Fatdog64 600 Alpha2 Release Notes
- Kernel 3.3.4 (update to latest 3.3.x for beta)
- Gcc-4.6.2
- Glibc 2.13
- GTK+ 2.24 with Glib 2.28
- Qt 4.7.2 (partial)
- Xorg-1.11.4
- Mesa-8.0.2
- ALSA 1.0.25
- VLC-2.0.1 replaces Xine
- ffmpeg 0.9.1-git
- CUPS 1.5.2, ghostscipt 9.0.2, Gutenprint 5.2.7
- SeaMonkey-2.9.1 replaces Firefox
- Wpa_gui replaces Frisbee.
- Evince replaces epdfviewer
- Peasyscan 1.9, peasypdf 1.6, new peasyprint and peasyscale (thanks to rcrsn51)
- Fotoxx-12.01.2
- Abiword rolled back to a patched version 2.8.6
- Hundreds of other package upgrades.
Other new features in no particular order:
- Boot faster than Fatdog64 521 in commonly-used use case scenarios
- Unlimited number of SFS (warning: too many SFS will slow the system down)
- PXE-boot directly using the ISO file
- Flexible savefile options - local disks, cifs share, nbd, or dvd+rw
- Savefile in a file or to entire partition
- RAM layer options in all savefile options, not only flash drive
- Ability to disable session saving when running in RAM mode
- "Underdog" feature - run other Linux partition with Fatdog
- ISO file is isohybrid file and can be either be burned to DVD or imaged directly to USB stick
- Clean un-mount - for savefile and the underlying devices, even for ntfs partition
- Faster multisession (dvd+rw only)
- New installer - install and configure boot loader in one step
- New remaster tool
- New package manager
- New event manager
- New Samba browser on desktop
- New savefile resize tool that does not require double the disk space
- Udev-based desktop drive icons
- Manpages in devx (or separate manpages.sfs)
- Dropped support for full-install and other form/media of multisession
Special thanks for rcrsn51 for testing ghostscript, printing and scanner drivers (in the repo), and the peasy-apps.
For earlier release see here: Fatdog64 521 Fatdog64 520