Indice de LinuxFocus por número
Este es un índice con todos los artículos publicados
en LinuxFocus, ordenados según el número en el que aparecieron.
- QCad: Technical drawing with Linux
QCad is a 2D CAD system
- Running applications remotely with X11
X Window System is much more than just an environment to manage the windows of graphical applications.
- Developing Gnome Application with Python (Part 2)
This article series is primarily written for beginners in the area Gnome and GNU/Linux. The author presents an educational tool to write Gnome GUIs using Python.
- Chrooting all services in Linux
Chrooted system services improve security by limiting damage that someone who broke into the system can possibly do
- MySQL and Perl, the marriage of convenience
Using MySQL in conjunction with Perl is an old story, but still a good one.
- Writing CDs with Linux
In this article we describe how you can write CDs under Linux.
- Linux System Administration - A User's Guide (Book Review)
This is a review of the book titled "Linux System Administration - A User's Guide" by Marcel Gagne. The book has 532 pages and 26 chapters that cover installation, daemons, run-levels,file systems, password policy, kernel building, printing, devices, backups, network administration, secure computing, and more.
- Páginas Amarilla, 1ª parte
The Network Information Service (NIS) manages a data base on server. Each computer on a network running a NIS client NIS can then poll the server for informations (login name,password, users and groups informations, ...).
Yellow Pages (Part II)
My previous article was an introduction to the yellow pages and RPCs. This one explains how to configure a NIS client, how this client works and a small introduction to the different tools coming with NIS. Finally, we'll have a few words about NIS+
- Aprendiendo con el nmap
nmap is a security scanner
Security holes - part IV
This fourth article deals with format strings security holes
- Cantando bajo la web
Review of the new improved version of one of the lightest browsers
- Revisión de libros: Programación profesional en PERL
This is a review of the book Professional Perl Programming from Wrox Press.
- Compilar, configurar e instalar un Kernel de Linux Personalizado comletamente operativo
This article provides you with an extremely detailed and step-by-step process describing how to Compile, Configure and then Install a Customized Red Hat Linux Kernel.
- Usos (y abusos) de Raid, /dev/ram, y ramfs
ramfs is a new file system in the 2.4 Kernel. It is very simple but could have some interesting applications.
- Hacer magia con las imágenes en la shell
This article explains how to automate image processing with the shell and ImageMagick
- POVRAY IV: Uso de las texturas en Povray
Here we build a study room with different items on the table. We build the scene by extensively using textures.
- Grabación en mp3 en tiempo real
Recording music in mp3-format gives you the possibility to record very long pieces of music without exhausting the disk-space.
- Security Holes - part II
This second article is not directly related with the subject of the series. It reviews some concepts before describing the fear of all the system administrators:Buffer Overflows. We shall see how the memory is organized as well as the stack and how a function call is performed. Then we present a tool used for every intrusion attempt: shellcode.
- Usando distintos ISPs para su acceso a Internet
In this article we develop configuration files to easily change between a number of different Internet Service Providers. We extend the configuration not only to one PC but to a whole network using IP masquerading. A DNS proxy will be used to make the changing DNS IP addresses invisible inside the masqueraded network.
- Revisión de juegos - Penguin Command
"Missile Command" clone with better gfx and sounds
- GNUstep, el OpenStep open source
An object-oriented framework
- ¡El Servidor de Fax fácil!
This article explains how to install hylafax, a fax server, on a linux box
- Book Review: Beginning Linux Programming
This is the review of a "Linux programming bible" published by Wrox press.
- Replicado de datos en tiempo real bajo Linux
This article will explain on how to set an inexpensive real.time data replication system on Linux without need of special hardware. This kind of replication will be especially useful for ISPs or webhosts.
- Descubriendo el Ted
Ted is a very nice and light weight word processor
- Utilidades GNU
The GNU utilities are a set of standard UNIX commands available with almost every UNIX system.
- NFS - Sistema de Ficheros en Red
Network File System (NFS) is a tool to manage files spread among several computers on a network as if they were on the same local machine. So, the final user does not have to worry of the exact location of its own files in order to access them.
- An introduction to Tk
This articles explain how to build a graphical interface using the Toolkit of Tcl: Tk. The reader should also appreciate the simplicity of this toolkit compared to usual X-Windows libraries.
- xinetd
xinetd - extended Internet services daemon - provides an excellent security against the intrusions, and limit certain risks of attacks by Deny of Services ( DoS ). It allows, just like the most known pair ( inetd + tcpd ), to set access control to a computer, but its capacities extend well beyond. This article proposes you to discover them.
- Erase una vez... o Unix comercial vs Unix libre, y más!
Why choosing between a commercial or a free Unix
- Sistemas de alta disponibilidad bajo Linux
What is High Availability, why it is important and how to implement it using Linux.
- Guía de Instalación de Slackware 7.0. Parte I
The author describes in detail the installation of the Slackware 7.0 Linux distribution. This article is written for beginners.
- MagicPoint
This article reviews the possibility of MagicPoint. This software is one of the very few that allow creation of presentations under X-Windows.
- Bastille-Linux o cómo mejorar la seguridad de nuestro sistema
Available by the beginning of june,version 1.1 of Bastille-Linux is not a new Linux Distribution but a set of security scripts. The authors have adopted a very pedagogic approach and one can learn a lot simply installing these scripts.
- Revisión de libros: Professional PHP Programming
This article,reviews the book Professional PHP Programming,a Programmer to programmer collection from WROX press.
- Analizando Vector Linux
Review of a mini linux distribution
- REBOL el rebelde
Let's say REBOL is a messaging language, but as a matter of fact, it's much more than that.
- Como informar sobre errores en Debian 2.2
How that Debian 2.2 is released, a lot of people will upgrade to new newest Debian distro. Since Debian is extremely stable, why do you need a bug report tool? I do not know, but you cannot write software without bugs, so bugs will be found. This article explains how to submit them to the developers of the package.
- Construyendo ISPs escalables con software de código abierto
In my last article, I introduced you to using LDAP on Linux. In this article, we will build a scalable ISP that can scale from one to any number of backend machines. The backbone of setting up this ISP is LDAP.
- Un vehículo autoguiado basado en Linux
This ariticle describes a Linux based robot as developed at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
- Instalación y Configuración de un Sistema RAID
RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) consists of a series of systems to organize several disk drives into a single entity that behaves as a single virtual drive but making the various disks work in parallel thus improving the access performance and saving the information stored from accidental crashes.
- Teclado "Happy Hacking"<BR> Revisión del producto
Product review of the Happy Hacking Keyboard
- PG2CGI Acceso a Bases de Datos desde el Web
We describe a new program that allows one accessing a database from HTML pages.
- Permisos de Acceso a Ficheros
This article is divided into two parts: The first part (Basic file access permissions) is a very short introduction to the basic file permission concept under Unix. The second part (T-bit, SUID and SGID) covers more advanced features of Linux that go beyond the basic "read-write-execute" flags.
- Java. Parte II
The second part of a tutorial about java
- Design of Recursive Structures. POVRAY III
The author explores the use of iterative structures within POVRAY and the beautiful images that they can generate.
- Creando y Editando Animaciones con GIMP
Simple techniques to create and edit animations using the Gimp
- Enlightenment
Enlightenment is a highly customizable window manager for Linux. This article discusses the features, installation, and customization of the Enlightenment window manager.
- Expresiones Regulares
Regular expressions are advanced search patters. This Article gives an introduction.
- Linux among artists at BUF COMPAGNIE
BUF Company is a major synthetic image maker in the film business.
- StarOffice Editor
This article looks at the word processor in StarOffice
- Real Time Linux II
In this second issue devoted to RT-Linux I will try to offer a more practical view of RT-Linux.
- Java. Parte I
This is the first article in a series about Java programming. The first part will describe Java as a language, its general characteristics and the location of the most relevant sources of information.
- SQL Tutorial <br>Parte II
Part II of the tutorial reviews several basic statements of the SQL language.
- MySQL<BR> Servidor de Bases de Datos
MySQL is an SQL (Structured Query Language) database server supported by a number of platforms, including Linux. Its Linux version is design with fast performance in mind.
- Añadiendo Seguridad a una Distribución de Linux
How to modify a Linux distribution out of the box to get better security.
- TCPD y Firewalls usando IPFWADM
This article describes very briefly how to configure the inetd services in order to improve security on your system. We concentrate in the of the tool IPFWADM to administer and configure inetd services
- Posicionamiento Básico de la Cámara
Although the positioning is not as intuitive as Pov-Ray, it has an advantage when describing camera trajectories.
- MindsEye: 3D Modeling
About 2 years ago, when linux was still very much a hackers operating system, the idea popped up to start work on a renderer/modeler/animation program for Linux.
- Writing Text with Gimp
The graphics corner continues to review and compare two good Image manipulation tools: Photoshop and Gimp. Our reviewers explore the creation of text banners.
- Creating a (Somewhat Useful) Version of Linux
Follow this article and learn how to create your own set of boot/root disks under Linux.
- Introduction to SQL. (SQL Part I) and installation of PostgreSQL
A SQL tutorial intended for novice database developers.
- The X Display Manager
The X Display Manager runs as a daemon on a host machine and manages multiple X displays.
- StarOffice for Linux
This article reviews the applications available in the suite StarOffice 4.0. The author gives us a demonstration using tool for the creation of presentations. (functionally similar to Microsoft's Power Point).
- Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX
The goal of this article is provide managers in corporations with the data and comparisons necessary to make well-informed decisions concerning the installation of servers for the corporate environment. All the information presented in this article summarizes the experience of a number of information systems professionals.
- RenderMan
Who has not heard of Pixar? Who has not seen "Toy Story"? Pixar developed RenderMan.
- The Postscript Language
This is the first one of a series of articles about PostScript.
- Real-Time Linux
Basic Concepts of Real-Time.
- Introduction to DNS
You may have wondered what happens behind the scenes in Netscape after you enter a URL. This article will help you to understand the name-lookup process.
- OpenGL: the 3D Scene
Explore the bolts and nuts of 3D rendering with OpenGL.
- GLUT: using Menus
Our GL Utility Toolkit series continues, examining the windows menu programming interface with a simple example.
- POVRAY II: Basic Notions
This is the second article on a series about Povray. This time we review some general concepts and start describing the basic elements of the language.
- Writing Text with PhotoShop
The graphics corner continues to review and compare two good Image manipulation tools: Photoshop and Gimp. Our reviewers explore the creation of text banners.