========== = README = ========== 1.OVERVIEW From the beginning ssh was designed to be a replacement for the rsh/rcp/rlogin progmrams on UNIX computers to basically do what they do (i.e. remote login and copying files between UNIX hosts) but in a secure way, basically using strong cryptography to protect traffic from eavesdropping and optionally offering stronger authentication with RSA-keys. Symmetric-key exchange aswell as ssh-server authentication is allways done using RSA public key encryption. The ability to provide transparently encrypted tunnels was also added. With this ability other, non-secure programs, based on tcp-connections, could also be used securely over insecure networks. For more detailed information about how the ssh-protocol works and what benefits it provides see here: http://www.employees.org/~satch/ssh/faq/ssh-faq-2.html http://www.sunworld.com/sunworldonline/swol-02-1998/swol-02-security.html SSH has overtime become a defacto standard for remote administration and access to all sorts of systems. With that has also come the need for clients for other platforms than UNIX. This need has only partly been fulfilled with the great variety of free and commercial clients, mostly for Win95/98/NT, that have emerged. The goal of MindTerm is to provide a single client for all platforms that can be used in a simple way to leverage the benefits of the ssh-protocol. Not only does MindTerm offer the ability to run on many different platforms, it also offers the unique advantage of beeing accessible through a normal web-browser as a java-applet. This is invaluable for persons who are mobile and can't install ssh-clients wherever they go. This means that an organization/company can give its members/employees access to a secure login-shell aswell as secure tunnels for e.g. ftp, smtp, pop, imap from "the road" using only a normal web-browser, hence no installation is required on the client side. Apart from this MindTerm also offers some other unique features, such as ftp-proxying, built in scp file-transfer, functionality for usage on multi-homed hosts, connection keep-alive et.c. which is not part of standard ssh-clients. It can also be used to automate ssh-access with scripts running it non-interactively without a GUI, much like the standard unix ssh-client. MindTerm can be heavily customized for specific needs, e.g. slimmed-down to support only one block-cipher and have no menus (size can shrink to <150k). When the local file system is not accessible or local configuration files are not desired, one can set all parameters on the command-line or through applet-parameters. Optionally MindTerm can execute a single command (e.g. pine or Midnight Commander) on the ssh-server, when the command completes MindTerm exits. This can be done both when running it stand-alone (like when running the normal unix ssh-client) AND when run as an applet. 2.QUICKSTART By default MindTerm handles most things automatically for you. Settings are by default handled on a per-server basis automatically saved and loaded as needed. MindTerm saves all its settings in its home-directory, this is by default set to the users home-directory appended with "/mindterm/", (e.g. /home/mats/mindterm). Apart from settings-files this directory contains the 'known_hosts' file (used for server identification) and the RSA identity files (used with the RSA authentication method). To change the home-directory of MindTerm you must give the directory to use as a command-line parameter (e.g. --h /home/mats/.ssh) or with an applet parameter (e.g. ). For convenience you can start MindTerm with all settings needed on the command-line (or as applet-parameters). This can be useful for example to create double-clickable short-cuts for running MindTerm with a specific setting. If you don't want to list all parameters you can also just point to a file which contains the settings you need, as an example in Win95/98/NT: javaw -cp c:\mindterm\mindtermfull.jar --q --f c:\mindterm\companyssh.mtp --p none --m no pine This will launch MindTerm with the settings found in the file 'c:\mindterm\companyssh.mtp', directly connecting to the server (not prompting for server/username) and running the pine mail program to read mail, when you exit the pine program MindTerm is exited. (NOTE: in this example the settings-file must contain the line 'forcpty=true' since otherwise we can't run a command which needs a non-dumb console see 4.3.1). The above command can of course be saved as a windows-shortcut (note that the javaw runtime from Javasoft does not start a DOS-shell for console which might be convenient). If you for some reason don't want to download the JDK from Javasoft, many operating systems come with a java-runtime preinstalled (e.g. Win95/98/NT that have IE4 or later has the jview runtime, MacOS 8 and later have the MRJ runtime installed). The above example from windows could be rewritten as: jview /cp:p c:\mindterm\mindtermfull.jar --q --f c:\mindterm\companyssh.mtp --p none --m no pine And saved as a shortcut, and it would run on most windows-machines without having to download a separate java runtime. However, for windows we recommend using the runtimes supplied from Javasoft for best results (see paragraph 3. for more info on where to get java runtimes and paragraph 6. for more info on how to run MindTerm stand-alone). To create a short-name for a server (and/or multiple settings for a single server) you can disable autosave/load (Settings -> Auto Save/Load Settings) and create a new session (e.g. with menu-choices File -> Connect... -> New Server), connect to the server (optionally setting up tunnels as neeeded, see 4.4). Then you can save the settings to file with a short name using (File -> Save As...), don't forget the extension '.mtp'. If you choose to save the file in the home-directory (see below) of MindTerm, this settings-file can be used by giving the name of it (without the '.mtp' extension) at the "SSH-server:" prompt or with (File -> Connect...) where it will automatically show up. Another way to create a new settings-file is of course to connect to an existing server (one which you allready have a settings-file for) and do (File -> Save As...), then you can manually edit the file to your need. Just remember, settings-files must have the extension '.mtp' and reside in the home-directory of MindTerm. All settings in MindTerm have decent default values, normally you can run it without any parameters. One thing you might want to enable for convenience though is the quiet-mode (see paragraph 6. and 7.). 3.INSTALLATION In order to use this program as a standalone client please download the file 'mindtermbin.zip' or compile the source-files (optionally bundling them into a jar-file). You also need the java-runtime (jdk or jre) from Javasoft or any other party providing a port for your platform. It should work with any 1.1.x or 1.2 jdk/jre (it also works with Netscape's and Microsofs's browser-supplied java-runtimes). Please read the installation notes for your respective platform before trying to run MindTerm (also read about running java-programs with the runtime including running programs residing in a jar-file). See paragraph 6. for further details about how to run MindTerm stand-alone. Examples of where java-runtimes can be found: Linux: http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/linuxjvm Win32 and Solaris: http://www.javasoft.com/products/ Macintosh: http://www.apple.com/java/ Other platforms: http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/java-ports.cgi To use as an applet please download file 'mindtermbin.zip' or compile the source-files (optionally bundling them into a jar-file). Assuming you have the jar-file (e.g. mindterm.jar) you must write an html-page as in the example in paragraph 7. below. If you are using a cryptographically signed binary version of MindTerm as an applet from your Netscape or IE browser you will be able to use it exactly as the stand-alone version (or any other ssh-client), i.e. connect to any host, set up tunnels, save/load settings from file, use system clip-board etc. The applet might also be given these permissions "manually" depending on your browser/appletviewer. Please read this entire text before starting to use MindTerm! Good luck, some would say you'll need it! :-) 4.MENUS The easiest way to learn how MindTerm works and what features it provides is to look through this brief walk-through of all menus in MindTerm. Given within parentheses is the keyboard short-cut for each menu item where one exists. 4.1 File 4.1.1 New Terminal (Ctrl+Shift+N) This will create a new MindTerm window with the same settings as the first MindTerm window of this session, i.e. all parameters (command-line or applet) given to MindTerm at startup will have effect in each new terminal created. 4.1.2 Clone Terminal (Ctrl+Shift+O) This will create a new MindTerm window with the exact same settings as the window it is created from. If the window contains a connected session, the new window will be automatically logged in to the same ssh-server (using the same authentication as was used in the original window). Note that the new window will not have any open tunnels since the window from where it is created have the tunnels opened allready (preventing the new window from opening them). 4.1.3 Connect... (Ctrl+Shift+C) This launches the Connect dialog. From this dialog you may either select to connect to a host whose settings you have saved or you may create settings for a new host. Note when selecting "New Server" a new dialog is shown which is identical to the one described in '4.3.1 SSH Connection...'. 4.1.4 Disconnect (Ctrl+Shift+D) This forces the current session to be disconnected. Note that this will cause all tunnels to be closed and the shell to be abandonded without logging out. The preferred way to disconnect is to logout in the shell. 4.1.5 Load Settings... Loads settings from a file (extension .mtp) without connecting to the server. 4.1.6 Save Settings (Ctrl+Shift+S) Saves current settings. 4.1.7 Save Settings As... Creates a new settings file and saves current settings to it. Useful for creating a short name for a server, or for having more than one set of settings for a specific server. 4.1.8 Create RSA Identity... Creates an RSA identity to be used with authentication type 'rsa' or 'rhostsrsa'. Two files are created, one containing the private key (default name 'identity') and one containing only the public key (default name 'identity.pub'). The contents in the file with the extension .pub must be copied to the file 'authorized_keys' on the server (typically found in ~/.ssh/). These RSA key-files are identical to the ones used with the unix version of ssh. 4.1.9 SCP File Transfer... In this dialog you can choose files and/or directories to transfer to or from the ssh-server. Local file(s)/dir(s) is a space-separated list of files and/or directories (if a name contains a space enclose it in quotes like: "a file with spaces"). Normal regexp's can't be used for local files/dirs, however names can be given with ONE wild-card ('*') in it (e.g. '*.foo' or foo*bar). If absolute path-names are not given the current directory is assumed (defaults to MindTerm's home-directory). If the first file/directory given conatains an absolute path-name this directory is used as current-directory for the rest of the list (e.g. the list '/tmp/foo* *.bar' will expand to all files starting with 'foo' or ending with '.bar' in the directory '/tmp'). Remote files(s)/dir(s) are given EXACTLY as they would be with the standard unix scp-client (i.e. regexps can be used). The directory assumed on the remote side is the user's home-directory (i.e. just like with the standard unix scp-client). To change direction of the copy-operation press the "Change Direction" button (the direction is indicated with the strings '(source)' and '(destination)' after the respective side. If directories are to be traversed enable "Recursive copy". To make the copy-operation use as little bandwidth/CPU as possible set it to be "Low priority". Press "Start Copy" to start the copy operation. This will launch a small window with progress and statistics of the copy operation. A copy-operation can be canceled at any time by pressing the "Cancel" button in this window. 4.1.10 Capture To File... Captures terminal-output to a file. Capture starts immediately when the file has been selected and ends when this menu item is selected again. Note that while capturing is active this is indicated by the menu item beeing selected. 4.1.11 Send ASCII File... This will send the contents of the selected file to the terminal as input (i.e. would be the same as if the contents were typed from the keyboard) 4.1.12 Close (Ctrl+Shift+E) Closes this window. Note that when closing a window without logging out you are aborting the ssh-connection abnormally, i.e. it is advisable to logout in the shell before closing/exiting MindTerm. 4.1.13 Exit (Ctrl+Shift+X) Closes all windows and exits MindTerm. Note that when closing windows without logging out you are aborting the ssh-connection abnormally, i.e. it is advisable to logout in the shell before closing/exiting MindTerm. 4.2 Edit Note, the system clip-board is not available to applets by default. In this case a local (to MindTerm) clip-board is used. Also note that in some implementations of the java runtime the clip-board does not work with the system clip-board. 4.2.1 Copy (Ctrl+Ins) Copies selected text to clipboard. Selection is done by clicking and holding down left mouse-button while dragging the mouse over the area to select. 4.2.2 Paste (Shift+Ins) Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the terminal as input (i.e. would be the same as if typed from keyboard) 4.2.3 Copy & Paste Does a copy followed by a paste. 4.2.4 Select All (Ctrl+Shift+A) Selects all content in scrollback buffer and in terminal. Note, this operation is very time-consuming right now. 4.2.5 Find... (Ctrl+Shift+F) Shows Find dialog from which the scrollback buffer and terminal contents can be searched for words. The search can be done case sensitive or case insensitive. Each word found is hightlighted. The "bell" is sounded when no more matches is found. 4.2.6 Clear Screen Clears screen and sets cursor position to upper left corner. 4.2.7 Clear Scrollback Clears contents of scrollback buffer. 4.2.8 VT Reset Resets terminal-settings to default (e.g. clears line-draw graphics mode which might be mistakenly set by displaying a binary file). 4.3 Settings 4.3.1 SSH Connection... (Ctrl+Shift+H) In this dialog you can set all ssh parameters. To view all options click the button "More options...". When connected you can set the parameters for the current session. Note that some changes wont take effect until the next time you connect to this server. When not connected a new session is created if one is not found with the name of the server. In this case it is the same dialog that is shown when selecting "New Server..." from the Connection dialog (see 4.1.3). The parameters set in this dialog are (names as given in paragraph 5.): server Name (ip-address) of ssh-server port Port which ssh-server listens on usrname User name to login as on ssh-server cipher Name of block-cipher to use, or if 'none' is selected no encryption (note, no encryption is normally not supported by the ssh-server) authtyp Method of authentication, or if 'custom...' is selected a comma- separated list of methods to try in order given x11fwd Selects whether to allow X11-connections to be forwarded or not display The local X11 display to forward X11 connections to mtu Maximum packet size to use alive Keep alive interval in seconds to use portftp Enables port-commands to be used with FTP-tunnels, don't enable this if you are not sure what you are doing realsrv Real ip-address of ssh server if it is behind address translation (used when 'portftp' is enabled) localhst Address to listen on for local tunnels (see 4.4) idhost Sets whether to verify identity of the ssh-server using its host-key through matching with saved value in the file 'known_hosts' forcpty Force allocation of PTY, e.g. necessary to enable when executing a single command on the ssh-server that requires a non-dumb terminal prvport Used to force the local outgoing port of the connection to the ssh- server to use a so called privileged port (i.e. < 1024) remfwd Enables other hosts than the one running MindTerm to connect through ssh-tunnels 4.3.2 Terminal... (Ctrl+Shift+T) In this dialog you can set the basic terminal parameters, such as terminal type, size, font and colors. The initial window position can optionally also be set. It is given as a string with the syntax <+/-><+/-> a negative sign means it's relative to the right or bottom. A value of zero means aligned to the border (i.e. left, right, top, bottom) e.g. +0-0 means aligned to bottom right corner. The parameters set in this dialog are (names as given in paragraph 5.): te Terminal type gm Terminal geometry, number of lines, columns and optionally initial position fg Foreground color, name or when 'custom rgb' is selected an rgb-value bg Foreground color, name or when 'custom rgb' is selected an rgb-value cc Cursor color, name or when 'custom rgb' is selected an rgb-value 4.3.3 Terminal Misc... (Ctrl+Shift+M) This dialog contains some extra settings for the terminal. The parameters set in this dialog are (names as given in paragraph 5.): sl Number of lines to save in scrollback buffer sb Position of scrollbar, or disable scrollbar sd String containing delimeter characters that are used when "click-selecting" "words", i.e. which characters functions as word-delimeters bs Indicates whether backaspace or delete should be sent when backspace-key is pressed de Indicates whether backaspace or delete should be sent when delete-key is pressed 4.3.4 Local Command-Shell Starts the local command-shell from which one can view and set all parameters of MindTerm. The command-shell is really only useful if you don't have menus (e.g. when running without a GUI) but for completeness it is available here. Note, the command-shell is only available if enabled with command-line option '--c' or applet-parameter 'cmdsh'. 4.3.5 Auto Save Settings Enables/disables automatic saving of settings, when disabled you must explicitly save settings to file when needed. When enabled settings are saved whenever you disconnect from a server or when you exit MindTerm. Note that when both auto-save and auto-load is enabled (which is default), settings-files are created automatically and the user never have to worry about saving/loading them. 4.3.6 Auto Load Settings Enables/disables automatic loading of settings. When disabled you must explicitly load settings from file if you need to. When enabled, MindTerm tries to load a settings-file with the same name as what you give at the "SSH Server:" prompt or in the (Settings -> SSH Connection...) dialog. These files are located in the MindTerm home-directory. Thus the "server" you give at the prompt does not necessarily have to be the name of the server, it is mainly the name of the settings-file to load. Normally the user does not have to worry about the settings-files since it is handled automatically. Though to create short-names for servers and to create multiple settings-files for a single server you have to explicitly create settings-files. 4.4 Tunnels 4.4.1 Basic... In this dialog you can set up (local) tunnels to use. When connected the tunnel is created instantly and ready to use. Tunnels you create here are saved in the settings-file of the current session if you are using settings-files. The protocol selection is mostly a convenience function, note however that to create FTP-tunnels the protocol should be set to ftp (otherwise the tunnel wont have the ftp-plugin enabled). The local port to set is any unused port, this will be the port that you point programs that want to use the tunnel to. By default tunnels will be set up to listen on all local addresses (i.e. and the local host address). In the dialog "SSH Connection..." under "More options..." you can set the address to use as local address, i.e. if you want the tunnels to listen on only you can set that there. Also, using the "Advanced..." tunnels dialog (see 4.4.2) you can set the local address on a per tunnel basis, i.e. have more than one tunnel on a single port using different local addresses. The remote host is the address of the server that will answer connections to the tunnel in the ssh-server end of the connection, likewise the remote port is the port on which it answers. To remove a tunnel just select it and click "Delete". To add a tunnel fill in all the fields and click "Add". Note, you can double-click on a tunnel-specification to copy its values to the fields making it convenient to add/delete/edit tunnels. 4.4.2 Advanced... This dialog is mainly for advanced users who know the details about using ssh-tunnels and their capabilities/limitations. With it you have can set up both local (as with the "Basic..." dialog) and remote tunnels, note that remote tunnels are not opened until the next time you connect. The syntax for defining tunnels in this dialog is the same as with entering them on the command-line or as applet-parameters (see 5.). Note, for local tunnels you can here set the explicit local address that the tunnel will listen on, regardless of the setting of the "localhst" parameter. As in the "Basic..." dialog you can double-click to copy a definition-string to the edit-box. 4.4.3 Tunnel Wizard... Huh, do we need wizards around here, any magic needed?!? :-) 4.4.4 Current Connections... This dialog lists the currently open connections through the tunnels you have set up. Note that it doesn't list the tunnels themselves, only active connections through them. You can close a tunnel by selecting it and clicking close. 4.5 Help 4.5.1 Help Topics... Well, you have this file haven't you? :-) 4.5.2 About MindTerm Check here for info, especially build date/version and which platform you are running on when reporting bugs. 5.PARAMETERS When started either as an applet or as a stand-alone program MindTerm is fully configurable. You may supply all settable parameters (see below) on the command-line (see 6.) or as applet-params (see 7.). Additionally when access to the local file system is available you can choose to save all settings to file on a per server basis, i.e. each new ssh-server you connect to will have its settings in a separate file, note this is by default done automatically if local file system is accessible. SSH-parameters: (all these can be set to values in parenthesis where applicable) server : name of server to connect to (N/A) realsrv : real address of sshd if it is behind a firewall, only used with protocol-plugins (N/A) localhst : address to use as localhost (N/A) port : port on server to connect to (0-65535) usrname : username to login as (N/A) cipher : name of block cipher to use ( none idea des 3des rc4 blowfish ) authtyp : method of authentication ( rhosts rsa passwd rhostsrsa tis kerberos kerbtgt ) idfile : name of file containing identity, rsa-keys (N/A) display : display definition, i.e : (N/A) mtu : maximum packet size to use, 0 means use default (4096 - 256k or 0) escseq : sequence of characters to type to enter local command-shell (N/A) secrand : level of security in random-seed, for generating session-key (0-2, 0 is lowest (default) and 2 is highest (very slow :-)) (all these can be set to either 'true' or 'false') alive : Connection keep-alive interval in seconds (0-600, 0 means none) x11fwd : indicates whether X11 display is forwarded or not (true/false) prvport : indicates whether to use a privileged source port or not (true/false) forcpty : indicates whether to allocate a pty or not (true/false) remfwd : indicates whether we allow remote connects to local forwards (true/false) idhost : indicates whether to check hosts host-key in 'known_hosts' (true/false) portftp : indicates whether to enable ftp 'PORT' command support (true/false) Terminal-parameters: (all these can be set to either 'true' or 'false') rv : reverse video aw : autowrap of line if output reaches edge of window rw : reverse autowrap when going off left edge of window im : insert mode al : do auto-linefeed sk : reposition scroll-area to bottom on keyboard input si : reposition scroll-area to bottom on output to screen lp : use PgUp, PgDn, Home, End keys locally or escape them to shell sc : put instead of at end of lines when selecting vi : visible cursor ad : ASCII Line-draw-characters le : do local echo sf : scale font when resizing window vb : visual bell ct : map + to dc : toggle 80/132 columns da : enable 80/132 switching cs : copy on mouse-selection (all these can be set to values in parenthesis where applicable) fn : name of font to use in terminal (N/A) fs : size of font to use in terminal (N/A) gm : geometry of terminal (as x geometry string) te : name of terminal to emulate ( xterm linux scoansi att6386 sun vt220 vt100 ansi vt52 xterm-color linux-lat at386 vt102 ) sl : number of lines to save in "scrollback" buffer (0-8192) sb : scrollbar position (left, right, none) bg : background color (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, or one of these with 'i_' before for intensified version e.g. i_white, OR you may use an arbitrary RGB-value such as: 125,102,247) fg : foreground color (same as 'bg') cc : cursor color (same as 'fg'/'bg') rg : resize gravity, fixpoint of screen when resizing (top, bottom) bs : character to send on BACKSPACE (BS, DEL) de : character to send on DELETE (BS, DEL) sd : delimeter characters for click-selection (N/A) There are also special parameters to configure the tunnels, these are: local0, local1, ... ,localN remote0, remote1, ... ,remoteN Their syntax is as follows: localN : [//][]::: remoteN : [//]:: They are enumerated, i.e. if you have three local-forward-definitions they will be local0, local1 and local2. The same goes for remoteN. These properties are used in the exact same way as all other properties (i.e. they can either be entered on the command-line, as applet-params or in the settings-files). For example to set up tunnels to telnet, imap and smtp on the local ports 4711, 4712 and 4713 to the remote side: java -cp mindbright.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm -server www.mindbright.se -local0 4711:localhost:23 -local1 4712:localhost:143 -local2 4713:localhost:25 (NOTE: 'localhost' here means "locally" on the ssh-server, i.e. the telnet, imap, and smtp servers all run on the same machine as the ssh-server) There is also an optional (activated with '--c' or 'cmdsh') local command shell where all settings can be viewed and/or altered. To enter this command-shell you press ctrl-D at the prompt (i.e. before having logged in) or you can select the 'Local Command Shell' option in the 'Settings' menu. If you are running in "dumb" mode you might have to press ENTER after pressing ctrl-D. This is what is displayed when entering the command-shell: ...entering local command-shell (type 'h' for help). mindterm> h The following commands are available in the command-shell: go Start SSH-session with current settings. quit Quit program (or disconnect if connected). add [//]:: (see below). del |* Delete local/remote forward (* = all). list [ssh | term] Lists ssh- and/or terminal-settings. set [ ] Set value of a ssh-parameter. tset [ ] Set value of a terminal-parameter. key [] Generate RSA key-pair (of length ). help Display this list, but you knew that :-). 6.STANDALONE USAGE 6.1 When run as a standalone application MindTerm takes two types of command-line options. One type is preceeded with a single hyphen ('-'). These are the parameters (see 5.) followed by their respective value, for example: java -cp mindbright.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm -server www.mindbright.se -port 22 -x11fwd true -authtyp rsa The other type of options are given with two preceeding hyphens ('--'). These are the special standalone options. When run with the standalone option '--?' the following is displayed: usage: MindTerm [options] [properties] [command] Options: --c Enable local command-shell. --d No terminal-window, only dumb command-line and port-forwarding. --f Use settings from the given file. --h dir Name of the MindTerm home-dir (default: ~/mindterm/). --m Use no menus or popup (on mouse-button N) menu instead of menubar. --p Sets automatic save/load flags for property-files. --q Quiet; don't query for server/username if given. --v Verbose; display verbose messages. --D Debug; display extra debug info. --V Version; display version number only. --? Help; display this help. These are the valid standalone options. The standalone options MUST be first among the java command-line options (right AFTER the java class-name). For example: java -cp mindbright.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm --p both --h /home/mats/mindterm -server www.mindbright.se -port 22 -x11fwd true -authtyp rsa (NOTE: '-cp' in this example is a command-line option to the java runtime) The parameters (the ones given with one preceding hyphen) are by default saved in settings files on a per server basis. The settings files are automatically loaded when connecting to a specific server. The automatic save and load feature can be disabled in which case settings must be explicitly loaded/saved. The settings file can also be manually edited, it's an ordinary text-file (java properties file). Examples of how to start MindTerm as a standalone program: Linux/jdk1.1.x: /usr/local/java/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/java/lib/classes.zip:mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm Win32/jdk1.1.x: c:\jdk1.1.x\bin\java -classpath c:\jdk1.1.6\lib\classes.zip;c:\mindbright\mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm Win32/jre1.1.x: c:\jdk1.1.x\bin\java -cp c:\mindbright\mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm Win32/jdk/jre1.2: c:\jdk1.2.x\bin\java -cp c:\mindbright\mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm c:\jdk1.2.x\bin\javaw -cp c:\mindbright\mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm (NOTE: The javaw runtime version does not create a DOS-shell window for the console making it more convenient for "real" usage) Win32/jview: (microsoft's JVM supplied with IE4 and later) jview /cp:p mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm MacOS/MRJ: First get the JBindery application, it is found in the MRJ SDK here: http://developer.apple.com/java/text/download.html#sdk Then drop the mindtermfull.jar file onto the JBindery icon and give it the class name mindbright.application.MindTerm. Save it and you are set to run MindTerm with just a double-click. Epoc32/jdk1.1.4 (e.g. on Psion5mx): TODO: For now see http://www.mindbright.se/mindterm/epochowto.txt 6.2 STANDALONE FILETRANSFER (SCP) MindTerm contains an scp-client for file-transfer it can be used either interactively (see 4.1.9) or directly from the comand-line (just like the standard unix scp-client). To use it from the command-line you use the command-line option '--s' which takes an argument to determine direction of copy-operation 'toremote' or 'tolocal'. The command-line option '--r' is used to indicate that directories are to be recursed. All other command-line options work as described in (6.1). The command-line options given AFTER all MindTerm options are taken as the list of source-files and target-file/dir. The LAST command-line option ALLWAYS denotes the target-file/dir. The biggest difference from the unix scp-client is that you can only copy to/from one remote host to/from localhost. To clarify, here are some examples (from unix): java -cp mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm --s toremote localfile remotefile This will copy file localfile to file remotefile on ssh-server. java -cp mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm --s toremote --r localdir1 localdir2/*.mtp remotedir/ This will copy localdir1 and localdir2/*.mtp to the directory remotedir on the ssh-server (in the user's home-directory). java -cp mindtermfull.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm --s tolocal --r remotedir/\*.mtp localdir/ This will copy remotedir/*.mtp from the ssh-server to the local directory localdir 7.APPLET USAGE See page for an example on how to use the applet. As stated above all settable parameters may be set with applet-params, for example: You may give any number of parameters to the applet. You only have to supply the ones you want, all parameters have default values so you need not supply any parameters if you choose. An applet may be run in basically three ways, namely; with an applet-enabled browser, with a java-plugin installed in a browser or with a standalone appletviewer. All three ways are perfectly legal ways of running MindTerm, note however that the html-code for running an applet using a java-plugin is not the same as for running it with an appletviewer or an applet-enabled browser. Normally applets are for security reasons restricted to run within the so called java-sandbox. This puts some restrictions on what it can do. Basically when beeing run as an applet MindTerm can only provide a login-shell to the same ip-address that served the applet. In many cases this can manually be extended so that it can access local files and provide ssh-tunnels et.c. Another way to make the applet have these restrictions lifted is to use a cryptographically signed applet. In this case the applet will function more or less as a normal stand-alone program. (TODO: more on java-plugins, differences between browser-versions, signed applets) 8.USING FTP TUNNELS To use the FTP-tunneling feature all you have to do is define a (local) tunnel that uses the ftp-plugin. Then you connect to the tunnel using a ftp-client that can be set to use "passive mode" transfers (most can do that). The easiest way to do this is to go to the (Tunnels -> Basic...) dialog and add a new tunnel with protocol set to ftp, this automatically sets the remote port to 21 which is the standard port on a UNIX server. The local port is set to an arbitrary unused local port. The remote host is the address of the ftp-server (as it is addressed from the ssh-server). When you have connected to the ssh-server you can use almost any ftp-client to access the ftp-server. For example in WS_Ftp on windows: 1) Define a new "site" with address localhost (or the address you uses for localhost, see 4.3.1 and 4.4.) 2) Go to "Site properties" 3) In "folder" advanced set "Remote Port:" to local port selected in MindTerm 4) Enable "Passive transfers" When WS_Ftp connects to this new site, it connects through the ssh-tunnel in MindTerm, hence the ftp-server need not be reachable, e.g. if it is behind a firewall. To set up more than one ftp-server behind the same ssh-server, repeat the same procedure selecting different local ports for each new server (in both MindTerm and WS_Ftp). Some ftp-clients can only use what is called ftp PORT-commands, these ftp-clients can only be used in a limited way with the ftp-tunneling in MindTerm (due to restrictions in the implementation, this might be changed in a future version of MindTerm). With these clients you must enable FTP Port command-support in MindTerm. This is done in the settings menu (see 4.3.1). If your ssh-server is behind a firewall that does address translations you must also set the real ip-address of the ssh-server for FTP Port commands to work. This is also done in the settings menu (see 4.3.1). When using FTP Port commands you can only do about 10 directory listings/downloads per minute (cumbersome but only way to do it if you don't want to make a lot of new connects to the ssh-server). All in all using FTP clients which don't support passive mode is possible but should be avoided if possible. 9.TESTED PLATFORMS See the file PLATFORMS for a list of tested platforms. 10.MindTunnel SSH-Server TODO: For now check 11.MindVNC VNC CLIENT TODO: For now check 12.OTHER All comments and bug-reports should be sent to: Information about this program and its source code can be found at: This software is written and maintained by Mats Andersson of Mindbright Technology AB in Sweden. 13.RSA LICENSE MindTerm contains code implementing the RSA algorithm which is patented and subject to licensing in certain countries (e.g. the United States). It is therefore illegal to use MindTerm (for ANY purpose, even non-commercial) without proper licensing from RSA in these countries. We have been in contact with RSA on this matter and might be able to provide a licensed version of MindTerm for non-commercial use, and, for a fee, for commercial use, should we reach an agreement with them. More information will appear here when available.