sinaplot NEWS Changes in version 1.1.0 (2017-04-10) - Major fucntional update. Sinaplot now works with data frames, lists, numeric vectors and formulas, similar to boxplot and beeswarm. - Method "density" (default) no longer bins the y-axis on based on the supplied "bins" parameter. Instead the inferred bins from function "density()" are used. - A random seed is added as an optional argument and can be used to control the random sample jittering and allow for plot reproducibility. - NA's are automatically removed. A warning is thrown if NA values are present in the data informing about the number of cases removed. - "labels" parameter controls the x-axis labels. Label rotation is removed. It is up to the user to control the label appearance. - sinaplot returns an invisible object regardless of "plot" parameter. "bin_count" column is removed from the output. - "color" is renamed to "col" to maintain consistency with 'graphics' functions. - "col" and "pch" can be used and recycled if necessary to control the color and the shape of the points respectively. - sinaplot can be added on top of other plots (i.e. boxplot) by using the 'add' parameter. ================================================================================ Changes in version 1.0.0 (2016-10-11) - Major graphic update. SinaPlot now uses "base" graphics instead of ggplot2. geom_sina() is now part of ggforce (, an extention of ggplot2, and can be used to produce sinaplots with ggplot2. - Major functional update. Several parameters have been added, renamed, replaced or removed. Read below for details. Added: - "maxwidth" confines the spread of the samples along the x-axis. 0 is equivalent to no spread, 1 allows for maximum spread. - Any argument can be passed to plot(), e.g. "cex" = 0.8, "pch" = 20, etc. Renamed: - Method "neighbourhood" is renamed to "counts". - "neighbLimit" is renamed to "bin_limit". - "groupwiseScale" is renamed to "scale". Replaced: - "yFraction" is replaced with "bins". Instead of specifying the fraction of the data range for each bin, now you provide the number of bins. Removed: - "xSpread". - "labels" . - "main", "bw", "shape" and "size". - If "plot == FALSE" the function returns a data frame with columns: x: discrete x-coordinates, split by group y: input values group: input groups bin_count: number of samples per bin per group scaled: final x-coordinates, adjusted by the sinaplot method ================================================================================ Changes in version 0.1.6 (2016-07-08) - Fixed a bug where having samples values overlapping the outermost y-bin boundaries produced an error (thanks to John Hoch). Changes in version 0.1.5 (2016-05-14) - Fixed a bug that was plotting the first and last classes beyond the figure margins. Changes in version 0.1.4 (2016-04-19) - Fixed a bug where the data were reordered after calculating the new x-axis coordinates. This was creating problems when a user wanted to plot the samples with custom colors using sinaplot() + geom_point(col = mycol). Changes in version 0.1.3 (2015-11-20) - "groups" are treated as factors and they are plotted in the order that their levels appear (alphabetically by default) providing a similar output format with default ggplot2 plots. Changes in version 0.1.2 (2015-10-02) - NEWS file added. - Changes in vignette compiling. knitr is added as the vignette builder in the DESCRIPTION FILE. - Author details edited. - Removed redundant "inst/temp.R" file.