NEWS ++ develop ++ ++ miscset v 1.1.0 ++ 2017/02/24 changed mgrepl to default and added na.replace option fixed for sep=NULL and list objects in collapsed columns do.rbind deprecated, suggested data.table::rbindlist strextr deprecated, suggested stringr::str_extract and stringr::str_extract_all strpart deprecated and replaced with str_part strrev deprecated and replaced with str_rev added src/init.c to fix R-devel r72246 note on R_registerRoutines/R_useDynamicSymbols ++ miscset v 1.0.1 ++ 2016/07/19 function added: collapse (collapse vectors, frames and lists) function added: info (advanced session info) vignette enhanced (fixes, TOC) created Makefile ++ miscset v 1.0.0 ++ 2016/01/26 updated description fixed check errors released to CRAN ++ miscset v 0.9.0 ++ 2016/01/14 package NAMESPACE: function added: confint.numeric (calculate confidence intervals) function added: ciplot (barplot with error bars) dropped gapply (recommendation: use plyr package) dropped m[g]sub (because of pattern-re-replacements) other: vignette as RMarkdown/HTML updated travis.yml implemented build script (using devtools) CRAN pre-release ++ miscset v 0.6 ++ 2015/05/09 improved package vignette added some fixes base for new development git-branching ++ miscset v 0.5.2 ++ 2015/02/ function added: factorNA function added: nunique function added: uniquei function added: do.rbind function added: duplicated function added: duplicatei function added: print.gapply function added: improved package description bugfix textable: caption movement working bugfix scaler: correct error message ++ miscset v 0.5.1 ++ 2015/01/21 more verbose description of package added as suggested by CRAN/Uwe Ligges function improved: textable, with caption before table (optional) function added: p2star vignette: added new function and improved layout ++ miscset v 0.5 ++ 2014/12/19 function added: help.index function added: scaler function added: plotn function added: ggplotGrid (will replace ggplotlist in future releases) with additional eps support function improved: mgrepl now optionally returns integer index instead of logical vector function improved: textable now can call system for pdf generation and optionally includes tex file header vignette: added new functions bugfix: suggesting and importing from ggplot2 for vignette/ggplotGrid ++ miscset v 0.4 ++ 2014/09/03 function added: ggplotlist function added: lload vignette added: ggplotlist and lload vignette improved: merged chapters file dropped: INDEX ++ miscset v 0.3.1 ++ 2014/07/11 vignette bugfix vignette added: ++ miscset v 0.3 ++ 2014/07/11 function added: ++ miscset v 0.2.2 ++ 2014/07/11 file added: INDEX function fixed: gapply dropped dimensions vignette added: install via github ++ miscset v 0.2.1 ++ 2014/06/12 function fixed: lsall error for objects with multiple class inheritance ++ miscset v 0.2 ++ 2014/06/12 function added: gapply apply by grid on a data.frame function added: textable creates a complete tex article including an xtable function removed: sortable has missing bugfix function improved: enpaire now completes missing dimnames function improved: leading0 shorter runtime thanks to Douglas Bates vignette added: gapply, textable vignette removed: sortable ++ miscset v 0.1 ++ 2014/05/15 first release