on survival >= 3.1.0. Changes in version 1.43.9 (2019-06-21) - (fixed) 'r.squaredGLMM' failed when order of interaction components in RE part of model formula were not in order of appearance (found by Gabriel Baud-Bovy) - (removed) 'predict.merMod' replacement to avoid the conflict of registered methods. Note that the original method does not calculate '', so currently there is no out-of-box way to produce averaged predictions with standard errors. Changes in version 1.43.8 (2019-04-15) - (fixed) methods for 'gamlss' (reported by Andras Farkas) Changes in version 1.43.6 (2019-04-08) - (fixed) if conditions with "length > 1 in coercion to logical" error produced by the new Rcheck. - (fixed) updated 'tests' to make up for 'spautolm' moved from 'spdep' to 'spatialreg'. Changes in version 1.43.4 (2019-04-04) - (fixed) minor changes to the quasi-likelihood function Changes in version 1.43.3 (2019-03-19) - (added) methods for 'gamlss' (suggested by Anne Loosen) - (fixed) QIC,quasiLik: now gives results compatible with those of wgeesel::QIC.gee. Changes in version 1.43.2 (2019-03-16) - 'sw' (for "Sum of Weights") is now preferred to 'importance' (which is still available, but is going to be deprecated in future). This is because of the controversies about SoW being a valid measure of actual variable importance. - [p]dredge: max. number of predictors is now correctly calculated (depending on the number of variants) Changes in version 1.43.1 (2019-03-06) - (added) new model structure for unmarkedFitGDS (gdistsamp) with alpha parameter (thanks to Alba Estrada) Changes in version 1.43.0 (2019-02-28) - (fixed) in QICu, the number of parameters was mistaken for number of observations (reported by Richard Fredrickson) - (added) some methods for wgeesel::wgee objects. Changes in version 1.42.5 (2019-01-02) - r.squaredGLMM: added the argument "envir" which is passed to `.nullFitRE`. This can be used in case of issues with model data not being found (reported by Eliot McIntire) Changes in version 1.42.4 (2018-12-05) - (fixed) r.squaredGLMM.merMod: error when the function was called in an environment different than .GlobalEnv (spotted by a certain Martin on Stackoverflow) Changes in version 1.42.3 (2018-07-31) - (added) dredge: the subset expression `.(x)` now accepts an additional argument for the allowed term orders. For example `.(X, 2:10)` means "at least one 2nd or 3rd order interaction of 'X'". The `.` pseudo-function has also a new alias: "with", e.g. `with(X, 2:10)`. Changes in version 1.42.2 (2018-07-27) - (fixed) r.squaredGLMM: handle the case when some coefficients are not estimated and NA Changes in version 1.42.1 (2018-07-21) - tests have been modified to prevent CRAN check errors on some systems. - (fixed) arm.glm, armWeights: now use a random sample to select a training set. armWeights: no longer give a warning about "longer object length" Changes in version 1.42.0 (2018-07-17) - (updated) methods for "unmarkedFit" models have been rewritten and should work properly with all subclasses. Added missing support for "unmarked::unmarkedFitOccuFP" (reported by Tara Hohoff) - R2GLMM added an option to disable "null fit warning" - (fixed) getAllTerms.lme: now gives a correct value for response in "binomial" glmmPQL ("zz" previously) - (fixed) testSmoothKConsistency: (used by `model.avg` with 'gam' models) works now with 'gam's including no smooth terms. Changes in version 1.41.1 (2018-07-13) - (fixed) workaround for clmm's (package "ordinal") annoyance: it needs explicit "1" in the formula if there are no other fixed terms. That resulted in intercept-only model calls generated by `dredge` being rejected. (kindly reported by Jörg Albrecht) Changes in version 1.41.0 (2018-07-12) - (updated) r.squaredGLMM: revised to incorporate new developments in Nakagawa et al (2017). Methods exist for merMod, glmmTMB, glmmADMB, glmmPQL, cpglmm, and lm classes. Changes in version 1.40.8 (2018-06-18) - Model description - simplified handling of the model's family description in the model selection tables, so it does not require `family()$family` string being an existing function name. The drawback is that now a default link function is not detected and its name always appears in the column (before e.g. "binomial(logit)" appeared as "binomial()"). Changes in version 1.40.7 (2018-06-14) - Addad a workaround to accommodate glmmTMB specific families (which do not have a matching function) (reported by a certain Gitu on Stackoverflow) Changes in version 1.40.6 (2018-05-16) - (fixed) makeArgs, getAllTerms: compatibility with glmmTMB - random terms in formulas other than cond have not been handled properly (discovered via Mollie Brooks on GitHub) Changes in version 1.40.5 (2018-05-14) - `.checkNAAction` now handles a case of 'na.action' formal argument being a call (e.g. `getOption(na.action)` in glmmTMB) (spotted by Ben Bolker) Changes in version 1.40.4 (2018-01-30) - Elaborated the Description field. Changes in version 1.40.3 (2018-01-29) - Removed superfluous method replacements for models from package "survival". `predict` functions for "gls" and "lme" are no longer registered as S3 methods in NAMESPACE. Changes in version 1.40.2 (2018-01-19) - (fixed) getAllTerms.glmmTMB: error with models including offset term (spotted by Kate Plummer) Changes in version 1.40.1 (2017-11-30) - (added) Support for "glmmTMB" models (incentive from Kaitlyn Zerr) Changes in version 1.40.0 (2017-09-30) - (fixed) long broken support for "unmarkedFit" models has been restored (because of the utterly inconsistent structure of these objects it is not guaranteed to work in all cases). - (fixed) R.squaredGLMM: error with very long RE formulas (reported by Siti Binte Faizal) Changes in version 1.16.7 (2017-08-10) - A few minor things fixed. Changes in version 1.16.6 (2017-07-11) - (fixed) print.summary.averaging: warning when fitting function name was a call rather than a symbol, e.g. lme4::lme (reported by Chen Lei). Changes in version 1.16.5 (2017-05-24) - (fixed) predict.gls updated to match current version in nlme (reported by a certain Asteraceae on Stackoverflow) Changes in version 1.16.4 (2016-11-21) - (fixed) makeArgs.mark: reverted to a working version (this bug was introduced in 1.15.2/rev. 373. Reported by Jay Rotella) Changes in version 1.16.3 (2016-09-14) - (fixed) dredge: recognizes when global model's data is a function in a smarter way Changes in version 1.16.2 (2016-09-01) - (fixed) plot.model.selection: problem in case with only one model in the table (reported by Ryan Rothman on Stackoverflow) - dredge: recognizes when global model's data is a function (which is not allowed as it may cause sub-models being fitted to different datasets) Changes in version 1.16.1 (2016-07-29) - New suite of functions to support model averaging. It is based on original code developed by Carsten Dormann, as an outcome of the model-averaging workshop held in Freiburg in 2015. - (added) cos2Weights, BGWeights, jackknifeWeights, stackingWeights: calculate various types of model weights. - (added) loo: RMSE/log-likelihood based on leave-one-out cross-validation - (added) armWeights: similar to `arm.glm` but produces model weights. - (fixed) model.avg/model.sel: problems with intercept only models (spotted by a certain Teresa on Stackoverflow) Changes in version 1.15.8 (2016-07-05) - (fixed) dredge: no longer produces an error in the rare case when dependency matrix was an empty matrix [0x0]. - (fixed) r.squaredGLMM: error with naming of variance components in 'lmer' models. (both problems reported by a certain Teresa on Stackoverflow) - (added) Weights: has an assignment version, so weights can be applied to an "averaging" object. - get.models: now can extract models also from an "averaging" object (only when it was created with model objects). Changes in version 1.15.7 (2016-01-21) - (fixed) dredge: number of variables is limited to 30 to avoid integer overflow (reported by Sarah Grogan). Changes in version 1.15.6 (2015-12-21) - (fixed) get.models, dredge, subset.model.selection: enclosure for the subset expression evaluation is now `parent.frame()` rather than `.GlobalEnv` as it was before (incentive from Philipp Maier). - (fixed) coeffs.survreg, coefTable.survreg: log(scale) added to coefficients, when it is estimated (suggested by Nicolas Rode). Changes in version 1.15.5 (2015-11-25) - (fixed) [p]dredge: error with model with offsets in formula when 'subset' expression was given (reported by Adam Cummings) - (fixed) [p]dredge: in some cases the generated combinations did not obey the subset matrix (reported by Ben Augustine) - (fixed) model.selection column assignment "[<-" was broken when (spotted by a certain abmiller8 on Stackoverflow) - model.avg: warns when averaged 'gam' models have smooths with different dimension for the same variable. Changes in version 1.15.4 (2015-10-16) - (fixed) rbind, merge methods for "model.selection": wrong order of names of columns and rows (spotted by Ben Augustine) Changes in version 1.15.3 (2015-09-06) - (fixed) Weights: bug that caused that NaN's were returned (reported by Carles Alcaraz) Changes in version 1.15.2 (2015-07-07) - (added) summary.coefTable: tries to calculate p-values for coefficients, nicer printing using printCoefmat Changes in version 1.15.1 (2015-07-02) - added imports from all the default packages added to NAMESPACE in order to satisfy CRAN's new stricter RCheck. Changes in version 1.15.0 (2015-07-01) - (added) arm.glm: implements model averaging with weights calculated via ARM ("adaptive regression by mixing") algorithm. - "averaging" object: the elements "coef.shrinkage" and "coefTable" are replaced by matrix named "coefficients". The "Pval-tables" are accessed via summary(averaging)'s elements "coefmat.full" and "coefmat.subset". Objects created with previous versions will be automatically converted if needed. - [p]dredge: argument 'm.lim' replaces 'm.min' and 'm.max' (which are still present, but deprecated). - "model.selection" object: changing or removing essential columns (i.e. everything except 'varying' and 'extra') converts the object to a plain "data.frame" and drops all additional attributes. - (added) rbind.model.selection: combine multiple "model.selection" objects. - (added) 'xtable' methods for "averaging" and "model.selection" objects. - (fixed) updateable: does not cause infinite recursion when the resulting wrapper has the same name as the wrapped function. - (fixed) exprApply: now can deal with function expressions and 'expression's longer than one. Changes in version 1.14.1 (2015-06-12) - (fixed) [p]dredge no longer gives coefficient values as NA with [g]lmer (reported by Aitor Cevidanes). - Some tidying-up of manual and data (response in 'Cement' and 'Beetle' moved to first column so that formula(data) is correct). Changes in version 1.14.0 (2015-06-03) - (added), std.coef: calculate partial std. deviation and standardize model coefficients. 'beta.weights' is now deprecated in favour of 'std.coef'. - dredge, model.avg, model.sel: argument 'beta' is modified to allow for standardizing with SD or partial SD. - coefTable, coeffs: method for class 'aodml' (package 'aod3') no longer return 'phi' coefficients. This is for consistency with results of 'vcov' and 'coef', as well as their counterparts for 'glimML' models. - Removed all methods for 'mer' objects (used in lme4 < 1.0.0) Changes in version 1.13.10 (2015-06-01) - (fixed) compatibility with lme4-1.1.8, '' now works properly with 'gamm' objects. Changes in version 1.13.9 (2015-05-28) - stdize: improved interpretation of the argument "scale". - new dataset "GPA" ("First-year college Grade Point Average" referred in Burnham & Anderson (2002)). Changes in version 1.13.8 (2015-05-22) - (added) QIC support for 'geem' models (request from Lee McDaniel). Changes in version 1.13.7 (2015-05-14) - coefTable: method for 'averaging' objects gains new arguments "full" and "". - (fixed) getAllTerms: now correctly names coefficients of 'unmarked::gdistsamp' models (reported by Nathan Hostetter) Changes in version 1.13.6 (2015-05-01) - (fixed) model.avg, model.sel: now better distinguish model objects from lists of objects. Changes in version 1.13.5 (2015-04-15) - (fixed) r.squaredGLMM: method for 'lme' class with a multilevel grouping structure (reported by Alex Gunderson) Changes in version 1.13.4 (2015-02-24) - coefTable.coxph: added workaround for the case when variance-covariance matrix is NA (as in results of 'intcox') (reported by Vanessa Boukili) Changes in version 1.13.3 (2015-02-19) - get.models+subset.model.selection: unified 'subset' expression interpretation - dredge: no longer exceeds memory limit with very complex models, and its efficiency has somewhat improved. With trace=2 a progress bar is displayed. - model.sel: has new attribute 'fit'. - "averaging" object now stores component models. - model.sel,subset,get.models: unified interpretation of the "subset" expression - (fixed) extracting random effects formula (affected 'r.squaredGLMM' for 'lmer', reported by Yevgen Matusevych) - (fixed) makeArgs (and hence 'dredge'): formulas with no intercept are now handled correctly in 'zeroinfl' models. Changes in version 1.13.2 (2015-01-08) - (fixed) makeArgs (and hence 'dredge'): gave error if no random effects was specified in 'glmmadmb' model (reported by Szymek Drobniak). Changes in version 1.13.1 (2015-01-06) - (fixed) getAllTerms: now properly handles single formula in 'hurdle' and 'zeroinfl' models (package 'pscl'). Changes in version 1.13.0 (2015-01-03) - (added) get.response: utility to extract response variable. Changes in version 1.12.4 (2014-12-26) - (added) stdizeFit: utility to modify model object or a call to modelling function to use standardized data. Changes in version 1.12.3 (2014-12-23) - (fixed) checkModels: workaround for the "dotted argument identity" issue (namely sometimes equal "..1"s are not identical). Changes in version 1.12.2 (2014-12-19) - (fixed) [Q]AICc: previously they ignored REML argument for some model classes. The code has been rewritten so that most of the core calculation is done by a common internal function. Changes in version 1.12.1 (2014-12-16) - minor corrections to the documentation Changes in version 1.12.0 (2014-12-16) - (added) exprApply: new function to manipulate expressions (with example of use with 'dredge' to manipulate terms inside formula). - dredge, subset.model.selection: curly braces can be used to indicate complex terms (e.g. {I(x)} or {s(x,k=2}) instead of backtick quotes. Spacing in these expressions is irrelevant (as both whitespace and backticks seem to be a problem for some users). Changes in version 1.11.3 (2014-12-10) - (added) stdize: new function for standardizing data - (fixed) smarter sorting of interaction terms in coefficient names - print.model.selection: rank function call is added to the output Changes in version 1.11.2 (2014-12-01) - (fixed) r.squaredGLMM: in "binomial" family models the residual variance is used for additive dispersion (thanks to Paul Johnson). There is still issue with 'lmer' with 'subset' argument, and observation-level random term has to be specified manually. - (fixed) some formula-decomposition related functions (that sometimes caused problems with 'r.squaredGLMM' for 'lmer', reported by Yevgen Matusevych) - dredge: warns about potentially misspecified arguments - (added) predict method for 'gamm' class Changes in version 1.11.1 (2014-11-19) - dredge: more efficient checking for marginality in model terms (~10x faster in case of 4-way interaction). The argument 'marg.ex' is removed (exceptions to marginality rule are inferred from the global model). - getAllTerms: result has a new attribute 'deps' with a "term dependency matrix". - nested: new function listing nested models (suggested by Giacomo Assandri). - updateable: added new argument 'eval.args' Changes in version 1.10.8 (2014-11-14) - dredge, subset.model.selection: improved interpretation of 'subset' expressions. "Term(x)" notation can be used instead of backtick quotes for complex term names. Changes in version 1.10.7 (2014-09-24) - (fixed) coef.multinom: gave a wrong order of coefficients for multiple level responses (thanks to Alistair Senior who spotted this) Changes in version 1.10.6 (2014-08-17) - (added) methods for 'maxlike' (from package with the same name) - lazy loading of datasets - plot.model.selection: improved and documented Changes in version 1.10.5 (2014-08-08) - get.models: can now use parallel computation if a valid 'cluster' is provided. It takes over the functionality of 'pget.models', which is now deprecated. Also, the argument 'subset' must be now explicitely provided (so all models are no longer fitted by default). Changes in version 1.10.4 (2014-08-02) - (fixed) importance, model.avg: wrong order of 'N containing models' attribute (bug reported by Alba Estrada) - r.squaredGLMM: should be considerably faster and memory efficient due to improved calculation of random effects variance (slow performance with large datasets reported by Daniel Ezra Johnson). Changes in version 1.10.3 (2014-06-27) - (fixed) dredge: no longer drops random term in 'glmmadmb' models (spotted by Carlos Le¢n) Changes in version 1.10.2 - mystery update Changes in version 1.10.1 (2014-05-19) - dredge: more meaningful warning message about misspecified 'fixed' argument - pdredge: synchronized code with 'dredge' - documentation: improved formatting Changes in version 1.10.0 (2014-05-02) - r.squaredGLMM: throws an error if contrasts that have been used for random factors in the "merMod" model do not match the ones in model matrix. This happens if there are factors in random slope formula and user has changed relevant 'options(contrasts)' since the model was fitted. - dredge: 'na.action' checking now allows "option(na.action)" to be a function and not only character string. Changes in version 1.9.26 (2014-03-16) - (fixed) dredge: when columns/rows in a subset matrix were in different order than model terms, the values became wrongly rearranged (spotted by a certain Frank on Stackoverflow). Changes in version 1.9.25 (2014-03-13) - (added) methods for 'cpglm' and 'cpglmm' (from package 'cplm') (suggested by Andrew Cooper) Changes in version 1.9.24 (2014-02-26) - (fixed) 'getAllTerms.unmarkedFit' gave error when 'alpha' was estimated in pcount model (reported by Lindsey Garner) Changes in version 1.9.23 (2014-02-24) - (added) methods 'model.matrix' and 'model.frame' for 'lme', because the default ones give wrong results when there is 'subset' or 'contrasts' set, or 'na.omit'ting. Changes in version 1.9.22 (2014-02-20) - r.squaredGLMM: can be now applied to models with random slopes (based on idea and R code by Paul Johnson). Added calculation of conditional R^2 for Poisson family models. Changes in version 1.9.21 (2014-02-17) - logLik.asreml: number of estimated parameters ('df') is now calculated as the number of fixed effect coefficients + number of variance parameters (non-fixed and non-constained). This gives comparable numbers to similar lmer models. In 'Asreml-R manual', however, only the number of variance components is used as K for AIC calculation (page 15). The log-likelihood values of asreml are far different from those from lmer(REML = TRUE), even though coefficients are very close. Note also that REstricted-likelihood is returned, so model comparisions based on it are invalid. - r.squaredGLMM: checks if it is applied to a random intercepts model, otherwise error is given. This is a limitation of the original formula by Nakagawa and Schiezlich. Changes in version 1.9.20 (2014-02-12) - (added) methods for 'phylolm' (suggestion by Rafael Maia) Changes in version 1.9.19 (2013-12-21) - (added) 'merge.model.selection' combines two 'model.selection' tables. Note that this is different than 'merge' for 'data.frame's (requested by Rafael Maia) Changes in version 1.9.18 (2013-12-18) - (added) methods for 'asreml' model (in commercial package 'asreml'). Note this has not been tested extensively (thanks to Emeline Mourocq for an incentive and testing) Changes in version 1.9.17 (2013-12-14) - full-averaged coefficients and standard errors are now calculated by 'model.avg' and relevant methods (argument full = TRUE) (suggested by Candan Soykan) - importance: result gives now also number of models containg each variable. Changes in version 1.9.16 (2013-11-24) - model.sel: now accepts arguments 'extra' and 'beta', like 'dredge' (requested by D. Duro on R-Forge). Changes in version 1.9.15 (2013-11-17) - [p]dredge: improved checking for whether the global model removes missing data (na.action = "na.omit" or "na.exclude"). Note that code working with previous versions may give you an error now, setting options(na.action = "") prevents it. Changes in version 1.9.14 (2013-11-03) - (added) support for 'betareg' (from package 'betareg') (suggested by Marie-Line Gentes) - (added) support for 'aodml' and 'aodql' (from package 'aods3') (suggested by Renaud Lancelot) [p]dredge: fixed a bug that occurred when there was 'na.action=na.omit' in global model (spotted by Laura Busia on R-help). Changes in version 1.9.13 (2013-10-28) - (fixed) handling response variables with more than two levels in 'nnet::multinom' models (reported by Ludo Duvaux on Stackoverflow) Changes in version 1.9.12 (2013-10-21) - further adjustments to deal with unavailability of 'lme4' on CRAN Changes in version 1.9.11 (2013-09-30) - Documentation: examples that depend on suggested packages have been made conditional on availability of the package - getCall method for 'model.selection' can retrieve a component model call if index is given as a second argument. Changes in version 1.9.10 (2013-08-27) - pdredge: removed global assignments (within cluster nodes). Changes in version 1.9.9 (2013-05-21) - (fixed) beta.weights: bug with dimensions dropped (spotted by Dennis Duro, thanks to Ben Bolker for tracking it down) Changes in version 1.9.8 (2013-05-02) - (fixed) handling bar in formulas for 'hurdle' class of models (reported by Jean-Yves Barnagaud) Changes in version 1.9.7 (2013-04-19) - dredge: 'subset' expression now recognizes ".(x)" notation to indicate a variable rather than a model term. Error message from within a 'rank' function gives now a more meaningfull call (apparently it is a common mistake to have some misspelled arguments that get passed to 'rank' function through '...'). Changes in version 1.9.6 (2013-04-12) - model.sel: better model naming in the result table - (fixed) logLik.coxme: 'nobs' attribute now uses a correct number of observations (model$n[2]). "penalized" log-lik. is the default type now (Note that "logLik.coxme"'s argument "type" is undocumented). Changes in version 1.9.5 (2013-04-04) - (fixed) AICc: now takes number of observations from "nall" (if it is available) attribute of the 'logLik' object. If not present, "nobs" attribute is used. - r.squaredGLMM: current implementation does not calculate the marginal variant correctly for Poisson family models, so until it is resolved 'NA' is returned, with a warning. Changes in version 1.9.4 (2013-04-01) - (fixed) pdredge: bug with wrong number of updated rows. - Replaced all calls to the soon-to-be deprecated ".find.package" with "find.package". Changes in version 1.9.3 (2013-02-21) - (fixed) method registration for 'getAllTerms.gam' was missing (reported by Steven Delean). Changes in version 1.9.2 (2013-02-01) - updateable: new function to create a wrapper for functions returning non-updateable objects (adds a 'call' element to the function's result). - (renamed) removed 'gamm' wrapper, which is now replaced by 'uGamm'. - (added) 'predict' method replacement for 'gls' models (adds '' argument). - model.avg: no longer returns residuals (this is because residuals for models other than 'lm' can be calculated in several different ways - with different results). Changes in version 1.9.1 (2013-01-24) - (fixed) bugs with 'MCMCglmm' models and 'varying' lists in 'dredge'. Changes in version 1.9.0 (2013-01-23) - This version brings in more elaborated subsetting of models in 'dredge' and 'model.selection' object, and a new variant of pseudo-R^2. - [p]dredge: 'subset' can use 'varying' variables (as "V(varying.variable)") and number of model terms (as `*nvar*`). This allows for better fine-tuning of the selection table. 'fixed' argument can be set to TRUE to fix all terms of 'global.model'. [p]dredge, subset.model.selection: 'subset' expressions can now make use of a new function 'dc' ("dependency chain") to make inclusion of variables conditional on other variables. - r.squaredGLMM: new function to calculate R^2 statistic for mixed effect models, described by Nakagawa & Schiezlich (2012). - (added) support for 'splm' (from package 'splm'), and 'logistf' models (from package 'logistf'). - Cp: now accepts more than one model (like 'AIC'). - New demos "dredge.varying", "dredge.subset" and "gees". Changes in version 1.8.2 (2012-12-07) - (added) support for models of class 'mark' (from package 'RMark'). 'dredge' can currently only manipulate 'formula' element of argument 'model.parameters'. - simplify.formula, expand.formula: new functions to convert formula between expanded and shorthand notation (i.e. between 'a+b+a:b' and 'a*b'). - model.names: has new argument "use.letters". Changes in version 1.8.1 (2012-11-23) - (added) methods for class 'merMod' to accommodate recent changes in lme4_0.99999911-0. - getAllTerms: now recognizes random effects in 'MCMCglmm'. Changes in version 1.8.0 (2012-11-21) - This version introduces support for GEE models ('gee','geeglm' and 'yags') ranked by QIC (note that 'yags' seems to be still quite buggy). Also 'clmm' and 'clm' from package 'ordinal' are now handled properly. - QIC, quasiLik: new functions for use with GEE models. - [p]dredge: argument 'subset' can be now a logical matrix representing allowed parameter combinations. Some improvements for speed have been made. - [p]dredge, model.avg: new argument 'ct.args' for passing extra arguments to 'coefTable'. Changes in version 1.7.12 (2012-11-11) - tests/classes.R: fixed compatibility spdep-0.5.53. (spdep::spautolm now uses method = "eigen", was "full") Changes in version 1.7.11 (2012-07-13) - coefTable.multinom: fixed an error when coefficients and standard errors were matrices. - get.models: now checks for the object class of the passed arguments. Changes in version 1.7.10 (2012-06-07) - (fixed) dredge: bug with an error message when number of predictor exceeded maximum (thanks to Corina Logan for spotting this). - manual: added 'glmmADMB' to the list of supported classes (reported by Rocio Jana). - 'coxme' moved from 'Suggested' to 'Enhances' (to avoid build error when the dependency is missing). Changes in version 1.7.9 (2012-04-03) - (added) 'predict' methods for 'lme' and 'lmer' (both can calculate ''). 'predict.lme' is a wrapper for its namesake from 'nlme' package (it is not exported, so it's visibility depends on the order the packages were loaded - but is always visible from MuMIn namespace). Changes in version 1.7.8 (2012-04-01) - (fixed) 'coef.model.selection' returns now proper coefficients Changes in version 1.7.7 (2012-04-01) - (fixed) dependencies in tests Changes in version 1.7.6 (2012-04-01) - dredge: with nested formula designs, 'marg.ex' is now found automatically - predict.averaging: is now more flexible in how the predictions from generalized models are calculated (new attribute "backtransform"). Changes in version 1.7.5 (2012-03-27) - (added) methods for 'MCMCglmm' class, and function 'DIC': works with 'model.sel' and 'dredge' (but not 'model.avg'). 'unmarked' is removed from 'Suggested' packages (recently it is often unavailable on CRAN and causes errors during R CHECK). Added workarounds to pass (or trick) the R CHECK. Changes in version 1.7.3 (2012-02-01) - (added) methods for 'glimML' class from package 'aod' Changes in version 1.7.2 (2012-01-30) - (fixed) 'nobs.coxme' returned the number of events was returned rather than the number of observations. - (fixed) 'coefTable' gave an error for 'coxph' null model. - (fixed) 'r.squaredLR' was evaluating the null model for 'lme' in a wrong environment. - (fixed) 'getAllTerms' method for 'zeroinfl' was not registered. - dredge: checks each generated model for the correct number of observations. Changes in version 1.7.1 (2012-01-26) - (added) methods for 'hurdle' and 'zeroinfl' classes (package 'pscf'). - coef, coefTable: new methods to extract coefficients from model selection tables. - Documentation: list of supported models put into a separate page. Changes in version 1.7.0 (2012-01-25) - This version adds possibility to model average and re-rank (with another IC) a model selection table without recreating the fitted models. Models from package 'coxme' are now supported. Model selection tables include now extra columns showing differences in attributes of the modelling function call. - model.avg: use 'model.selection' without refitting the models. Fixed a problem with averaging different types of models together (happened when 'df's were available only for some of component models). - dredge: coefficient tables added to the result (attribute "coefTables"). The code has been simplified. - print.model.selection: now reports random terms also for objects generated by 'model.sel'. - get.models: can handle 'model.selection' objects from 'model.sel' - model.sel: re-ranking 'model.selection' without recreating original models (works only if the IC can be applied to logLik). Output has additional columns showing differences between models (based on call's arguments) - (added) generic methods for 'coxme' and 'lmekin' classes (package 'coxme'). Changes in version 1.6.6 (2012-01-07) - model.avg: fixed error occurring when non-estimable coefficients existed in the component models (problem reported by Annabel Smith) Changes in version 1.6.5 (2011-11-28) - pdredge example changed to use SOCK cluster type (portability issue). Changes in version 1.6.4 (2011-11-26) - coefTable: replaces 'tTable' (which still exists, but is deprecated), it accepts an argument 'dispersion'. The dispersion parameter can be also passed from 'model.avg'. - pdredge: collects all the warnings and errors which occur during fitting, and stores them. They are printed below the table. The function does more thorough checking of the cluster nodes' environment, for possible missing variables and functions. - get.models: "subset" argument can be now a character vector giving model names. - (added) demos for model selection with models from 'unmarked' package using 'dredge' and 'pdredge'. Changes in version 1.6.3 (2011-11-15) - pget.models: new function, parallel version of 'get.models'. - (p)get.models: important change of the default behaviour: without the 'subset' argument, ALL models are returned. Also the '...' arguments were not used to update the returned models - this is corrected now. Changes in version 1.6.2 (2011-11-13) - pdredge: new function, a parallel version of dredge (experimental). Changes in version 1.6.1 (2011-11-11) - dredge: added generic support for all 'unmarked' models, and fixed some bugs with it. - model.names: new function (previously was internal only) - CAICF: adds to the collection of rarely used information criteria. Changes in version 1.6.0 (2011-11-07) - dredge: most important change (although invisible to the user) is in the way the model objects are updated. The new function 'makeArgs' is used to generate the updated call. This results in a very flexible interface to the modelling functions. The default method updates the 'formula' argument, other methods can be used to deal with more problematic calls (the models from package 'unmarked' were a challenge). Apart from the model classes previously supported by 'dredge', support for 'unmarkedFitOccu', 'unmarkedFitColExt' and several other 'unmarkedFit' objects has been added. - dredge: has new argument 'extra' to add additional statistics into the model selection table. - r.squared: new function to calculate likelihood-ratio based pseudo-R-squared - subset method for 'model.selection': accepts a shorthand notation "has(x)" to select rows where a variable is present. - (added) support for 'survreg' and 'rq' models (packages 'survival' and 'quantreg') Changes in version 1.5.2 (2011-10-21) - dredge: fixed a bug with wrong ordering of column names in the returned data.frame (thanks to Staffan Roos for reporting this). Changes in version 1.5.1 (2011-10-20) - compatibility with R prior to 2.13.0: added workarounds for missing generic function 'nobs'. Changes in version 1.5.0 (2011-10-18) - model.avg: removed the argument "method", the standard errors and confidence intervals are calculated only for coefficients averaged within a subset of models where they are present (method = "NA"). The "full" coefficients are also returned, but without std. errors. - plot.model.selection: new function to visualize the model selection table - manuals expanded, examples revised - getAllTerms: should work for most of the classes derived from 'unmarkedFit' - a load of small improvements, polishings and fixes, generally invisible to the user. Changes in version 1.4.4 (2011-10-16) - QAIC: no longer uses model deviance, as it gave biased values. - ICOMP, Cp: new information criteria - model.avg: now performs a smarter check for duplicate models, fixed calculation of importance values - model.sel: new alias to 'mod.sel' (eventually will replace 'mod.sel'). Changes in version 1.4.3 (2011-10-13) - Beetle: new data - beetle mortality, with examples from B&A's book - dredge: new arguments 'varying', 'm.min' and 'evaluate' - manuals modified and corrected - tests/gamm.R: tests for 'gamm'/'gamm4' support. Changes in version 1.4.2 (2011-10-11) - support for 'gamm' and 'gamm4' - gamm: added a wrapper for gamm, that allows for updating the object (hopefully needed only temporarily) Changes in version 1.4.1 (2011-10-10) - A few changes to vignette 'gamm' Changes in version 1.4.0 (2011-10-05) - importance: new function - mod.sel: added method for a 'model.selection' object Changes in version 1.3.10 (2011-09-23) - Reverted changes made in previous version (package dependencies) to pass R check. Changes in version 1.3.9 (2011-09-17) - removed *.lmer *.glmer methods, added dependency on lme4 >= 0.999375-16 - tTable.mer: minor change Changes in version 1.3.8 (2011-09-17) - Restored compatibility with R 2.12.2 - getAllTerms: new attribute 'intercept' Changes in version 1.3.7 (2011-09-16) - handling double intercept (phi(Int) and p(Int)) in 'unmarked' Changes in version 1.3.6 (2011-09-12) - changes in the documentation and vignette Changes in version 1.3.5 (2011-08-05) - mod.sel: new function - added methods for 'unmarkedFit' objects (package 'unmarked'), to provide (limited) support in 'model.avg' Changes in version 1.3.4 (2011-08-03) - Added vignette document on model selection with 'gamm' and 'gamm4' (thanks to Graham MacDonald for an incentive) Changes in version 1.3.3 (2011-08-01) - dredge: small improvements, no longer dependent on 'bitops' - Polished the documentation Changes in version 1.3.2 (2011-08-01) - nobs: updated methods Changes in version 1.3.1 (2011-07-31) - dredge: bugs fixed Changes in version 1.3.0 (2011-07-29) - model.avg: now may be used directly with 'model.selection' object - summary.averaging: gives now more information Changes in version 1.2.4 (2011-07-29) - fixed handling of spatial parameters (lambda, rho) in models from package 'spdep' - dredge: modified for better performance - dredge, get.models: can deal with glms with starting values provided ('start' argument) - QAIC: added a note in documentation stating that is uses deviance rather than logLik in the calculation Changes in version 1.2.3 (2011-04-07) - fixed some REML/ML issues, AICc rewritten (based on the new AIC code in stats) Changes in version 1.2.2 (2011-04-06) - nobs: corrected methods for mixed models, added documentation page Changes in version 1.2.1 (2011-04-05) - .GetLogLik - hidden helper function (returns the proper logLik to use) Changes in version 1.2.0 (2011-04-04) - AICc has new argument REML used with mixed models. Thanks to Benjamin Augustine for suggestion. Changes in version 1.1.2 (2011-03-19) - removed arguments 'alpha' and 'level' from model.avg. 'confint' is used instead to obtain CI. Changes in version 1.1.1 (2011-03-18) - the printed output of 'averaging' has been made consistent with that of lm and glm: 'print' gives concise information and 'summary' gives more details. - confint.averaging: new function. - print.summary.averaging: new function. Changes in version 1.1.0 (2011-03-10) - added z-statistic, p-values (with significance stars) to model.avg output Changes in version 1.0.0 (2011-02-10) - get.models: fixed - arguments in ... were not passed to updated models - predict.averaging: predictions on response scale can be calculated (type=response) - new functions (not exported): nobs, coefDf - model.avg: now makes use of correct DF from component models in calculation of adjusted SE - par.avg: calculates ASE if df are provided, example(QAIC) now demonstrates predictions with confidence intervals Changes in version 0.14.2 (2011-02-05) - dredge: small changes, slightly faster - manual corrected Changes in version 0.14.1 (2011-02-04) - vcov.averaging, logLik.averaging: new methods, - revised formula for unconditional variance - manual reworked Changes in version 0.14.0 (2011-01-19) - TODO: model.avg: added npar to the selection table - predict.averaging: now can return averaged SE - par.avg: may use revised formula for calculating averaged SE Changes in version 0.13.21 (2011-01-16) - dredge: handling of update'd lmer models improved - QAICc: new function Changes in version 0.13.20 (2011-01-16) - Namespace exports updated (coxph methods) - dredge: uses now QAIC for glms with 'quasi*' family, and if no rank is specified Changes in version 0.13.19 (2011-01-15) - model.avg: fixed wrong ordering of model names (thanks to Dennis Jonason for noticing this) Changes in version 0.13.18 (2010-10-16) - Support for coxph (package survival) Changes in version 0.13.17 (2010-09-13) - model.avg: fixed a bug with models with binary response; - dredge: added checking for na.omit'ting in the global model. - new tests: varia.R Changes in version 0.13.16 (2010-09-07) - dredge, model.avg: broken support for several types of models was fixed Changes in version 0.13.15 (2010-09-06) - support for 'MASS::multinom' Changes in version 0.13.14 (2010-09-03) - print.model.selection: empty columns are not printed now Changes in version 0.13.13 (2010-09-02) - dredge: handling of models with no intercept, added "call" attribute - update.model.selection: new function Changes in version 0.13.12 (2010-08-29) - dredge, getAllTerms, dredge.Rd: small modifications Changes in version 0.13.11 (2010-08-28) - getAllTerms: improved handling of interactions, random terms (lmer) and "offset()" - formulaAllowed: now allows for exceptions in margins presence checking (new argument: "except") - dredge: now tries to call fitting function directly rather than through update (more effective in case when model not passed as a variable). New arguments: "trace", and "marg.ex" - marginality checking exceptions. Changes in version 0.13.10 (2010-08-26) - getAllTerms: fixed a bug with with wrong ordering of interaction terms (resulted with a:b or b:a depending on the set of terms). Improved handling of random terms in lme. Changes in version 0.13.9 (2010-08-24) - dredge: fixed bugs introduced in the previous version Changes in version 0.13.8 (2010-08-03) - QAIC: examples expanded Changes in version 0.13.7 (2010-08-02) - dredge: prints errors generated by models as warnings (previously these were skipped silently) Changes in version 0.13.6 (2010-08-01) - print.model.selection: improved column abbreviation. Changes in version 0.13.5 (2010-07-31) - dredge: fixed a bug causing interaction coefficients to be stripped from model.selection table, new function 'fixCoefNames' (not exported) handles proper ordering of interaction components in coefficient names. Changes in version 0.13.4 (2010-07-21) - 'beta.weights' now uses 'tTable' (support for more model types), 'dredge' with beta=TRUE tries out if it can get beta.weights working. - Manual: added gls and rlm to the list of supported models Changes in version 0.13.3 (2010-07-15) - Bug fixed in print.averaging Changes in version 0.13.2 (2010-07-14) - Attributes for custom rank function in "dredge" and "model.avg" are now evaluated model-wise, if provided as expressions. Changes in version 0.13.0-1 (2010-07-12) - Fixed compatibility issues with models of class "lme" and "sarlm". - "model.avg" does now some checking whether all models were fitted to the same data and have the same response. Changes in version 0.12.13 (2010-07-09) - 'recalc.weights' argument added to "subset.model.selection". - Small bug fixed in dredge. Changes in version 0.12.12 (2010-07-08) - New in "dredge": Subsetting models a priori according to a formula Changes in version 0.12.11 (2010-07-07) - Subset/extract methods for 'model.selection' object Changes in version 0.12.10 (2010-07-05) - Fixed "predict.averaging" for missing 'newdata' handling; Table returned by "dredge" now has factors for terms with more than one level (they were previously shown as '1') Changes in version 0.12.9 (2010-07-03) - Finally fixed problems with variable exporting and hidden methods Changes in version 0.12.7-8 (2010-07-02) - Small changes in namespace and documentation Changes in version 0.12.6 (2010-06-26) - Tidying up the code, small changes. Changes in version 0.12.4 (2010-06-21) - added: "predict.averaging" and "coef.averaging", 'averaging' object contains - additional elements, so that several default methods work with it. Changes in version 0.12.2 (2009-06-14) - fixed: 'alpha' in "model.avg" was not passed to "par.avg" Changes in version 0.12.1 (2009-04-20) - fixed: method="NA" in model.avg, par.avg now accepts NA's in 'weight' Changes in version 0.12.0 (2009-03-24) - Change in version number only. Had to make this jump in numbering, as there was a typo in DESCRIPTION file of an early version, (0.11.2 instead of 0.1.0), and since then R-forge mechanism seemed to ignore actual newer versions, as they had lower number. Changes in version 0.1.1 (2009-03-22) - Modified: dredge: added "fixed" and "m.max" arguments. Changes in version 0.1.1 (2009-03-17) - Fixed: par.avg: Variance estimate corrected (previous estimate was square root of variance). Thanks to Mick Wu. - Fixed: dredge: Apparently "expand.grid" cannot handle too many combinations, so now dredge stops with a more explanatory message Changes in version 0.1.0 - dRedging (0.11.2) moved to R-Forge. - Since model averaging is now the main focus of the package, the name changed to MuMIn (from MUlti Model INference).