YELLOW DOG LINUX v6.0 RELEASE NOTES 1. Hardware Support This YDL release supports the Apple PowerPC G4/G5 products, Sony PS3, and IBM System p. While it is possible to enable the provided packages (RPMs) to function on other Power-architecture systems, it is not supported by Terra Soft. 2. Wireless Support Wireless is now supported on the PS3. Configuration instructions are available at the Terra Soft Solutions website: Support for both Airport and Airport Extreme are available, the later requiring end-user configuration. Please see the HOWTOs: Please review the Terra Soft website for information concerning support for other wireless devices (ie: Airport, PCMCIA, USB). 3. Bluetooth Bluetooth devices are readily seen by Linux, but support for unique devices is case-by-case, sometimes with a great deal of effort. 4. Application Change vncviewer has been replaced by tsclient for extended functionality. 5. Enlightenment E17 A Quick Start Tutorial for YDL and E17 is available as the default home page of Firefox as well as on-line: Some components of E17 will not shutdown cleanly and may require you to use "Logout Now" button when prompted. Because menus are common between computer platforms, the boot-game-os utility will be present on non-PS3 platforms. Running boot-game-os on an Apple or pSeries machine may display some harmless errors but will have no adverse effects on the machine. The first time you log in to the E17 Desktop and engage the Computer icon, you will need to bring the associated window to the center of your screen, as follows: YDL Menu ==> Windows ==> Cleanup Windows 6. Support To learn about both free and contract support services, visit: 7. Bug Reporting Think you've found a bug in YDL 6.0? We'd like to hear about it: