%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")} Summary: Constructionist learning platform Name: sugar Version: 0.88.1 Release: 5.62dxo%{?dist} URL: http://sugarlabs.org/ Source0: http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/sucrose/glucose/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 #bernie: breaks Browse #Patch0: sugar-enable-settings-manager.patch # Bug fixes Patch1: dynamically-set-number-of-control-panel-columns.patch Patch2: click-on-journal-icons-with-a-exclusive-time-frame.patch Patch3: set-default-scaling-to-100.patch Patch4: fix-for-file-list-sorting-for-FAT32-formatted-flash-drives-in-journal.patch # superseded by anish's microformat upater #Patch5: avoid-popping-an-empty-list-in-the-software-updater.patch Patch6: simplify-the-definition-of-UpdateModel._bundles_to_check..patch Patch7: fix-duplication-of-OLPC-mesh-icons.patch Patch8: use-the-spanish-verb-quitar-for-unmounting-devices.patch #Patch9: fix-name-clash-set_state.patch Patch10: sl1842-journal-show-error-on-write-failure.patch Patch11: add-font-dpi-schema.patch Patch12: reverse-sort-order-of-activities-list.patch Patch13: sl2062-catch-network-errors-when-trying-to-register-to-the-xs.patch Patch14: gsm-errors-palette.patch Patch15: restore-sugar-launch-by-bundle-id-substring-fixes-89.patch Patch16: journal-xobundle-removal-wont-remove-installed-one.patch Patch18: disconnect-icon-in-wifi-palette-1736.patch Patch19: improve-activity-updater-icon.patch Patch20: indicate-inactive-state-in-mesh-device-icon.patch Patch21: sl1673-fix-network-disconnect-and-discard-history-v2.patch #Patch22: sl1814-consolidate-activity-launch-entry-point.patch Patch23: sl1940-register-session-failed-fix.patch Patch24: sl328-disable-start-menu-options-for-unk-items.patch Patch25: sl1725-homewindow-resize-on-resolution-change.patch Patch26: sl2060-Copying-multiple-times-bogus-names.patch Patch27: tell-gconf-to-sync-after-the-intro-screen.patch # Andres' journal filesize enhancement Patch101: sizelist-0001-Journal-Retrieve-filesize-from-the-datastore.patch Patch102: sizelist-0002-Add-a-filesize-column-to-the-journal-list-model.patch Patch103: sizelist-0003-Journaltoolbox-Add-add_separator-method-for-convenie.patch Patch104: sizelist-0004-Add-a-ListViewButton-to-the-journal-search-toolbar.patch Patch105: sizelist-0005-Rename-the-date-column-to-sort_column.patch Patch106: sizelist-0006-Display-the-sorting-property-in-the-last-column.patch Patch107: sizelist-0007-Expandedentry-Try-to-use-the-filesize-property.patch Patch108: sizelist-0008-Implement-sorting-for-removable-devices.patch Patch109: sizelist-0009-Add-sort-by-creation-time-option-to-the-ListViewButt.patch Patch110: sizelist-0010-Add-ctime-property-to-the-journal-model.patch # Esteban + Tch Backup and restore Patch201: backup-0001-Volumes-Backup-and-Restore.patch Patch202: backup-0002-Journal-XS-backup-and-restore.patch #Patch203: backup-0003-Journal-documents-volume-button.patch Patch205: backup-0005-save-lease.patch Patch207: journal-0001-Processdialog-prerequisite-check-support.patch Patch208: journal-0002-reindex.patch # experimental patches Patch500: sl2006-touchpad-device-on-frame.patch Patch503: cpu-and-memory-resource-indicator.patch Patch504: sl2064-always-listen-for-NameOwnerChanged-DBus-message.patch Patch506: jasg-register-rename.patch Patch507: prevent-multiple-XS-icons-when-re-register.patch Patch508: microformat-updater.patch Patch509: sl1610-default-ad-hoc-networks.patch Patch510: 0001-Share-3g-connection.patch Patch511: 0001-Check-Adhoc-is-Sugar-Adhoc.patch # tch experimental patches patch601: bundle-Delete-profile-data-only-when-erased.patch patch602: caacupe-Protected-activities-list.patch patch603: restart-option.patch # Accessibility patch701: accessibility_0001_cp_accessibility_keyboard.patch patch702: accessibility_0002_magnifier_extension.patch patch703: accessibility_0003_cp_accessibility_contrast.patch patch704: accessibility_0004_cp_accessibility_mouse.patch patch705: accessibility_0005_cp_accessibility_capital_letters.patch patch706: accessibility_0006_virtualkeyboard.patch patch707: accessibility_0008_cp_show-virtualkeyboard-for-accessibility.patch patch708: accessibility_0012_add-accel-mouse-default.patch patch709: accessibility_0013_add-theme-mouse-default.patch # Translations patch801: accessibility_0007_cp_translations.patch patch802: backup-translations.patch patch803: journal-0003-reindex-translations.patch patch804: accessibility_0009_cp_show-virtualkeyboard-for-accessibility-traslate.patch patch901: add-button-frame.patch #Notifications patch1001: 0001-Simple-messages-notification-extension.patch patch1002: 0002-Improve-message-notification-behaviour.patch patch1003: 0003-Yum-updater-notifications-integration.patch #NamingAlert being optional patch1101: add__show_naming_alert__gconf_key.patch #Downgrading activities not allowed (#2164) patch1201: downgrading_activities_not_allowed_2164.patch #Globalkey for touchpad device icon patch1301: globalkey_for_touchpad_device_icon.patch #Checks to prevent installation of incompatible activities patch1401: Let-call-the-frame-from-arbitrary-code-avoiding-curcular-imports.patch patch1402: Check-for-required-activity-deps-before-installing.patch #0.90 bugfix backports patch1501: sugar-01-11-Add-missing-import-in-jarabe.model.network-2106.patch patch1502: sugar-02-11-Sugar-gconf-settings-breaks-mouse-buttons-behaviour-in-gnome-session-1544.patch patch1503: sugar-03-11-Journal-show-error-message-on-write-failure-1842.patch patch1504: sugar-04-11-Journal-Alert-if-an-error-occures-when-copying-to-devices-in-the-detail-view-1842.patch patch1505: sugar-05-11-Fix-typo.patch patch1506: sugar-06-11-Remove-separator-in-Journal-toolbar-2446-Gary-C.-Martin.patch patch1507: sugar-07-11-Journal-list-view-don-t-choke-on-invalid-or-incomplete-metadata-SL-1408.patch patch1508: sugar-08-11-Journal-details-view-don-t-choke-on-invalid-timestamp-SL-1590-SL-2208.patch patch1509: sugar-09-11-datastore.write-expects-a-DSObject-not-an-id.patch patch1510: sugar-10-11-Fix-more-sugar.datastore-breakage.patch patch1511: sugar-11-11-fix-journal-scan-of-external-media-dev.laptop.org-10140.patch #Auto-feedback feature patch1601: sugar-Patch-to-add-feedback-icon-to-frame.patch patch1602: sugar-1-2-Two-kinds-of-feedback-submits.patch patch1603: sugar-2-2-Initial-client-implementation-for-feedback-feature.patch #Extend sugar-launch with more options patch1701: Sugar-Extend-sugar-launch-with-more-options.patch #sl#870 bugfix patch1801: sugar-Flickering-and-unknown-icons-in-the-window-bar-870.patch #Microformat updater changes patch1901: sugar-Pass-sugar-version-to-micro-format.php-ASLO-call.patch #sl#2201 fix patch2001: sugar-Clipboard-menu-off-screen-2201.patch #Notifications enhancement patch2101: Message-Notifications-second-behaviour-enhancement.patch #Modem|CP enhancements patch2201: Database-support-for-3G-control-panel.patch patch2202: Fix-no-restart-after-provider-info-selection.patch #CP enhancement patch2301: activate-busy-cursor-when-opening-cp-sections.patch #Spanish translations patch2401: Add-spanish-translations-and-update-POTFILES.patch #lease info patch2501: Add-lease-duration-information-in-about-my-computer.patch #feedback fixes patch2601: sugar-1-2-Enable-disable-personalized-and-anonymous-feedback-submits-unrelated.patch patch2602: sugar-2-2-Send-XO-serial-numbers-with-anonymous-reports.patch #Remove favourites-view|register via gconf patch2701: Show-register-gconf-value.patch #activity microformat updater patch2801: sugar-More-robust-completed-activity-downloads.patch #feedback feature fixes patch2901: sugar-Notify-on-not-sent-feedbacks-fix-issue-with-not-auto-resend.patch patch2902: sugar-Switch-default-feedback-serve-to-feedback.sl.o-clean-up-gconf-doc-strings.patch patch2903: sugar-Do-not-send-empty-feedback-reports-if-anonymous_with_sn-is-enabled.patch #microformat updater exception handler fix patch3001: microformat-fix-exception-handler.patch #sl#2602: temorary fix #REPLACE AS SOON AS PERMANENT FIX IS PRESENT patch3101: Always-enable-wireless-workaround.patch #lease.sig path fix for both xo-1 and xo-1.5 patch3201: Lease-info-fix-all-xo-models-path-version.patch #Don't fail in NMless environment patch3301: sugar-Do-not-fail-in-NM-less-environment.patch #Cursor theme fix patch3401: sugar-check-for-empty-cursor_theme.patch #Py specific fixes (cursor speed, Paraguay-protected list, #globalkey for touchpad corner case) patch3501: Cursor-Acceleration-default-value.patch patch3502: Paraguay-Protected-list.patch patch3503: Sugar-Fix-globalkey-touchpad-corner-case.patch patch3601: sugar-Copy-.xo-to-removable-device-hack.patch License: GPLv2+ Group: User Interface/Desktops Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: python BuildRequires: pygtk2-devel BuildRequires: gtk2-devel BuildRequires: GConf2-devel BuildRequires: intltool Requires: sugar-artwork Requires: sugar-toolkit Requires: sugar-settings-manager Requires: gnome-python2-libwnck Requires: gnome-python2-gconf Requires: metacity Requires: python-telepathy Requires: gstreamer-python Requires: pygtksourceview Requires: python-xklavier Requires: ax Requires: magnifier-Ceibal Requires: FlatbedCursors Requires: CapitalFont Requires: python-xlib Requires: ipython # for dbus-launch Requires: dbus-x11 # for ssh-keygen Requires: openssh Obsoletes: sugar-journal <= 99 Obsoletes: sugar-update-control <= 99 BuildArch: noarch %description Sugar provides simple yet powerful means of engaging young children in the world of learning that is opened up by computers and the Internet. With Sugar, even the youngest learner will quickly become proficient in using the computer as a tool to engage in authentic problem-solving. Sugar promotes sharing, collaborative learning, and reflection, developing skills that help them in all aspects of life. Sugar is also the learning environment for the One Laptop Per Child project. See http://www.laptop.org for more information on this project. %package emulator Summary: The emulator for the Sugar Learning Platform Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: xorg-x11-server-Xephyr # for xdpyinfo Requires: xorg-x11-utils %description emulator The emulator let's you test and debug sugar. For example it allows you to run multiple instances of sugar. %prep %setup -q #bernie: breaks Browse #%patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 #%patch5 -p1 %patch6 -p1 %patch7 -p1 %patch8 -p1 #%patch9 -p1 %patch10 -p1 %patch11 -p1 %patch12 -p1 %patch13 -p1 %patch14 -p1 %patch15 -p1 %patch16 -p1 %patch18 -p1 %patch19 -p1 %patch20 -p1 %patch21 -p1 #%patch22 -p1 %patch23 -p1 %patch24 -p1 %patch25 -p1 %patch26 -p1 %patch27 -p1 %patch101 -p1 %patch102 -p1 %patch103 -p1 %patch104 -p1 %patch105 -p1 %patch106 -p1 %patch107 -p1 %patch108 -p1 %patch109 -p1 %patch110 -p1 %patch201 -p1 %patch202 -p1 #%patch203 -p1 #%patch204 -p1 %patch205 -p1 %patch207 -p1 %patch208 -p1 %patch500 -p1 %patch503 -p1 %patch504 -p1 %patch506 -p1 %patch507 -p1 %patch508 -p1 %patch509 -p1 %patch510 -p1 %patch511 -p1 %patch601 -p1 %patch602 -p1 %patch603 -p1 %patch701 -p1 %patch702 -p1 %patch703 -p1 %patch704 -p1 %patch705 -p1 %patch706 -p1 %patch707 -p1 %patch708 -p1 %patch709 -p1 %patch801 -p1 %patch802 -p1 %patch803 -p1 %patch804 -p1 %patch901 -p1 %patch1001 -p1 %patch1002 -p1 %patch1003 -p1 %patch1101 -p1 %patch1201 -p1 %patch1301 -p1 %patch1401 -p1 %patch1402 -p1 %patch1501 -p1 %patch1502 -p1 %patch1503 -p1 %patch1504 -p1 %patch1505 -p1 %patch1506 -p1 %patch1507 -p1 %patch1508 -p1 %patch1509 -p1 %patch1510 -p1 %patch1511 -p1 %patch1601 -p1 %patch1602 -p1 %patch1603 -p1 %patch1701 -p1 %patch1801 -p1 %patch1901 -p1 %patch2001 -p1 %patch2101 -p1 %patch2201 -p1 %patch2202 -p1 %patch2301 -p1 %patch2401 -p1 %patch2501 -p1 %patch2601 -p1 %patch2602 -p1 %patch2701 -p1 %patch2801 -p1 %patch2901 -p1 %patch2902 -p1 %patch2903 -p1 %patch3001 -p1 %patch3101 -p1 %patch3201 -p1 %patch3301 -p1 %patch3401 -p1 %patch3501 -p1 %patch3502 -p1 %patch3503 -p1 %patch3601 -p1 %build autoreconf %configure make %install rm -rf %{buildroot} export GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} mkdir %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/sugar/activities unset GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL %find_lang %{name} %post if (update-mime-database -v &> /dev/null); then update-mime-database "%{_datadir}/mime" > /dev/null fi export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source` gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule \ %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/sugar.schemas > /dev/null || : %pre if [ "$1" -gt 1 ]; then export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source` gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \ %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/sugar.schemas > /dev/null || : fi %preun if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source` gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \ %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/sugar.schemas > /dev/null || : fi %postun if (update-mime-database -v &> /dev/null); then update-mime-database "%{_datadir}/mime" > /dev/null fi %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files -f %{name}.lang %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING README %config %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/nm-user-settings.conf %config %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/sugar.schemas %dir %{_datadir}/sugar %dir %{_datadir}/sugar/activities %dir %{_datadir}/sugar/data %dir %{_datadir}/sugar/extensions %{_datadir}/sugar/data/* %{_datadir}/sugar/extensions/* %{python_sitelib}/* %{_datadir}/xsessions/sugar.desktop %{_bindir}/* %exclude %{_bindir}/sugar-emulator %{_datadir}/mime/packages/sugar.xml %files emulator %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/sugar-emulator %{_datadir}/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/sugar-xo.svg %changelog * Wed Apr 6 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.62 - Bump version number * Thu Mar 17 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.60 - XXX Copy bundle to removable device (hack by tch) * Mon Mar 14 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.59 - Update check cursor theme patch * Mon Mar 14 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.58 - Py specific fixes (mouse acceleration, protected activity list) - Py specific fixes (globalkey for touchpad icon corner case) * Mon Mar 14 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.57 - Update feedback to point to py servers * Mon Mar 14 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.56 - Don't fail in NMless environment - Add two accessiblilty patches - Update Yum updater notifications integration patch - Mouse cursor theme fix * Mon Feb 14 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.54 - Lease info fix for XO1 and XO1.5 - Temporary fix for sl#2602 * Sat Feb 12 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.53 - Feeback fixes (change server url, send report with s/n enabled) - Microformat updater exception catching fix * Tue Feb 10 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.52 - More robust completed activity downloads - Notify if feedback is not sent * Thu Feb 3 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.51 - Remove register option from favourites view via GConf - Feedback related fixes (new gconf keys) * Wed Feb 2 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.50 - Add spanish translations - Display lease information - Enable and configure feedback feature * Tue Feb 1 2011 Anish Mangal 0.88.1-5.49 - sl#2201 fix - Message notification enhancement - Modem|CP enhancements - Activate buzy cursor on clicking CP items * Wed Jan 19 2011 Aleksey Lim 0.88.1-5.48 - Add ipython runtime dependency to let feedback send more detailed tracebacks - Changes to microformat updater - sl#870 bugfix - Extend sugar-launch with more options * Wed Jan 19 2011 Anish Mangal - 0.88.1-5.46 - Incorporate auto-feedback feature * Mon Jan 17 2011 Anish Mangal - 0.88.1-5.45 - 0.90 bugfix backports * Thu Jan 14 2011 Anish Mangal - 0.88.1-5.44 - Checks to prevent installation of incompatible activities * Mon Jan 10 2011 Anish Mangal - 0.88.1-5.43 - Add 'NamingAlert being optional' (patch1101) - Add 'Downgrading activities not allowed' (patch1201) - Add 'Globalkey for touchpad device icon' (patch1301) - Replace updater with OLPC Microformat compatible one (patch508) * Sun Jan 9 2011 Bernie Innocenti - 0.88.1-5.42 - Add yum updater, and notification system. * Wed Nov 3 2010 Steven M. Parrish - 0.88.1-5.38 - Partial Fix for SL328, Fix for SL2163, SL1725, SL2249 * Thu Jun 3 2010 Peter Robinson - 0.88.1-1 - New upstream stable 0.88.1 release * Sat May 30 2010 Peter Robinson - 0.88.0-3 - Bump build * Sat May 30 2010 Peter Robinson - 0.88.0-2 - Clean up some descriptions * Tue Mar 20 2010 Peter Robinson - 0.88.0-1 - New upstream stable 0.88.0 release * Wed Mar 10 2010 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.87.8-1 - New upstream release * Tue Mar 02 2010 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.87.6-1 - New upstream release * Wed Feb 17 2010 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.87.5-1 - New upstream release * Tue Feb 16 2010 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.87.4-2 - Enable sugar-settings-manager support * Thu Feb 11 2010 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.87.4-1 - New upstream release * Tue Jan 12 2010 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.87.3-1 - New upstream release * Sat Jan 9 2010 Peter Robinson - 0.87.2-2 - Updated to the new python sysarch spec file reqs * Wed Dec 23 2009 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.87.2-1 - New upstream release * Tue Dec 01 2009 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.87.1-1 - New upstream release - Make this noarch again * Fri Nov 20 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.86.3-5 - One more try * Fri Nov 20 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.86.3-4 - Create %{_datadir}/sugar/activities * Fri Nov 20 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.86.3-3 - Own %{_datadir}/sugar/activities. Fixes #532796 * Wed Oct 21 2009 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.86.3-2 - add missing file to appropriate section * Wed Oct 21 2009 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.86.3-1 - Sporadic freezes while scrolling journal #1506 - Suppress race condition with Journal appearing on sugar startup #1373 - Alt+Space not working to show/hide the tray #1476 * Sun Sep 27 2009 Sebastian Dziallas - 0.86.0-1 - New upstream release * Fri Sep 18 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.85.8-2 - Package /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop * Fri Sep 18 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.85.8-1 - New upstream release * Fri Sep 11 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.85.7-2 - add python-xklavier dependency * Fri Sep 11 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.85.7-1 - New upstream release * Wed Sep 02 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.85.5-1 - New upstream release * Wed Aug 26 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.85.4-1 - New upstream release * Sun Aug 02 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.85.3-1 - New upstream release * Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.85.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jul 18 2009 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.85.2-1 - New upstream release * Thu Apr 16 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.6-1 - Only update the connections file when the AP changes state #756 - Initialize the ResultSet after the widget changes size #733 * Wed Apr 08 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.5-1 - Remove fixed width from speaker palette #719 - Correctly close the input stream in file transfers #682 * Mon Apr 06 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.4-1 - new german and spanish translations * Mon Apr 06 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.3-1 - If user updates an activity installed in /usr/share/activities, both versions remain installed #707 - Sometimes an activity will not start #461 - Grey out the erase option if an activity bundle cannot be erased #620 - AP: Do not write timestamp when not managed to connect #623 - Correct date in 'About my Computer' CP section #639 - Make Jukebox the default activity for ogg-vorbis #423 - Find an available icon for displaying the removable device #627 - CP: Disallow the user from selecting any fallbacks if English (USA) is selected (#slo:561) - Call *mount_finish when the callback is called #326 - Add full licence to data dir #357 - The logout option is available by default - Resume from home is duplicating activity instances again #600 * Wed Apr 01 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.1-4.20090401git4232758da5 - git snapshot * Tue Mar 24 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.1-3.20090324gite16cf854aa - rebuild without the logout patch * Tue Mar 24 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.1-2.20090324gite16cf854aa - git snapshot * Sun Mar 22 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.1-1 - Update to latest NM-User config file (same as nm-applet) - Fix nondeterministic denials for no-interface messages #575 (Thanks to Dan Williams and Colin Walters for their assistance in spotting this. upstream bug fdo #18961) - Draw the rounding box inside the icon bounds (benzea) #567 - Add Dismiss option to the palette of finished transfers #484 - Resume-by-default uses open with, not just open #547 - Set Pippy as the default for opening python files #287 - Remove duplicates from the activities submenu #497 - Remove transfer icon from frame when the local user cancels it #483 - Restore the icon size after a layout change #157 - enable logout option * Wed Mar 18 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.0-2.20090318gitd3a0839735 - git snapshot * Tue Mar 03 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.84.0-1 - Focus rectangle corners should be rounded #406 - Restore minimal .xol support #459 - Check the activity version and replace an older version upon download #464 - Friendstray: icon reacting to right click #441 - Network device icons don't react on right click #463 - Don't open a launcher window when that activity is already running #426 - Fall back to application-octet-stream for unknown types #458 - Show a generic icon for clippings, if available #454 - Don't add_bundle on activity dir change when installed already #442 - Make mute sound code togglable - Keyhandler: Map XF86Search to the journal search - Keyhandler: Catch all exceptions (thanks to Sascha Silbe) - Give time for exit to execute when closing the emulator #435 - Dont hardcode the maximum amount of entries to cache in the journal #72 - Add standard Print shortcut to take a screenshot - Use keyboard specific keys to set the volume #430 - Update to new DBus policy #307 - Fix palette appearance on right-click #403 - Switch to existing instance of an activity if it's already running #410 * Fri Feb 27 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.8-3.20090227gitae381ce5b6 - git snapshot - Don't add_bundle on activity dir change when installed already #442 - Make mute sound code togglable - Keyhandler: Map XF86Search to the journal search - Keyhandler: Catch all exceptions (thanks to silbe) - Give time for atexit to execute when closing the emulator #435 - Dont hardcode the maximum amount of entries to cache in the journal #72 - Add standard 'Print' shortcut to take a screenshot - Use keyboard specific keys to set the volume #430 - Update to new DBus policy #307 - Fix palette appearance on right-click #403 - Switch to existing instance of an activity if it's already running #410 * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.83.8-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Feb 23 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.8-1 - Revert "Add a favorites mode setting for deciding if the favorites view resumes by default or not" - Listen for changes in the Activities dir and install/uninstall activities accordingly #235 - Fix sorting of favorite icons by installation_time #387 - View Source: Option and accelerator in activity frame palette - View Source: Use activity icon outline for Bundle Source, part of #360 - View Source: Hide Python Bytecode files #361 - Use the file transfer icons - Many new translations! * Thu Feb 19 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.7-3 - actually adding pygtksourceview2 as a dependency * Thu Feb 19 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.7-2 - adding gtksourceview2 as a dependency * Mon Feb 16 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.7-1 - Resume Activity list is not updated directly #322 - Fix network panel on XO (Sascha Silbe) #290 - Only show cp power section on xo #320 - Add logout option to the buddy menu (Sayamindu) #207 - Launch activity also when clicking on the palette icon #335 - Use the activity icon for the 'Start new' palette item #314 - Close the object chooser when the activity is closed #329 - Dates in journal are not translated #55 - Don't mute when right-clicking the speaker icon #278 - Correctly cache the connection to the OHM service #249 - Show launcher screen immediately after the user clicks to start an activity #243 - Use documend-send icon (Gary C Martin) #227 - Try harder to get an icon for a clipping - Hide the journal activity in the home view #87 - Correctly initialize the TrayIcon - Add 'View Details' option to object palette in journal - Translation updates - Hide OLPC-specific fields on non-xo machines #133 - Add a 'Clear search' button to 'No matching entries' message #266 - Correctly detect when a query in the journal is empty #255 - Avoid launching two instances of the same activity instance #238 - Add start-with option to objectpalette in the journal - Fix dnd of icons in the favorite view #213 - Right click on AP should reveal palette not connect to AP #10 - Display space used and left in the volume palette in the journal #33 - Don't update the zoom level when a dialog window pops up - Fix filtering the objectchooser with data types #219 * Fri Feb 06 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.6-2.20090206git7115089fb0 - Fix italian translation - Set the locale path for sugar-toolkit #55 - Don't mute when right-clicking the speaker icon #278 - Correctly cache the connection to the OHM service #249 - Show launcher screen as soon as possible #243 - Use documend-send icon (Gary C Martin) #227 * Wed Feb 04 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.6-1 - Try harder to get an icon for a clipping - Hide the journal activity in the home view #87 - Correctly initialize the TrayIcon - Add 'View Details' option to object palette in journal - Translation updates - Hide OLPC-specific fields on non-xo machines #133 - Add a 'Clear search' button to 'No matching entries' message #266 - Correctly detect when a query in the journal is empty #255 - Avoid launching two instances of the same activity instance #238 - Add start-with option to objectpalette in the journal - Fix dnd of icons in the favorite view #213 - Right click on AP should reveal palette not connect to AP #10 - Display space used and left in the volume palette in the journal #33 - Don't update the zoom level when a dialog window pops up - Fix filtering the objectchooser with data types #219 * Fri Jan 30 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.5-3.20090130gitf7807dddc0 - Add 'View Details' option to object palette in journal - Translation updates - Hide OLPC-specific fields on non-xo machines #133 - Add a 'Clear search' button to 'No matching entries' message #266 - Correctly detect when a query in the journal is empty #255 - Avoid launching two instances of the same activity instance #238 - Add start-with option to objectpalette in the journal - Fix dnd of icons in the favorite view #213 - Right click on AP should reveal palette not connect to AP #10 - Display space used and left in the volume palette in the journal #33 - Don't update the zoom level when a dialog window pops up - Fix filtering the objectchooser with data types #219 * Tue Jan 27 2009 Bernie Innocenti - 0.83.5-2 - Obsolete sugar-journal * Tue Jan 20 2009 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.83.5-1 - make the journal entries in the favorites palette resumable - simplify the constants used to identify favorite layouts - separate debug settings from xsession #163 - add logout option #207 to xomenu (sayamindu, icon by eben) - change jabber server without sugar restart #142 - About my XO -> About my Computer - #196 Fix setting the timezone in debian - autoconnect to AP that we connected to last #8 - add a favorites mode setting for deciding if the favorites view resumes by default or not - resume by default the last activity from the favorites view - implement filtering by file type for removable devices - #132 Filter by timestamp, not by mtime - add support for text queries on removable devices - dont abort if we cannot read a file from a removable device - add a favorite filter to the journal toolbar - sanitize the file name when we copy to removable devices - #36 Refresh the detailed view when the entry changes - #38 Refresh full metadata when editing so we dont lose properties - Focus Search is not exposed via dbus anymore #89 - #131 'open with' does not work for clipboard item - #165 Install bundles when they get into the journal - add Resume item to the file transfer palette - #126 Fix erase button in the journal - following eben's spec for the device positions * Sun Jan 04 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.4-2 - add intltool build require * Sun Jan 04 2009 Simon Schampijer - 0.83.4-1 - New download url - Fix language parsing on Gentoo and ALTLinux #81 (alsroot) - Change the FRAME_POSITION_RELATIVE to follow eben's spec - exec sugar-session - Add wired device icon for the frame - Only show wireless device in the frame when connecting/connected - Use jabber.sugarlabs.org by default - Only create a keydialog for the activating connection - CanvasPulsingIcon: Don't begin pulse loop on resume if not pulsing - Use g_timeout_add_seconds() for power efficiency - Add the journal button to the volumes toolbar in the journal - Remove jarabe/model/volume.py and use gio instead - First try at restoring removable devices support in the journal - make the image viewer activity the default one for iamges * Wed Dec 21 2008 Bernie Innocenti - 0.83.3-6 - Add missing dependencies on xorg-x11-utils, dbus-x11 and openssh * Wed Dec 10 2008 Bernie Innocenti - 0.83.3-5 - Spec file cleanup and updates * Sat Nov 29 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams - 0.83.3-4 - Rebuild for Python 2.6 * Fri Nov 28 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.83.3-3 - Really add the patch * Fri Nov 28 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.83.3-2 - Fix the desktop file executable * Fri Nov 28 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.83.3-1 - Update to 0.83.3 * Thu Nov 6 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.83.2-4 - Fix translations * Thu Nov 6 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.83.2-2 - Fix gconf schemas installation * Tue Nov 4 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.83.2-1 - Update to 0.83.2 * Thu Sep 25 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.82.9-1 - #7969 Accidental searches lead to a "blank" Home screen - #8662 xo man jumps around while zooming - #8642 Bug in WPA key dialog prevents certain passwords from being accepted - #8657 Help activity doesn't show up on a clean install. - #8234 Software update (in Control Panel) crashes X-server. * Sat Sep 20 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.82.8-1 - #8554 Indicate connected AP in Neighborhood view. - #7987 Home view XO icon palette for Control Panel has wrong icon - #7685 Alternate home layouts; fixed ring scaling; better modularization of layouts - #8148 control panel does have layout problems with languages like mongolian - #8485 Switching between zoom levels seem to leak * Tue Sep 16 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.82.7-1 - remove numpy finally * Sat Sep 13 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.82.6-1 - #8438 control panel fails when run with python -OO - #8470 SpreadLayout leaks self._collisions - #8375 gst usage in the shell wastes 2.6mb - #8372 Remove numpy usage from the shell * Thu Sep 12 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.82.5-1 - #8427 Sugar does not send SetActive(True) - #8409 Sugar does not save network's BSSIDs in networks.cfg * Thu Sep 11 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.82.4-1 - #7480 Need to 'reset' the network configurations - short term fix - #8368 Disable the server plugin if no server was specified * Sat Sep 6 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway - 0.82.3-2 - fix license tag * Sat Sep 6 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.82.3-1 - #8300 Shell _launchers are leaked - #7856 notify::active behaviour change - #8250 Invalid POT for "Copyright and License" of control panel * Wed Sep 3 2008 Jeremy Katz - 0.82.2-2 - Require gstreamer-python and telepathy-python (rhbz#447589) * Fri Aug 29 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.82.2-1 - 6929 Control panel: include copyright/licensing info in about dialogue - Fix some launcher issues * Thu Aug 28 2008 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.82.1-1 - #2866 Network Manager GUI doesn't report success or failure - #3993 The color of network icon in Home view becomes white after restarting Sugar. - #2866 Network Manager GUI doesn't report success or failure - #7988 Sugar control panel doesn't have a language entry for kreyol - #7823 Non-modal alerts in CP remain when they shouldn't - #7733 Cannot install Wikipedia-10.xo - #7356 regression in activity view performance. - #7660 XO Neighborhood icon drawing & erase glitches - #6605 Screen rotates clockwise, while rotation button shows counter clockwise arrows - #7877 Control Panel / Data & Time: Selecting timezone by typing locks up UI - #7965 Mirror activities list in RTL locales - #7220 Mark newly downloaded activities as favorites by default - #7874 Search entry in Home focuses list view when cleared - #7971 CP fails to validate all settings correctly - #7970 Some CP modules set needs_restart to False when they shouldn't - #7764 Reset Registration with school servers - short term solution - #7823 Non-modal alerts in CP remain when they shouldn't - #7874 Search entry in Home focuses list view when cleared - #7730 Clicking on Speaker icon should Mute/Unmute Sound - #4656 Non-olpc buddies not shown in the meshview (using salut) - #7873 Search entry in Home should be focused implicitly * Fri Aug 22 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.82.0-2.20080822git454def195d - Fix #6605 #7877 #7965 #7220 #7874 #7971 #7970 #7764 #7823 #7841 * Thu Aug 07 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.82.0-1 - Mirror the intro screen in rtl. Patch by Khaled Kosny Fix #3108 - #7740 react gracefully to dbus services being restarted - Fix case when already registered 7836 - Redirect keyboard brightness and DCON freeze requests to OHM #7357 - open cp software-updater on first boot after an update 7495 - Activate threads support 7486 - added languages Norwegian and Slovenian - translation updates * Fri Aug 01 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.81.8-1 - 7248 Speaker device has inconsistent behavior - 7625 alt+tab switching is slow because activities are notified unneccessary - 7560 cp: Inconsistent behavior after changing the xo color - 7641 Control panel sugar theme infelicities. - 6136 No feedback from 'register' request. * Wed Jul 23 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.81.7-1 - 7546 Activity launcher fails to show when launching from the journal - 5664 Copying formatted text out of Browse breaks Journal/clipboard interaction - 7385 Change the accelerator for switching between views in the home level - 7249 Device ordering in Frame is not fixed - 7510 Control Panel 'About Me' incorrectly keeps a name edit when you choose to Cancel out - 7071 Activities cannot be deleted via GUI - 4208 Battery indicator's icon fullness inconsistent with indicator %. - 7430 Favorites view is not preserved - 7434 Control panel UI for power management. * Thu Jul 17 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.81.6-4.20080715git8137d5c37f - split the sugar-emulator in it's own package to get rid of the xephyr dependency * Tue Jul 15 2008 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.81.6-3.20080715git8137d5c37f - 7071 Add an option for uninstalling activities from the home view - 7476 Order control panel modules logically - 4208 battery icon consistency fix - 7354 Maintain correct zoom level after activity launch * Wed Jul 09 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.81.6-2.20080709git8f4819a62e - git snapshot - 7430 Preserve the favorites layout across reboots - 7434 Add power section to the control panel * Wed Jul 09 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.81.6-1 - 7438 sugar shuts down when you click Restart - 7365 Invites not working - 7248 Speaker device has inconsistent behavior - 7339 CPU Spins after starting an activity - 7015 Add proper alignment support to the tray control - 5613 Cannot set non-ASCII nick name - 7046 Deleting activity bundle with journal leaves it showing in Home list view until reboot - 7391 Make the search field in Home reveal the list view - 7248 Speaker device has inconsistent behavior - 7272 Notifications are redundant with new launching feedback - 7273 Activity icons remain colored after launch * Sat Jun 21 2008 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.81.5-1 - Fix a bug with activity switching (benzea) - UI improvements to the control panel frame section (erikos) - First go at session management implementation (marco) - New activity launching feedback (eben and marco) - Speaker device implementation cleanups (mtd) - Support for 1-1 chat with other xmpp clients (morgs and cassidy) - Shortcuts improvements for emulation (mtd) - Additional free form layout for the home view and allow to reorder icons (tomeu) - Improve layout logic for the icons in the mesh view (tomeu) - Support for switching activities using alt+tab (benzea) * Mon Jun 09 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.81.3-1 - Search in the activity list (Tomeu) - Add installation date in the activity list (Tomeu) - Improve performance of the activity list (Tomeu) - Sort activities in the list and ring by installation date (Tomeu) - Speaker device (Martin Dengler) - Graphical frontend for the control panel (Simon) - Rotate the dpad keys when the screen rotate button is pressed (Erik Garrison) * Thu May 22 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.81.1-2 - Removed patch to fix activity location * Thu May 22 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.81.1-1 - Make arrows scroll up and down in scroll views - Merge activities.default into favorites * Tue Apr 28 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.79.4-1 - Pylint cleanup. - Misc graphical fixes. * Mon Apr 28 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.79.3-2 - Patch to fix system activities location * Wed Apr 09 2008 Tomeu Vizoso - 0.79.3-1 - Misc graphical fixes. * Wed Apr 2 2008 Simon Schampijer - 0.79.2-1 - Frame/Home redesign - Put corner stone * Fri Mar 28 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.79.1-1 - Update to 0.79.1 * Mon Feb 11 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.79.0-2 - Require sugar-artwork * Fri Feb 8 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.79.0-1 - Update to 0.79.0, rework dependencies because of the toolkit split * Sat Feb 2 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.11-2 - Rebuild * Tue Jan 29 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.11-1 - Fix #5904 * Fri Jan 18 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.10-1 - Fix #1406 #5944 #6051 * Wed Jan 16 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.8-2 - Update the mime db. Fix #5815 * Fri Jan 11 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.8-1 - Fix #5489 #4562 #5765 #5559 #5493 #5573 #5648 * Thu Jan 10 2008 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.7-1 - Fix #4145 #5538 #5760 #5532 #5884 * Sat Dec 22 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.6-1 - Fix #5489 * Wed Dec 19 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.5-1 - Fix #5526 #5512 #4909 * Wed Dec 19 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.4-1 - Fix #4906 #5382 #5364 * Wed Dec 12 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.3-1 - Fix #4965 * Tue Dec 11 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.1-1 - Fix #5154 #5221 #5080 * Wed Dec 5 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.75.0-1 - Update to 0.75.0 * Fri Nov 30 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.70.3-1 - Update to 0.70.3 * Thu Nov 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.70.2-2 - Change the jabber server * Tue Nov 20 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.70.2-1 - Update to 0.70.2 * Mon Nov 19 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.70.1-1 - Update to 0.70.1 * Wed Nov 14 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.89.20071114git411879e9de - #4768 Fix memory leak when switching between activities. (marco) * Tue Nov 13 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.88.20071113git9d28557bbd - Fix randr. (marco) - Do not fail if there is not an activity service. (marco) - Alert when an activity cannot be saved. (rwh) * Tue Nov 13 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.87.20071113git47e231311b - Get rid of sound competely to be sure we don't block the device. (marco) * Tue Nov 13 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.86.20071112git1bf6cdaa81 - #4728, #4764: Set the correct colors for filtered out mesh view icons. (tomeu) * Fri Nov 09 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.85.20071109gitd6bac927e1 - #4667 Do not display XO outside the mesh view. (marco) - #4687 Use the right free function, fix a crash. (sjoerd) - #4724 Display meshbox invite palette menu with colored activity icon (erikos) - Always checkin to the DS from a new file. (tomeu) * Fri Nov 09 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.84.20071109git55864fa3f6 - Support for the espeak service. (codyl) - Fix typo in activity launching code. (marco) * Thu Nov 08 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.83.20071108gite23f012e08 - Launch a few activities outside rainbow containers. (marco) * Thu Nov 08 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.82.20071108git3e491c2dc7 - #4715: Filter new items that appear in the mesh view. (tomeu) - #4716: Filter correctly activity icons in the mesh view. (tomeu) - Use HOME/.i18n in control panel and reset jabber_registered to False (erikos) * Wed Nov 07 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.81.20071107gitdae3ebe8d1 Snapshot 306d32832f * Tue Nov 6 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.80.20071106git306d32832f - Add missing dependency to sugar-base * Tue Nov 06 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.79.20071106git306d32832f - Associate ctrl+s to keep. (rwh) * Tue Nov 06 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.78.20071105git73cae198f5 - Remove the startup sound for now, to not break audio for all the activities. (marco) * Mon Nov 05 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.77.20071105git0a9676171d - #4650: Failure to write journal files. (marco) * Mon Nov 05 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.76.20071105gitee8712d1c4 - #3119: Implement some basic search capabilities in the mesh view. (tomeu) * Sun Nov 04 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.75.20071104gitd456f6c633 - New experimental screenshot code. (marco) * Sat Nov 03 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.74.20071103gite748f756c0 - #4618: Make the shell service more resilient to failure. (tomeu) * Fri Nov 02 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.73.20071102git39aca0154d - Get bundle installation to work again. (marco) * Fri Nov 02 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.72.20071102gitb6422678e6 - #1941 Call FocusSearch method for popping up the journal. (rwh) * Fri Oct 19 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.71.20071019gitefd0bbd326 - New snapshot * Thu Oct 18 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.70.20071018git78f51a1b56 - New snapshot * Thu Oct 11 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.69.20071010git9c5755d85a - New snapshot * Tue Oct 9 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.68.20071009git6c7c6a503b - New snapshot * Sun Oct 7 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.67.20071007git143f9ac9c6 - New snapshot * Sun Oct 7 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.66.20071007git143f9ac9c6 - New snapshot * Sat Oct 6 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.65.20071006gitc74013db1f - New snapshot * Sat Oct 6 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.64.20071005git79ba6b91b7 - New snapshot * Thu Oct 4 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.63.20071004gitacca55e861 - New snapshot * Mon Oct 1 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.61.20071001gited40d65791 - New snapshot * Fri Sep 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.60.20070928gitb8ec83c5b8 - New snapshot * Wed Sep 26 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.59.20070926git5a595ea04e - New snapshot * Tue Sep 25 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.58.20070925git5a595ea04e - New snapshot * Mon Sep 24 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.57.20070924git5a595ea04e - New snapshot * Sat Sep 22 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.56.20070922git5a595ea04e - New snapshot * Thu Sep 20 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.55.20070920git5a595ea04e - New snapshot * Wed Sep 19 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.54.20070919gitb8ce5083b7 - New snapshot * Wed Sep 19 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.53.20070919gitb8ce5083b7 - New snapshot * Tue Sep 18 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.52.20070918gitb8ce5083b7 - New snapshot * Tue Sep 18 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.51.20070917gitb8ce5083b7 - New snapshot - Add a patch to set the jabber server to jabber.laptop.org * Mon Sep 17 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.50.20070917gited22733941 - New snapshot * Sat Sep 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.49.20070915git8ef6c57f8b - New snapshot * Fri Sep 14 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.48.20070914git0a666e23cf - New snapshot * Wed Sep 12 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.47.20070912git47f473189e - New snapshot * Tue Sep 11 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.46.20070911git8b784a6223 - New snapshot * Mon Sep 10 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.45.20070910git79237f3114 - New snapshot * Sun Sep 9 2007 Dan Williams - 0.65-0.44.20070909gita1f5cece18 - New snapshot * Sun Sep 9 2007 Dan Williams - 0.65-0.43.20070909git6b6470ebcb - New snapshot * Fri Sep 7 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.42.20070907gitc8700feccf - New snapshot * Thu Sep 6 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.41.20070906gitd9a30c23ff - New snapshot * Tue Sep 4 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.40.20070904git0ad6398cf1 - New snapshot * Mon Sep 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.39.20070903git0b3f687749 - New snapshot * Sat Sep 1 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.34.20070901gitfeb462d08d - New snapshot * Thu Aug 30 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.33.20070830gite65fef5c79 - New snapshot * Wed Aug 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.32.20070829git23ad88db0c - New snapshot * Tue Aug 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.30.20070827git246ec1e4aa - New snapshot * Wed Aug 22 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.29.20070822gitd38cacfe2c - New snapshot * Mon Aug 20 2007 John (J5) Palmieri - 0.65-0.28.20070820gite83b98a8f6 - New snapshot * Mon Aug 20 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.28.20070820gitb24a28a77d - New snapshot * Tue Aug 14 2007 John (J5) Palmieri - 0.65-0.27.20070814gitd93122bf5e - New snapshot * Wed Aug 1 2007 Dan Williams - 0.65-0.27.20070801gitd22f00d894 - New snapshot * Don't set a presence server by default (except in the emulator) (dcbw) * Tue Jul 31 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.26.20070731git7ddd46589e - New snapshot * Sun Jul 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.25.20070729git285099fe08 - New snapshot * Fri Jul 27 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.24.20070727git285099fe08 - New snapshot * Wed Jul 25 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.23.20070725git088c7612e3 - New snapshot * Tue Jul 24 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.22.20070724git9ac5d38e90 - New snapshot * Mon Jul 23 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.21.20070723git4a924a8e5d - New snapshot * Mon Jul 23 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.20.20070723git943c78ffa7 - New snapshot * Fri Jul 20 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.19.20070720git8ae99aaa87 - New snapshot * Thu Jul 19 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.18.20070719gitf6f3f2b520 - New snapshot * Tue Jul 17 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.16.20070717git5212790236 - New snapshot * Tue Jul 17 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.15.20070716gitfd7336c2f1 - New snapshot * Mon Jul 16 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.14.20070715git9f4da4e6d1 - New snapshot * Fri Jul 13 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.13.20070713git4c352d1f83 - New snapshot * Wed Jul 11 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.12.20070711gitec7eb2ebbb - New snapshot * Tue Jul 10 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.11.20070710gitb83a9ec27d - New snapshot * Tue Jul 10 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.4.20070710git42f0bcc48d - New snapshot * Tue Jul 10 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.3.20070710git757b2b8ce6 - New snapshot * Mon Jul 9 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.2.20070709gitaa6a024368 - New snapshot * Sun Jul 8 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.10.20070708gitf8cf7ff1ce - New snapshot * Fri Jul 6 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.9.20070706gitcebf25739b - #1930: Only take preview before closing. (tomeu) * Fri Jul 6 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.7.20070706git8af15d4e73 - Nicer tooltips. Improved sizing logic. (marco) - Do not popdown the frame when palettes are active. (marco) - Add macedonian translation. (ArangelAngov) - Add brazilian translation. (DiegoZacarao) - Some fixes for changing the selected clipboard object. (tomeu) - Fix palettes around the mesh edges. (edsiper) * Fri Jul 6 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.6.20070706gitde8b3b4c01 - Use HAL to get battery informations. - Improvements in the mesh view layout. - Hide the active palette when another popup. - Icons in the buddy menu items * Tue Jul 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.4.20070703gitcc2b8884c0 - Use the new palette widget everywhere in the UI - Do not always show the shutdown palette on startup - Implement primary and secondary state for palettes - Fix several frame/zoom level bugs * Fri Jun 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.3.20070629git30bee7e43a - Better palette positioning - Reject invalid nick names in the intro screen - Make startup notification work from the journal and clipboard - Do not create a new object when resuming from the journal * Thu Jun 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.2.20070628git0d6760b194 - New snapshot * Thu Jun 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.10.20070628git03ef9c034e - New snapshot * Wed Jun 27 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.9.20070627git381df08442 - New snapshot * Wed Jun 27 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.8.20070627git69ba74ddc2 - New snapshot * Tue Jun 26 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.7.20070626git4f748dba9b - New snapshot * Tue Jun 26 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.4.20070626gitgit84127380dc - New snapshot * Thu Jun 21 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.3.20070620git0e4efae7ae - python-telepathy is the name of the package in Fedora * Wed Jun 20 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.65-0.2.20070620git0e4efae7ae - Update to 0.65 - Fix versioning scheme * Tue Jun 19 2007 John (J5) Palmieri - 0.64-7.git3b1ee5a0bc.1 - add a %%doc line with COPYING COPYING.LIB and README - fix up BR's - fix buildroot * Thu Jun 14 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.64-6.git3b1ee5a0bc.1 - Remove gst-plugins build dep * Thu Jun 14 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.64-5.gita1e3dbaf9e.1 - New snapshot * Mon Jun 4 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.64-3.gitb2980d7bd6.1 - New snapshot * Wed May 30 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.git9ea6b18027.1 - Updated snapshot * Thu May 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-1.gitb1ed24498c.1 - Journal API fixes * Thu May 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-1.git0c77275ba7.2 - New snapshot * Thu May 17 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.87.20070517git - Presence service fixes * Thu May 17 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.86.20070517git - Ps and browser fixes * Wed May 16 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.85.20070516git - Journal perf fixes * Tue May 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.84.20070515git - Some ps fixes * Tue May 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.83.20070515git - Fix mozilla components initialization * Tue May 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.82.20070515git - Journal and ps fixes * Mon May 14 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.81.20070514git - Improved activity toolbar * Mon May 14 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.80.20070514git - Fix sugar browser * Mon May 14 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.79.20070514git - Several datastore and presence service fixes * Fri May 11 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.78.20070511git - Fix cursors * Fri May 11 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.77.20070511git - Various theme fixes and correct dpi * Thu May 10 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.76.20070510git - New snapshot * Mon May 7 2007 Dan Williams - 0.63-2.75.20070406git - Fix nickname encoding and length issues * Fri Apr 6 2007 Dan Williams - 0.63-2.74.20070406git - Network manager UI fixes (don't show adhoc APs) - Fix the 'execute' command so the camera button works - Blacklist failed buddy service resolutions in the PS * Thu Apr 5 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.73.20070405git - Network manager UI fixes * Tue Apr 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.72.20070403git - Do not abort on X errors * Tue Apr 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.71.20070403git - Do not kill the process for X errors in mozilla * Fri Mar 30 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.70.20070331git - Fix for back/forward on frames * Fri Mar 30 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.69.20070330git - Fix pdf downloading on broken servers * Fri Mar 30 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.68.20070330git - Some fixes for the new ap status feedback * Thu Mar 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.67.20070329git - Fixes for the mesh device UI * Thu Mar 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.66.20070329git - Better feedback for the ap states on the mesh view. * Thu Mar 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.65.20070329git - Fix pdf mime type. Mesh network support. * Wed Mar 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.64.20070328git - Improve rollovers behavior. Disable the presence service. * Mon Mar 26 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.62.20070326git - Misc bugfixes * Fri Mar 23 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.61.20070323git - Support for translations. Bugfixes. * Thu Mar 22 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.60.20070322git - Fix gtkrc path * Thu Mar 22 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.59.20070322git - Add a gtkrc. Some fixes. * Wed Mar 21 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.58.20070321git - Don't hardcode font for arabic. Entry style fixes. * Tue Mar 20 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.57.20070320git - Some style fixes * Mon Mar 19 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.56.20070319git - File chooser size fixes * Sun Mar 18 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.55.20070318git - More frame and saving fixes * Sat Mar 17 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.54.20070317git - Suggest name on save. Frame fixes. * Fri Mar 16 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.53.20070316git - Several bug fixes * Fri Mar 16 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.52.20070316git - FIx file picker buttons * Thu Mar 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.51.20070315git - Fix donut and devices sizing * Thu Mar 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.50.20070315git - Several bugfixes * Thu Mar 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.49.20070315git - Downloads fixes and improvements * Wed Mar 14 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.48.20070314git - Improve the frame behavior and animation - Add API to save image and web pages * Sun Mar 11 2007 Dan Williams - 0.63-2.47.20070308git.1 - Better frame animation * Thu Mar 8 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.47.20070308git - Add a default picture * Wed Mar 7 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.46.20070307git - More nm fixes. Fix keyboard grabbing. * Wed Mar 7 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.45.20070307git - Some nmclient signals cleanups * Wed Mar 7 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.44.20070307git - Fix the doubling access points bug. Fix some access point state bugs. * Wed Mar 7 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.43.20070307git - Simple but efficient implementation of spreadbox * Mon Mar 5 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.42.20070306git - Update snapshot * Mon Mar 5 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.41.20070305git - Update snapshot * Mon Mar 5 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.40.20070305git - Update snapshot * Sat Mar 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.39.20070305git - Update snapshot * Sat Mar 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.38.20070304git - Update snapshot * Sat Mar 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.37.20070304git - Update snapshot * Fri Mar 2 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.36.20070302git - Update snapshot * Thu Mar 2 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.34.20070302git - Update snapshot * Thu Mar 2 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.33.20070302git - Update snapshot * Thu Feb 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.32.20070302git - Update snapshot * Thu Feb 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.31.20070301git - Update snapshot * Wed Feb 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.30.20070228git - Update snapshot * Wed Feb 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.28.20070228git - Update snapshot * Wed Feb 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.27.20070228git - Update snapshot * Wed Feb 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.26.20070228git - Update snapshot * Wed Feb 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.25.20070228git - Update snapshot * Wed Feb 28 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.24.20070228git - Update snapshot * Tue Feb 27 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.23.20070227git - Update snapshot * Sat Feb 24 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.22.20070224git - Update to 0.63-2.22.20070224git * Thu Feb 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.21.20070215git - Update to 0.63-2.21.20070215git * Thu Feb 8 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.20.20070208git - Update to 0.63-2.20.20070208git * Tue Feb 5 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.20.20070203git.1 - Remove dep on pygtkmozembed * Sun Feb 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.20.20070203git - Update to 0.63-2.20.20070203git * Sun Feb 3 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.19.20070203git - Update to 0.63-2.19.20070203git * Wed Jan 31 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.18.20070131git - Update to 0.63-2.18.20070131git * Wed Jan 31 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.17.20070131git - Update to 0.63-2.17.20070131git * Wed Jan 31 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.16.20070131git - Update to 0.63-2.16.20070131git * Wed Jan 29 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.15.20070129git - Update to 0.63-2.15.20070129git * Wed Jan 17 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.14.20070167git - Update to 0.63-2.14.20070117git * Tue Jan 16 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.13.20070116git - Update to 0.63-2.13.20070116git * Mon Jan 15 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.12.20070115git - Update to 0.63-2.12.20070115git * Sat Jan 13 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.11.20070113git - Update to 0.63-2.11.20070113git * Fri Jan 12 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.10.20070112git - Update to 0.63-2.10.20070112git * Thu Jan 11 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.9.20070111git - Update to 0.63-2.9.20070111git * Wed Jan 10 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.8.20070110git - Update to 0.63-2.8.20070110git * Wed Jan 10 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.7.20070110git - Update to 0.63-2.7.20070110git * Tue Jan 9 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.6.20070109git - Update to 2.6.20070109git * Tue Jan 9 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.5.20070109git - Update to 2.5.20070109git * Mon Jan 8 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.4.20070108git - Update to 2.4.20070108git * Mon Jan 8 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.3.20070108git - Update to 2.3.20070108git * Mon Jan 8 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.1.20070108git - Update to 2.1.20070108git * Fri Jan 5 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.2.20070105git - Update to 0.63-2.2.20070105git * Fri Jan 5 2007 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-2.1.20070105git - Update to 0.63-2.1.20070105git * Thu Nov 21 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.63-1 - Update to 0.63 * Wed Nov 20 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.62-1 - Update to 0.62 * Mon Nov 18 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.61-1 - Update to 0.61 * Mon Nov 18 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.60-1 - Update 0.60 - Addd the service files * Fri Nov 17 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.59.1-1 - Update to 0.59.1 * Mon Nov 14 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.59-1 - Update to 0.59 * Mon Nov 14 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.58-1 - Update to 0.58 * Sun Nov 12 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.57-1 - Update 0.57 * Sun Nov 12 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.56-1 - Update 0.56 * Sun Nov 12 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.54-1 - Updat 0.54 * Fri Nov 10 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.53-1 - Update 0.53 * Fri Nov 10 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.52-1 - Update to 0.52 * Thu Nov 9 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.51-1 - Update to 0.51 * Wed Nov 8 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.50-1 - Update to 0.50 * Sun Nov 5 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.49-1 - Update to 0.49 * Sat Nov 4 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.48-1 - Update to 0.48 * Fri Nov 3 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.47-1 - Update to 0.47 * Mon Oct 30 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.46-1 - Update to 0.46 * Sat Oct 28 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.45-1 - Update to 0.45 * Thu Oct 26 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.44-1 - Update to 0.44 * Thu Oct 26 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.43-1 - Update to 0.43 * Wed Oct 25 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.42-1 - Update to 0.42 * Tue Oct 24 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.41-1 - Update to 0.41 * Fri Oct 20 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.40-1 - Update to 0.40 * Fri Oct 20 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.39-1 - Update to 0.39 * Thu Oct 19 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.38-1 - Update to 0.38 * Wed Oct 18 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.37-1 - Update to 0.37 * Tue Oct 17 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.36-1 - Update to 0.36 * Tue Oct 17 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.35-1 - Update to 0.35 * Fri Oct 13 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.34-1 - Update to 0.34 * Fri Oct 6 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.33-1 - Update 0.33 * Fri Oct 6 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.32-1 - Update 0.32 * Fri Oct 6 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.31-3 - Add req for vte * Fri Oct 6 2006 John (J5) Palmieri - 0.31-2 - Add req for hippo-canvas-python * Thu Oct 5 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.31-1 - Update to 0.31 * Wed Oct 4 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.30-1 - Update to 0.30 - Update dependencies * Mon Sep 11 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.29-1 - Update to 0.29 * Mon Sep 11 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.29-1 - Update to 0.29 * Mon Sep 11 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.28-1 - Update to 0.28 * Mon Sep 11 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.27-1 - Update to 0.27 * Mon Sep 11 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.26-1 - Update to 0.26 * Fri Aug 25 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.25-1 - Update to 0.25 * Fri Aug 25 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.24-1 - Update to 0.24 * Fri Aug 25 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.23-1 - Update to 0.23 - Add build req pygtk2-devel * Wed Aug 23 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.22-2 - Rebuild * Wed Aug 23 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.22-1 - Update to 0.22 * Tue Aug 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.21-1 - Update to 0.21 * Tue Aug 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.20-2 - Requires matchbox-window-manager * Tue Aug 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.20-1 - Update to 0.20 - Fix requires - Require python-devel - Require perl-XML-Parser - Missing make on build - Require gettext * Tue Aug 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.19-3 - Remove .la * Tue Aug 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.19-2 - Package some missing files * Tue Aug 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.19-1 - Build 0.19 * Sun Jun 30 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.18-1 - Build 0.18 * Sun Jun 30 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.17-1 - Build 0.17 * Sun Jun 29 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.16-1 - Build 0.16 * Sun Jun 24 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.15-1 - Build 0.15 * Sat Jun 23 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.14-1 - Build 0.14 * Fri Jun 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.13-1 - Build 0.13 * Fri Jun 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.12-4 - Add pkgconfig to build requires * Fri Jun 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.12-3 - Remove build requires * Fri Jun 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.12-2 - Make this noarch * Fri Jun 22 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.12-1 - Update to release 0.12 * Tue Jun 21 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.11-1 - Update to release 0.11 * Tue Jun 21 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.10-1 - Update to release 0.10 * Tue May 21 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.9-1 - Update to release 0.9 * Tue May 21 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.8-1 - Update to release 0.8 * Tue May 21 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.7-1 - Update to release 0.7 * Tue May 21 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.6-1 - Update to release 0.6 * Tue May 17 2006 Marco Pesenti Gritti - 0.4-1 - Update to release 0.4 - No more dbus .services files * Tue May 16 2006 David Zeuthen - 0.3-1 - Update to release 0.3 * Tue May 16 2006 David Zeuthen - 0.2-3 - Add Requires: avahi-tools * Tue May 16 2006 David Zeuthen - 0.2-2 - Add Requires: libxml2-python * Mon May 08 2006 David Zeuthen - 0.2-1 - Initial package