/* * Author: William Chia-Wei Cheng (william@cs.ucla.edu) * * @(#)$Header: /n/opus/u/guest/william/src/tgif/v3/RCS/README,v 3.1 1996/05/11 05:41:04 william Exp $ */ This is the ``tgif'' README file. Tgif is an Xlib base 2-D drawing facility under X11. 1) Please read the Copyright file for the copyright information. 2) Please read tgif.man, the man pages that comes with the distribution. nroff -t -man tgif.man | more <== to view psroff -man tgif.man <== to print 3) Modify Makefile.noimake or Imakefile such that TGIF_PATH is set to the directory where the optional icon file will be. (To bypass the use of the icon file, set Tgif*NoTgifIcon to true in your X resource file.) 4) Modify the DEFINES line at the beginning of Imakefile or Makefile.noimake (see "Things to try..." in the Imakefile for examples). Please do not change -DTELEPORT_ATTR=\"warp_to=\", -DLAUNCH_ATTR=\"launch=\", or -DEXEC_ATTR=\"exec=\". 5) If you don't have imake, just do the following, cp Makefile.noimake Makefile make tgif If you have imake and xmkmf, do the following, xmkmf make tgif If you have imake but don't have xmkmf, do the following, (note that the config directory should be set to wherever you can find Imake.tmpl) imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/local/libdata/X11/config make tgif 6) If your key does not work on a HP-UX machine, try doing the following: xmodmap -e "clear mod1" xmodmap -e "add mod1 = Meta_L Meta_R" 7) Please also note that tgif has nothing to do with GIF files/formats.