#==[ Verification ]=================================# # rpm -V cups-1.7.5-19.1.s390x # Verification Status: Passed #==[ Command ]======================================# # /bin/systemctl status cups.service * cups.service - CUPS Printing Service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead) #==[ Command ]======================================# # /bin/netstat -nlp | grep cupsd #==[ Command ]======================================# # /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel #==[ Command ]======================================# # /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb DEBUG: Loading USB quirks from "/usr/share/cups/usb". DEBUG: Loaded 110 quirks. DEBUG: list_devices DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=0 #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/sysconfig/cups IDENT="cups" DESCRIPTIVE="CUPS printer daemon" CUPSD_OPTIONS="" #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/sysconfig/printer - File not found #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/printcap #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/cups/cupsd.conf LogLevel warn Listen localhost:631 Listen /run/cups/cups.sock Browsing On BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd DefaultAuthType Basic WebInterface Yes Order allow,deny Order allow,deny AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order allow,deny JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default Order deny,allow Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow Order deny,allow JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default AuthType Default Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow Order deny,allow JobPrivateAccess all JobPrivateValues none SubscriptionPrivateAccess all SubscriptionPrivateValues none Order deny,allow Allow from all DefaultPolicy default #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/cups/printers.conf - File not found #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/cups/mime.types - File not found #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/cups/mime.convs - File not found #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/sysconfig/printer - File not found #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/printcap #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/cups/cupsd.conf LogLevel warn Listen localhost:631 Listen /run/cups/cups.sock Browsing On BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd DefaultAuthType Basic WebInterface Yes Order allow,deny Order allow,deny AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order allow,deny JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default Order deny,allow Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow Order deny,allow JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default AuthType Default Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow Order deny,allow JobPrivateAccess all JobPrivateValues none SubscriptionPrivateAccess all SubscriptionPrivateValues none Order deny,allow Allow from all DefaultPolicy default #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/cups/printers.conf - File not found #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/cups/mime.types - File not found #==[ Configuration File ]===========================# # /etc/cups/mime.convs - File not found #==[ Log File ]=====================================# # /var/log/cups/error_log - Last 500 Lines I [08/Oct/2013:17:36:25 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [08/Oct/2013:17:36:25 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [08/Oct/2013:17:36:25 +0200] Full reload complete. I [08/Oct/2013:17:36:25 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [08/Oct/2013:17:36:25 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [08/Oct/2013:17:36:25 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [08/Oct/2013:17:36:25 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [08/Oct/2013:17:36:25 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [10/Oct/2013:19:01:48 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [10/Oct/2013:19:01:48 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Full reload is required. I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Full reload complete. I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [10/Oct/2013:19:55:46 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [10/Oct/2013:20:30:00 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [10/Oct/2013:20:30:00 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Full reload is required. I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Full reload complete. I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [10/Oct/2013:20:33:40 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:08 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:08 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Full reload is required. I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Full reload complete. I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [12/Oct/2013:00:04:58 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [12/Oct/2013:00:29:57 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [12/Oct/2013:00:29:57 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Full reload is required. I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Full reload complete. I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [12/Oct/2013:00:30:48 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [12/Oct/2013:01:06:23 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [12/Oct/2013:01:06:23 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Full reload is required. I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Full reload complete. I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [12/Oct/2013:01:07:13 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:09 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:09 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Full reload is required. I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Full reload complete. I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [12/Oct/2013:01:18:54 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [12/Oct/2013:01:23:41 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [12/Oct/2013:01:23:41 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Full reload is required. I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Full reload complete. I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [12/Oct/2013:01:24:25 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [12/Oct/2013:01:35:36 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [12/Oct/2013:01:35:36 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Full reload is required. I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Full reload complete. I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [12/Oct/2013:01:36:20 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:04 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:04 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Full reload is required. I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:52 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:53 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:53 +0200] Full reload complete. I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:53 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:53 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:53 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:53 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [14/Oct/2013:12:21:53 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:14 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:14 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Full reload is required. I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Full reload complete. I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [14/Oct/2013:12:25:59 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [14/Oct/2013:12:34:26 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [14/Oct/2013:12:34:26 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Full reload is required. I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Full reload complete. I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [14/Oct/2013:12:35:11 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [14/Oct/2013:12:44:57 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [14/Oct/2013:12:44:57 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Full reload is required. I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Full reload complete. I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [14/Oct/2013:12:45:42 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [14/Oct/2013:12:55:15 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [14/Oct/2013:12:55:15 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Full reload is required. I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Full reload complete. I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [14/Oct/2013:12:56:00 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [14/Oct/2013:13:02:36 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [14/Oct/2013:13:02:36 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Full reload is required. I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Full reload complete. I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [14/Oct/2013:13:03:22 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [16/Oct/2013:18:38:58 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [16/Oct/2013:18:38:58 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Full reload is required. I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Full reload complete. I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [16/Oct/2013:18:39:48 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [16/Oct/2013:18:56:52 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [16/Oct/2013:18:56:52 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Full reload is required. I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Full reload complete. I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [16/Oct/2013:18:57:40 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Full reload is required. I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Full reload complete. I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [21/Oct/2013:12:17:34 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Full reload is required. I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Full reload complete. I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [21/Oct/2013:12:22:03 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Full reload is required. I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Full reload complete. I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [21/Oct/2013:12:37:55 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Listening to (IPv4) I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Full reload is required. I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Full reload complete. I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Listening to on fd 3... I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [25/Oct/2013:14:26:38 +0200] Resuming new connection processing... I [25/Oct/2013:14:31:36 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [25/Oct/2013:14:31:36 +0200] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Listening to (IPv4) I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Full reload is required. I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Full reload complete. I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Listening to on fd 3... I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [28/Oct/2013:12:34:51 +0100] Resuming new connection processing... I [04/Dec/2013:15:49:42 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [04/Dec/2013:15:49:42 +0100] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Listening to (IPv4) I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Full reload is required. I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Full reload complete. I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Listening to on fd 3... I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [04/Dec/2013:15:51:30 +0100] Resuming new connection processing... I [10/Dec/2013:13:04:05 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [10/Dec/2013:13:04:05 +0100] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Listening to (IPv4) I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Full reload is required. I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Full reload complete. I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Listening to on fd 3... I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [10/Dec/2013:13:05:50 +0100] Resuming new connection processing... I [10/Dec/2013:13:25:54 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [10/Dec/2013:13:25:54 +0100] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Listening to (IPv4) I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Full reload is required. I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Full reload complete. I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Listening to on fd 3... I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [10/Dec/2013:13:27:09 +0100] Resuming new connection processing... I [10/Dec/2013:13:43:36 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [10/Dec/2013:13:43:36 +0100] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Listening to (IPv4) I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Full reload is required. I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Full reload complete. I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Listening to on fd 3... I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [10/Dec/2013:13:44:34 +0100] Resuming new connection processing... I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Listening to (IPv4) I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Full reload is required. I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Full reload complete. I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Listening to on fd 3... I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [18/Dec/2013:18:04:24 +0100] Resuming new connection processing... I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Listening to (IPv4) I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Full reload is required. I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Full reload complete. I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Listening to on fd 3... I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [18/Dec/2013:18:08:22 +0100] Resuming new connection processing... I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6) I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Listening to (IPv4) I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients. I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Full reload is required. I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 37 types, 40 filters... I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Loading job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Full reload complete. I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"... I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Listening to ::1:631 on fd 1... I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Listening to on fd 3... I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4... I [18/Dec/2013:18:12:19 +0100] Resuming new connection processing... I [08/Jan/2014:09:32:06 +0100] Scheduler shutting down normally. I [08/Jan/2014:09:32:06 +0100] Saving job cache file "/etc/cups/yes/job.cache"... #==[ Log File ]=====================================# # /var/log/cups/error_log.test - File not found #==[ Log File ]=====================================# # /tmp/prnlog - File not found #==[ Verification ]=================================# # rpm -V cups-client-1.7.5-19.1.s390x # Verification Status: Passed #==[ Command ]======================================# # /usr/bin/lpstat -t lpstat: Bad file descriptor lpstat: Bad file descriptor lpstat: Bad file descriptor lpstat: Bad file descriptor lpstat: Bad file descriptor scheduler is not running no system default destination #==[ Command ]======================================# # /usr/sbin/lpc status