#!/bin/dash # James 2015 # $1-bt address, $2-alias (may be empty) [ "$1" ] || { echo "Usage: ${0##*/} bt-address" && exit; } if [ "$2" ]; then mntpoint=$HOME/bt_$(tr "'\\/ .;:?*[]{}\t" _) else mntpoint=$HOME/bt_$(echo $1 | sed 's|:|_|g') fi mkdir -p $mntpoint fusermount -u $mntpoint obexfs -b "$1" $mntpoint rox $mntpoint Xdialog --infobox "\ Don't forget to umount it before disconnecting your phone. You can do that by going to your $HOME folder, find the bt_* folder with a green dot on it, right-click on it and then choose unmount. Or from terminal you can type: fusermount -u $mntpoint " 0 0 10000