== Using SL Yum Variables == The yum application is highly extensible via its plugin and variable APIs. Scientific Linux repos utilize the following yum variables: |======================================================================================================================== |Name | Purpose | Source | Example Values |$basearch | Describe the architecture of the system | yum determines automatically from sl-release | x86_64 |$releasever | What is the 'vendor neutral' version | yum determines automatically from sl-release | 7.0 7 |$slreleasever | What is the version of SL | Provided by sl-release or yum-conf-7x | 7x 7rolling 7.0 |======================================================================================================================== TIP: You can define any variable you want in yum by setting it in +/etc/yum/vars/+ Simply +echo value > /etc/yum/vars/name+ an you've got +$name+ defined. For Scientific Linux 7 we've adopted a stronger use of yum variables to help simplify the customization for individual administrators. Now any customizations to your repo files, such as use of local mirrors, is easily kept between releases as the SL provided repository files are not expected to change. This does, however, provide unexpected behavior during our Release Candidate process. If the +7x+ config is enabled, you will point to the +7x+ repo rather than the Release Candidate repo. At that time the +7x+ repo will contain some older software than the Release Candidate. .Chart of $slreleasever |================================================================================================================================= | System State | SL7 Alpha/Beta | SL7 Alpha/Beta +7x | SL7 RC | SL7 RC +7x | SL7 GA | SL7 GA +7x | SL7 GA removed yum-conf-sl7x | Fresh Install | 7rolling | 7rolling | 7.0 | 7x | 7.0 | 7x | 7.0 | Upgrade From 7.0| 7rolling | 7rolling | 7.1 | 7x | 7.1 | 7x | 7.1 |================================================================================================================================= IMPORTANT: Users wishing to test packages from the Release Candidate during the Release Candidate process may need to remove yum-conf-sl7x. + As per the chart above, if yum-conf-sl7x is installed, your system will point towards the 7x repos rather than the as yet unreleased Release Candidate. // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: