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Due to its light weight structure, high performance and usable features together with its seamless integration with the Hadoop and Spark ecology, IoTDB meets the requirements of massive dataset storage, high throughput data input, and complex data analysis in the industrial IoT field. # Main Features Main features of IoTDB are as follows: 1. Flexible deployment strategy. IoTDB provides users a one-click installation tool on either the cloud platform or the terminal devices, and a data synchronization tool bridging the data on cloud platform and terminals. 2. Low cost on hardware. IoTDB can reach a high compression ratio of disk storage. 3. Efficient directory structure. IoTDB supports efficient organization for complex time series data structure from intelligent networking devices, organization for time series data from devices of the same type, fuzzy searching strategy for massive and complex directory of time series data. 4. High-throughput read and write. IoTDB supports millions of low-power devices' strong connection data access, high-speed data read and write for intelligent networking devices and mixed devices mentioned above. 5. Rich query semantics. IoTDB supports time alignment for time series data across devices and measurements, computation in time series field (frequency domain transformation) and rich aggregation function support in time dimension. 6. Easy to get started. IoTDB supports SQL-Like language, JDBC standard API and import/export tools which is easy to use. 7. Seamless integration with state-of-the-practice Open Source Ecosystem. IoTDB supports analysis ecosystems such as, Hadoop, Spark, and visualization tool, such as, Grafana. For the latest information about IoTDB, please visit [IoTDB official website](https://iotdb.apache.org/). If you encounter any problems or identify any bugs while using IoTDB, please report an issue in [jira](https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/IOTDB/issues). ## Outline - [IoTDB](#iotdb) - [Overview](#overview) - [Main Features](#main-features) - [Outline](#outline) - [Quick Start](#quick-start) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Installation](#installation) - [Build from source](#build-from-source) - [Configurations](#configurations) - [Start](#start) - [Start IoTDB](#start-iotdb) - [Use IoTDB](#use-iotdb) - [Use Cli](#use-cli) - [Basic commands for IoTDB](#basic-commands-for-iotdb) - [Stop IoTDB](#stop-iotdb) - [Only build server](#only-build-server) - [Only build cli](#only-build-cli) - [Usage of CSV Import and Export Tool](#usage-of-csv-import-and-export-tool) # Quick Start This short guide will walk you through the basic process of using IoTDB. For a more detailed introduction, please visit our website's [User Guide](https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/Master/QuickStart/QuickStart.html). ## Prerequisites To use IoTDB, you need to have: 1. Java >= 1.8 (1.8, 11 to 17 are verified. Please make sure the environment path has been set accordingly). 2. Maven >= 3.6 (If you want to compile and install IoTDB from source code). 3. Set the max open files num as 65535 to avoid "too many open files" error. 4. (Optional) Set the somaxconn as 65535 to avoid "connection reset" error when the system is under high load. ``` # Linux > sudo sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=65535 # FreeBSD or Darwin > sudo sysctl -w kern.ipc.somaxconn=65535 ``` ## Installation IoTDB provides three installation methods, you can refer to the following suggestions, choose the one fits you best: * Installation from source code. If you need to modify the code yourself, you can use this method. * Installation from binary files. Download the binary files from the official website. This is the recommended method, in which you will get a binary released package which is out-of-the-box. * Using Docker:The path to the dockerfile is https://github.com/apache/iotdb/tree/master/docker/src/main Here in the Quick Start, we give a brief introduction of using source code to install IoTDB. For further information, please refer to [User Guide](https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/Master/QuickStart/QuickStart.html). ## Build from source ### Prepare Thrift compiler Skip this chapter if you are using Windows. As we use Thrift for our RPC module (communication and protocol definition), we involve Thrift during the compilation, so Thrift compiler 0.13.0 (or higher) is required to generate Thrift Java code. Thrift officially provides binary compiler for Windows, but unfortunately, they do not provide that for Unix OSs. If you have permission to install new softwares, use `apt install` or `yum install` or `brew install` to install the Thrift compiler (If you already have installed the thrift compiler, skip this step). Then, you may add the following parameter when running Maven: `-Dthrift.download-url=http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt -Dthrift.exec.absolute.path=`. If not, then you have to compile the thrift compiler, and it requires you install a boost library first. Therefore, we compiled a Unix compiler ourselves and put it onto GitHub, and with the help of a maven plugin, it will be downloaded automatically during compilation. This compiler works fine with gcc8 or later, Ubuntu MacOS, and CentOS, but previous versions and other OSs are not guaranteed. If you can not download the thrift compiler automatically because of network problem, you can download it yourself, and then either: rename your thrift file to `{project_root}\thrift\target\tools\thrift_0.12.0_0.13.0_linux.exe`; or, add Maven commands: `-Dthrift.download-url=http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt -Dthrift.exec.absolute.path=`. ### Compile IoTDB You can download the source code from: ``` git clone https://github.com/apache/iotdb.git ``` The default dev branch is the master branch, If you want to use a released version x.x.x: ``` git checkout release/x.x.x ``` From v0.11.3 on, the tag name format is change to: vx.x.x: ``` git checkout vx.x.x ``` Under the root path of iotdb: ``` > mvn clean package -DskipTests ``` Using `-P compile-cpp` for compiling cpp client (For more details, read client-cpp's Readme file.) Then the binary version (including both server and cli) can be found at **distribution/target/apache-iotdb-{project.version}-all-bin.zip** **NOTE: Directories "`thrift/target/generated-sources/thrift`", "`thrift-sync/target/generated-sources/thrift`", "`thrift-cluster/target/generated-sources/thrift`" and "`antlr/target/generated-sources/antlr4`" need to be added to sources roots to avoid compilation errors in the IDE.** **In IDEA, you just need to right click on the root project name and choose "`Maven->Reload Project`" after you run `mvn package` successfully.** ### Configurations configuration files are under "conf" folder * environment config module (`iotdb-env.bat`, `iotdb-env.sh`), * system config module (`iotdb-engine.properties`) * log config module (`logback.xml`). For more information, please see [Config Manual](https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/Master/Reference/Config-Manual.html). ## Start You can go through the following steps to test the installation, if there is no error returned after execution, the installation is completed. ### Start IoTDB Users can start IoTDB by the start-server script under the sbin folder. ``` # Unix/OS X > nohup sbin/start-server.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 & or > nohup sbin/start-server.sh -c >/dev/null 2>&1 & # Windows > sbin\start-server.bat -c ``` - "-c" is optional. - option "-c" specifies the system configuration file directory. ### Use IoTDB #### Use Cli IoTDB offers different ways to interact with server, here we introduce the basic steps of using Cli tool to insert and query data. After installing IoTDB, there is a default user 'root', its default password is also 'root'. Users can use this default user to login Cli to use IoTDB. The startup script of Cli is the start-cli script in the folder sbin. When executing the script, user should assign IP, PORT, USER_NAME and PASSWORD. The default parameters are "-h -p 6667 -u root -pw -root". Here is the command for starting the Cli: ``` # Unix/OS X > sbin/start-cli.sh -h -p 6667 -u root -pw root # Windows > sbin\start-cli.bat -h -p 6667 -u root -pw root ``` The command line cli is interactive, so you should see the welcome logo and statements if everything is ready: ``` _____ _________ ______ ______ |_ _| | _ _ ||_ _ `.|_ _ \ | | .--.|_/ | | \_| | | `. \ | |_) | | | / .'`\ \ | | | | | | | __'. _| |_| \__. | _| |_ _| |_.' /_| |__) | |_____|'.__.' |_____| |______.'|_______/ version x.x.x IoTDB> login successfully IoTDB> ``` #### Basic commands for IoTDB Now, let us introduce the way of creating timeseries, inserting data and querying data. The data in IoTDB is organized as timeseries. Each timeseries includes multiple data-time pairs, and is owned by a storage group. Before defining a timeseries, we should define a storage group using SET STORAGE GROUP first, and here is an example: ``` IoTDB> SET STORAGE GROUP TO root.ln ``` We can also use SHOW STORAGE GROUP to check the storage group being created: ``` IoTDB> SHOW STORAGE GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.ln| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 ``` After the storage group is set, we can use CREATE TIMESERIES to create a new timeseries. When creating a timeseries, we should define its data type and the encoding scheme. Here We create two timeseries: ``` IoTDB> CREATE TIMESERIES root.ln.wf01.wt01.status WITH DATATYPE=BOOLEAN, ENCODING=PLAIN IoTDB> CREATE TIMESERIES root.ln.wf01.wt01.temperature WITH DATATYPE=FLOAT, ENCODING=RLE ``` In order to query the specific timeseries, we can use SHOW TIMESERIES . represent the location of the timeseries. The default value is "null", which queries all the timeseries in the system(the same as using "SHOW TIMESERIES root"). Here are some examples: 1. Querying all timeseries in the system: ``` IoTDB> SHOW TIMESERIES +-----------------------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ | timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +-----------------------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |root.ln.wf01.wt01.temperature| null| root.ln| FLOAT| RLE| SNAPPY|null| null| | root.ln.wf01.wt01.status| null| root.ln| BOOLEAN| PLAIN| SNAPPY|null| null| +-----------------------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Total line number = 2 ``` 2. Querying a specific timeseries(root.ln.wf01.wt01.status): ``` IoTDB> SHOW TIMESERIES root.ln.wf01.wt01.status +------------------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ | timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +------------------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |root.ln.wf01.wt01.status| null| root.ln| BOOLEAN| PLAIN| SNAPPY|null| null| +------------------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Total line number = 1 ``` Insert timeseries data is a basic operation of IoTDB, you can use ‘INSERT’ command to finish this. Before insertion, you should assign the timestamp and the suffix path name: ``` IoTDB> INSERT INTO root.ln.wf01.wt01(timestamp,status) values(100,true); IoTDB> INSERT INTO root.ln.wf01.wt01(timestamp,status,temperature) values(200,false,20.71) ``` The data that you have just inserted will display as follows: ``` IoTDB> SELECT status FROM root.ln.wf01.wt01 +------------------------+------------------------+ | Time|root.ln.wf01.wt01.status| +------------------------+------------------------+ |1970-01-01T00:00:00.100Z| true| |1970-01-01T00:00:00.200Z| false| +------------------------+------------------------+ Total line number = 2 ``` You can also query several timeseries data using one SQL statement: ``` IoTDB> SELECT * FROM root.ln.wf01.wt01 +------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | Time|root.ln.wf01.wt01.temperature|root.ln.wf01.wt01.status| +------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ |1970-01-01T00:00:00.100Z| null| true| |1970-01-01T00:00:00.200Z| 20.71| false| +------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ Total line number = 2 ``` To change the time zone in Cli, you can use the following SQL: ``` IoTDB> SET time_zone=+08:00 Time zone has set to +08:00 IoTDB> SHOW time_zone Current time zone: Asia/Shanghai ``` Add then the query result will show using the new time zone. ``` IoTDB> SELECT * FROM root.ln.wf01.wt01 +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | Time|root.ln.wf01.wt01.temperature|root.ln.wf01.wt01.status| +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ |1970-01-01T08:00:00.100+08:00| null| true| |1970-01-01T08:00:00.200+08:00| 20.71| false| +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ Total line number = 2 ``` The commands to exit the Cli are: ``` IoTDB> quit or IoTDB> exit ``` For more information about the commands supported by IoTDB SQL, please see [User Guide](https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/Master/QuickStart/QuickStart.html). ### Stop IoTDB The server can be stopped with "ctrl-C" or the following script: ``` # Unix/OS X > sbin/stop-server.sh # Windows > sbin\stop-server.bat ``` ## Only build server Under the root path of iotdb: ``` > mvn clean package -pl server -am -DskipTests ``` After being built, the IoTDB server is located at the folder: "server/target/iotdb-server-{project.version}". ## Only build cli Under the root path of iotdb: ``` > mvn clean package -pl cli -am -DskipTests ``` After being built, the IoTDB cli is located at the folder "cli/target/iotdb-cli-{project.version}". # Usage of CSV Import and Export Tool see [Usage of CSV Import and Export Tool](https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/Master/Write-And-Delete-Data/CSV-Tool.html) # Frequent Questions for Compiling see [Frequent Questions when Compiling the Source Code](https://iotdb.apache.org/Development/ContributeGuide.html#_Frequent-Questions-when-Compiling-the-Source-Code) # Contact Us ### QQ Group * Apache IoTDB User Group: 659990460 ### Wechat Group * Add friend: `tietouqiao` or `liutaohua001`, and then we'll invite you to the group. ### Slack * https://join.slack.com/t/apacheiotdb/shared_invite/zt-qvso1nj8-7715TpySZtZqmyG5qXQwpg see [Join the community](https://github.com/apache/iotdb/issues/1995) for more!