function make_description

Main purpose

  1. Create a valid slack-desc file for the package.


Every Slackware package should contain a slack-desc file. These usually contain a short description of the program and other details. This text is then inserted into the Slackware database file in /var/log/packages when the package is installed using installpkg.

The slack-desc file must be formatted in a certain way in order to work properly with installpkg. src2pkg will create a generic slack-desc file (or with some other name) and insert it into the package tree, unless it finds one in the CWD. If you already have a slack-desc file for the package, simply placing it in the CWD will cause it to be used -if src2pkg considers it valid. Otherwise your old one gets renamed to slack-desc.old and a new one is created as above. Usually src2pkg creates a copy of the new one in the current directory name new.slack-desc.

The last line of the slack-desc files created by src2pkg contains a configurable 'blurb' of text which says: Package by: $CREATOR
CREATOR can be configured to use whatever text you want for signing the slack-desc file, like your name.