/** * The mutex module provides a primitive for maintaining mutually exclusive * access. * * Copyright: Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2009. * License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Authors: Sean Kelly * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/sync/_mutex.d) */ /* Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2009. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ module core.sync.mutex; public import core.sync.exception; version (Windows) { import core.sys.windows.winbase /+: CRITICAL_SECTION, DeleteCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, TryEnterCriticalSection+/; } else version (Posix) { import core.sys.posix.pthread; } else { static assert(false, "Platform not supported"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mutex // // void lock(); // void unlock(); // bool tryLock(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This class represents a general purpose, recursive mutex. * * Implemented using `pthread_mutex` on Posix and `CRITICAL_SECTION` * on Windows. */ class Mutex : Object.Monitor { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initializes a mutex object. * */ this() @trusted nothrow @nogc { this(true); } /// ditto this() shared @trusted nothrow @nogc { this(true); } // Undocumented, useful only in Mutex.this(). private this(this Q)(bool _unused_) @trusted nothrow @nogc if (is(Q == Mutex) || is(Q == shared Mutex)) { version (Windows) { InitializeCriticalSection(cast(CRITICAL_SECTION*) &m_hndl); } else version (Posix) { import core.internal.abort : abort; pthread_mutexattr_t attr = void; !pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr) || abort("Error: pthread_mutexattr_init failed."); scope (exit) !pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr) || abort("Error: pthread_mutexattr_destroy failed."); !pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) || abort("Error: pthread_mutexattr_settype failed."); !pthread_mutex_init(cast(pthread_mutex_t*) &m_hndl, &attr) || abort("Error: pthread_mutex_init failed."); } m_proxy.link = this; this.__monitor = cast(void*) &m_proxy; } /** * Initializes a mutex object and sets it as the monitor for `obj`. * * In: * `obj` must not already have a monitor. */ this(Object obj) @trusted nothrow @nogc { this(obj, true); } /// ditto this(Object obj) shared @trusted nothrow @nogc { this(obj, true); } // Undocumented, useful only in Mutex.this(Object). private this(this Q)(Object obj, bool _unused_) @trusted nothrow @nogc if (is(Q == Mutex) || is(Q == shared Mutex)) in { assert(obj !is null, "The provided object must not be null."); assert(obj.__monitor is null, "The provided object has a monitor already set!"); } do { this(); obj.__monitor = cast(void*) &m_proxy; } ~this() @trusted nothrow @nogc { version (Windows) { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_hndl); } else version (Posix) { import core.internal.abort : abort; !pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_hndl) || abort("Error: pthread_mutex_destroy failed."); } this.__monitor = null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General Actions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * If this lock is not already held by the caller, the lock is acquired, * then the internal counter is incremented by one. * * Note: * `Mutex.lock` does not throw, but a class derived from Mutex can throw. * Use `lock_nothrow` in `nothrow @nogc` code. */ @trusted void lock() { lock_nothrow(); } /// ditto @trusted void lock() shared { lock_nothrow(); } /// ditto final void lock_nothrow(this Q)() nothrow @trusted @nogc if (is(Q == Mutex) || is(Q == shared Mutex)) { version (Windows) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_hndl); } else version (Posix) { if (pthread_mutex_lock(&m_hndl) == 0) return; SyncError syncErr = cast(SyncError) __traits(initSymbol, SyncError).ptr; syncErr.msg = "Unable to lock mutex."; throw syncErr; } } /** * Decrements the internal lock count by one. If this brings the count to * zero, the lock is released. * * Note: * `Mutex.unlock` does not throw, but a class derived from Mutex can throw. * Use `unlock_nothrow` in `nothrow @nogc` code. */ @trusted void unlock() { unlock_nothrow(); } /// ditto @trusted void unlock() shared { unlock_nothrow(); } /// ditto final void unlock_nothrow(this Q)() nothrow @trusted @nogc if (is(Q == Mutex) || is(Q == shared Mutex)) { version (Windows) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_hndl); } else version (Posix) { if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_hndl) == 0) return; SyncError syncErr = cast(SyncError) __traits(initSymbol, SyncError).ptr; syncErr.msg = "Unable to unlock mutex."; throw syncErr; } } /** * If the lock is held by another caller, the method returns. Otherwise, * the lock is acquired if it is not already held, and then the internal * counter is incremented by one. * * Returns: * true if the lock was acquired and false if not. * * Note: * `Mutex.tryLock` does not throw, but a class derived from Mutex can throw. * Use `tryLock_nothrow` in `nothrow @nogc` code. */ bool tryLock() @trusted { return tryLock_nothrow(); } /// ditto bool tryLock() shared @trusted { return tryLock_nothrow(); } /// ditto final bool tryLock_nothrow(this Q)() nothrow @trusted @nogc if (is(Q == Mutex) || is(Q == shared Mutex)) { version (Windows) { return TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_hndl) != 0; } else version (Posix) { return pthread_mutex_trylock(&m_hndl) == 0; } } private: version (Windows) { CRITICAL_SECTION m_hndl; } else version (Posix) { pthread_mutex_t m_hndl; } struct MonitorProxy { Object.Monitor link; } MonitorProxy m_proxy; package: version (Posix) { pthread_mutex_t* handleAddr() { return &m_hndl; } } } /// /* @safe nothrow -> see druntime PR 1726 */ // Test regular usage. unittest { import core.thread : Thread; class Resource { Mutex mtx; int cargo; this() shared @safe nothrow { mtx = new shared Mutex(); cargo = 42; } void useResource() shared @safe nothrow @nogc { mtx.lock_nothrow(); (cast() cargo) += 1; mtx.unlock_nothrow(); } } shared Resource res = new shared Resource(); auto otherThread = new Thread( { foreach (i; 0 .. 10000) res.useResource(); }).start(); foreach (i; 0 .. 10000) res.useResource(); otherThread.join(); assert (res.cargo == 20042); } // Test @nogc usage. @system @nogc nothrow unittest { import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free; import core.lifetime : emplace; auto mtx = cast(shared Mutex) malloc(__traits(classInstanceSize, Mutex)); emplace(mtx); mtx.lock_nothrow(); { // test recursive locking mtx.tryLock_nothrow(); mtx.unlock_nothrow(); } mtx.unlock_nothrow(); // In general destorying classes like this is not // safe, but since we know that the only base class // of Mutex is Object and it doesn't have a dtor // we can simply call the non-virtual __dtor() here. // Ok to cast away shared because destruction // should happen only from a single thread. (cast(Mutex) mtx).__dtor(); // Verify that the underlying implementation has been destroyed by checking // that locking is not possible. This assumes that the underlying // implementation is well behaved and makes the object non-lockable upon // destruction. The Bionic, DragonFly, Musl, and Solaris C runtimes don't // appear to do so, so skip this test. version (CRuntime_Bionic) {} else version (CRuntime_Musl) {} else version (DragonFlyBSD) {} else version (Solaris) {} else assert(!mtx.tryLock_nothrow()); free(cast(void*) mtx); } // Test single-thread (non-shared) use. unittest { Mutex m = new Mutex(); m.lock(); m.tryLock(); m.unlock(); m.unlock(); } unittest { import core.thread; auto mutex = new Mutex; int numThreads = 10; int numTries = 1000; int lockCount = 0; void testFn() { for (int i = 0; i < numTries; ++i) { synchronized (mutex) { ++lockCount; } } } auto group = new ThreadGroup; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) group.create(&testFn); group.joinAll(); assert(lockCount == numThreads * numTries); }