Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Wed, 02 Jan 02 Volume 19 : Issue 1 Today's Topics: [*] ABSTRACT for A_Z_CustomFolders [*] CDFinder 3.5.1 for Mac OS X [*] CDFinder 3.5.1 for Mac OS 8.5 - 9.2.2 [*] eurocruncher v1 - batch conversion FRF-EUR inside text files [*] Folder Flattener Lite 1.2 [*] Mac FAQ Stack 3.4 [*] MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 [*] MacSatellite 1.5 [*] PhotoGrid X 1.2, a quick image viewer with resizable thumbnail for OS X [*] PhotoGrid2.52, a quick image viewer with resizable thumbnail [*] Picture-in-Picture X 1.0.1 - Floating QuickTime Movie Player [*] Smart Scroll 3.7.3J - Controls Scrolling Speed [*] Startup Doubler 2.6.2 - For Faster Startups! [*] Startup Doubler 2.6.2J - For Faster Startups! [*] Structurix PPC 1.0.0 en [*] Structurix PPC 1.0.0 French [*] TXWizard 2.1 [*] Web Confidential 3.0.1J - Japanese Version [Q] Why 3 minutes to get print dialog? extract images from IE web archives HSCSD modem script for Nokia 6210 i want linux (A) mail QuickTime movies strange problem - won't startup from CD The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V19 #1" ------------------------------ Date: 20 Dec 2001 From: "Royce K. DeBow Sr." <> To: Subject: [*] ABSTRACT for A_Z_CustomFolders Hello Fellow Mac Enthusiasts, And thank you for downloading A thru Z Custom Folders. As simple as these folders appear they lend a lot of valuable things that are not immediantely noticable like: 1.) Use them to dress up your Desktop, A- for aliases, D for documents T- for trash, and so on. The trash icon takes something a ittle more complex to use a folder rather than the can icon, see SPECIAL NOTE at the bottom of this read me for how to accomplish it. 2.) Add different colors to folders to add accent and differenciate folders that may have the same letter: ie Documents, Dates and Aliases and Accounts and so on. Use the colors in the folders by HIGHLIGHTING the folder of your choice, then select GET INFO (Cmd./i) and inside the GET INFO window select LABLE and choose your COLOR. 3.) Folders with BIG easy to SEE letters actually save time. It is easier to visuialize an 'A' before reading the word Aliases. Its a mind games thing. You will overtime become to associate COLORS with ACTIONS. Most used with RED and GREEN etc. Should you ever LOSE the LAST copy of any folder for ANY reason, (like the Zippo lighter commercial says) we will send you a complete set at NO CHARGE ! (To any registered user) Thanks for your interest in our products. Sincerely, MyShare Publications Co. (MSPco.ü) 825 S. Silverbrook Drive West Bend, Wisconsin 553095-4369 262-306-7330 (Phone&Fax with prior notice) Mr. Royce K. DeBow Sr.- Owner [Archived as /info-mac/gui/az-custom-folders.hqx; 45 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 2001 From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <> To: Subject: [*] CDFinder 3.5.1 for Mac OS X CDFinder is a very fast and powerful tool to catalog your hard disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs, floppies, ZIPs and anything else that spins. It has a great user interface and very useful search functions. CDFinder supports drag&drop and requires a PowerPC CPU. While System 8.5 is required, CDFinder is also fully compatible to MacOS 9.1 and Mac OS X. A special feature is the multi-lingual user interface (German/French/English/Italian/Swedish/Chinese). Together with CDWinder 1.5.1 for Windows, <> this is a special cross platform, network solution to catalog disks and CD-ROMs on a Macintosh and a PC. The new version can be obtained from the CDFinder home page <>. A single user license of CDFinder is $25, multi user licenses are available. New in CDFinder 3.5.1: - CDFinder now supports the mouse scroll wheels in Mac OS X. - Some problems with reading MP3 tags, especially those created by iTunes X have been corrected. - Some problems contacting the freedb server to get the Audio-CD titles have been corrected. - A couple if other minor issues are solved as well. This version requires Mac OS X Contact: Norbert M. Doerner Mozartstr. 16 64546 Moerfelden-Walldorf Germany <> [Archived as /info-mac/disk/cd-finder-351-x.hqx; 981 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 2001 From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <> To: Subject: [*] CDFinder 3.5.1 for Mac OS 8.5 - 9.2.2 CDFinder is a very fast and powerful tool to catalog your hard disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs, floppies, ZIPs and anything else that spins. It has a great user interface and very useful search functions. CDFinder supports drag&drop and requires a PowerPC CPU. While System 8.5 is required, CDFinder is also fully compatible to MacOS 9.1 and Mac OS X. A special feature is the multi-lingual user interface (German/French/English/Italian/Swedish/Chinese). Together with CDWinder 1.5.1 for Windows, <> this is a special cross platform, network solution to catalog disks and CD-ROMs on a Macintosh and a PC. The new version can be obtained from the CDFinder home page <>. A single user license of CDFinder is $25, multi user licenses are available. New in CDFinder 3.5.1: - CDFinder now supports the mouse scroll wheels in Mac OS X. - Some problems with reading MP3 tags, especially those created by iTunes X have been corrected. - Some problems contacting the freedb server to get the Audio-CD titles have been corrected. - A couple if other minor issues are solved as well. This version requires a PowerPC and at least Mac OS 8.5. Contact: Norbert M. Doerner Mozartstr. 16 64546 Moerfelden-Walldorf Germany <> [Archived as /info-mac/disk/cd-finder-351.hqx; 961 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 2001 From: eurema <> To: Subject: [*] eurocruncher v1 - batch conversion FRF-EUR inside text files EuroCruncher v1 by Perform currency conversions between French Francs and Euros inside any text file. Use it to convert bank accounts from minitel or web, exported price lists, bills, web pages and any text file including amounts . It must be used by open a text file. The main window allowyou to choose how to treat numbers not followed by any currency symbol : FRF= French Francs; EUR= Euros. You could also choose the output format of the converted numbers: 1- FRF (EUR) output numbers in Francs followed by amount in Euros between parenthesis. 2- EUR (FRF) output numbers in Euros followed by amount in Francs between parenthesis. 1- EUR output numbers in Euros only. The following procedure is used to perform conversion: 1- only numbers having a two numbers decimal part are treated : x.xx. 2- commas for decimal part is replaced by a point : xx,xx => xx.xx 3- spaces are removed from numbers like x xxx xxx.xx 4- trailing plus or minus signs (xxxx.xx- or +) are placed before the number (- or + xxxx.xx) 5- every unit in the range : F, FR, f, fr is replaced with FRF 6- every unit in the range : Ç, euro, euros is replaced with EUR 7- Çht, ÇHT, Çttc, ÇTTC, Fht, FHT, fht, fHT, fTTC, FTTC, Fttc, fttc are treated similarly with an added space after EUR or FRF. 8- the unit choosen in first dialog is added to numbers without currency unit (ie: EUR or FRF). 9- formated and rounded output number is placed inside the document following the choice made in the second dialog. 10- The converted file is saved at the same folder level with the same name completed by the characters .cvÇ An overall control of the converted file must be made to verify that the preceding rules have not been contradicted by an exotic number format not taken into account. The program has been developed with MacPerl 5 that is Perl 5, ported to the Mac by Matthias Neeracher <> and ported on powerPC with relBasic v3.5 If you have internet access, you can obtain the newest versions of Perl by anonymous ftp from one of the following address: [] software/platform/macos/perl As this is my first use of perl regExp's , I surely have made many ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/euro-cruncher.hqx; 902 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 2001 From: "David C. Oshel" <> To: Subject: [*] Folder Flattener Lite 1.2 Folder Flattener Lite 1.2 Abstract: Drop a folder on the desktop icon. Folder Flattener will compress and encipher your folder and all files and subfolders within, creating a backup file suitable for uploading to Internet storage servers. Double-clicking the .flat file will restore the entire folder to the location you select. Does not delete sources unless the Option key is depressed (normally, a pretty cheerful key.) Small, stable, fast, secure. Requires PowerPC, Macintosh OS 7.5 up to 9.2.1. Works fine in the Mac OS X 10.1.1 "Classic" environment. Disclaimer: Freeware. Some assembly required (your codebook, see below). Absolutely no support. Not responsible! This program may contain errors, however unlikely, that could damage your file system, your livelihood, your sanity and/or the last chance of the gods at Gotterdammerung. Use this program entirely at your own risk and discretion! If you lose track of your codebook, or if it is damaged, your .flat files will be beyond my resources to restore. History: Lite v1.2 - 20 Dec 2001, user may now press Esc or Cmd-Period to halt; improved documentation (you re reading it) [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/folder-flattener-lite-12.hqx; 538 K] ------------------------------ Date: 24 Dec 2001 From: Ben Sharvy <> To: Subject: [*] Mac FAQ Stack 3.4 Mac FAQ Stack is a compilation of useful advice, how-to's, and facts about the Macintosh. The stack (Hypercard format) is extremely searchable in many different ways. It is an Infodex stack, which means it can be reused for any other subject you desire, and the stored data can be exported as Web pages, linked to the the WEb, linked to pictures and movies, and so on. Mac FAQ Stack is freeware. [Archived as /info-mac/info/mac-faq-34.hqx; 174 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 2001 From: To: Subject: [*] MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 is a program for creating and editing lesson plans. It is a stand-alone program written for educators who yearn for an easier method of planning daily, weekly, and yearly lesson plans. The strength of MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 is in handling unpleasant cycle day situations. Days of school missed during the week are properly passed over. The correct cycle days are kept in order. MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 alleviates the mundane task of transcribing subjects and times of daily events from the current week's plans to next week's plans. The process of completing lesson plans is especially arduous for those using the cycle day system: snow days and holidays shift cycle days beyond what drawing arrows can help. [Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-lesson-planner-pro-10.hqx; 188 K] ------------------------------ Date: 24 Dec 2001 From: Eduardo Foster <> To: Subject: [*] MacSatellite 1.5 MacSatellite is the AudioGalaxy Satellite for the Mac. Freeware Version 1.5 Req : MacOS 8.0 or higher, 8 mb of Free Ram There's a read me file in the archive that explains what the program do. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/mac-satellite-15.hqx; 887 K] ------------------------------ Date: 24 Dec 2001 From: NattaWorks-Nagano <> To: Subject: [*] PhotoGrid X 1.2, a quick image viewer with resizable thumbnail for OS X * PhotoGrid is a simple image viewer that shows a lot of images at a time. * TreeView which is like Finder's list view lets you select the folders and files you want to view. * GridView lists all the image files as thumbnails in a grid structure. You can resize the thumbnails at anytime so you can view the images with various scales. * Convenient Move/Copy window * Slideshow. * System requirements: MacOS X * Shareware price : U.S.$15. * homepage: ver 1.2 - PhotoGrid2.52 base - bug fixes - Move/Copy window [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/photo-grid-x-12.hqx; 1357 K] ------------------------------ Date: 24 Dec 2001 From: NattaWorks-Nagano <> To: Subject: [*] PhotoGrid2.52, a quick image viewer with resizable thumbnail * PhotoGrid is a simple image viewer that shows a lot of images at a time. * TreeView which is like Finder's list view lets you select the folders and files you want to view. * GridView lists all the image files as thumbnails in a grid structure. You can resize the thumbnails at anytime so you can view the images with various scales. * Convenient Move/Copy dialog. * Slideshow. * System requirements: PPC Mac like iMac. MacOS 8 or higher. MacOS 8.6 and QuickTime 4 are recommended. * Shareware price : U.S.$15. * homepage: ver2.52 -Drag image files onto Finder -Startup options -etc. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/photo-grid-252.hqx; 1343 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 2001 From: Feelorium <> To: Subject: [*] Picture-in-Picture X 1.0.1 - Floating QuickTime Movie Player Picture-in-Picture X 1.0.1 (c) Copyright 2001 Feelorium Limited, All Rights Reserved. Picture-in-Picture X is an QuickTime movie player. It plays movies on an always on top window. It enables you to watch your favorite movies while you work on other applications. Picture-in-Picture X is very easy to use. You simply drag and drop movie files or folders on to its window, and it plays the movies one by one automatically. You can also watch QTV channels easily. Picture-in-Picture X includes information about many of QTV channels. Just press the 'QTV' button, and choose your favorite channel. Picture-in-Picture X knows you don't always need those control buttons and menus. It automatically hides controls when you switch to other applications. Picture-in-Picture X resizes its window to keep the aspect ratio of the playing movie correct. It knows where its window should be. It 'sticks' the window to the screen corner where it was. Supported Languages - English - Traditional Chinese System Requirements - Mac OS X 10.1 What's New - You can use the new Dock Menu to control Picture-in-Picture X now. - Picture-in-Picture X will no longer crash when you first launch it and open a dynamic resizing movie. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/picture-in-picture-x-101.hqx; 260 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 2001 From: To: Subject: [*] Smart Scroll 3.7.3J - Controls Scrolling Speed This is the Japanese version of the Smart Scroll package. Smart Scroll: Scrolling speed control, Proportional scrollbar tabs and Live scrolling. v3.7.3 December 21, 2001 Smart Scroll allows setting a comfortable Scrolling Speed in all situations and for all Mac models. Users of fast G3 and G4 Macs may now select text past the edge of a window before it speeds by, as well as navigate long menus with ease! And while Apple's "Smart Scrolling" concerns mostly the Finder, the original Smart Scroll brings Proportional Thumbs and Live Scrolling to applications such as Netscape, Emailer, AppleWorks, Word, and most system add-ons such as control panels. Version 3.7.3 is a maintenance release adding support for Mac OS 9.2.2. Smart Scroll runs on Mac OS 9.2.2 and previous versions (going back to System 7.0). You may download and try Smart Scroll for 15 days, at no charge. If you decide to keep it, please register your copy. Upgrades are free to registered users. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/smart-scroll-373-jp.hqx; 233 K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 2001 From: Marc Moini <> To: Subject: [*] Startup Doubler 2.6.2 - For Faster Startups! Startup Doubler can make your Mac startup faster, closer to the maximum speed allowed by the hardware. Startup Doubler's software acceleration streamlines loading of Extensions, Control Panels, Startup Items and the Finder to improve startup times. Startup Doubler is most useful for pre-G4 Macs, where startup can be made 10% to 50% faster. Fast disks in new high-end Macs can't be accelerated much, but the free trial offer lets you find out what effect Startup Doubler can have on your exact setup. Version 2.6.2 is a maintenance release adding support for Mac OS 9.2.2. Startup Doubler runs on Mac OS 7.0 through 9.2.2. You may download and try Startup Doubler for 15 days, at no charge. If you decide to keep it, please register your copy. A single license costs $20, site licenses are also available. Upgrades are free to registered users. You may download Startup Doubler or get more info from [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/startup-doubler-262.hqx; 163 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Dec 2001 From: To: Subject: [*] Startup Doubler 2.6.2J - For Faster Startups! This is the Japanese version of the Startup Doubler package. Startup Doubler can make your Mac startup faster, closer to the maximum speed allowed by the hardware. Startup Doubler's software acceleration streamlines loading of Extensions, Control Panels, Startup Items and the Finder to improve startup times. Startup Doubler is most useful for pre-G4 Macs, where startup can be made 10% to 50% faster. Fast disks in new high-end Macs can't be accelerated much, but the free trial offer lets you find out what effect Startup Doubler can have on your exact setup. Version 2.6.2 is a maintenance release adding support for Mac OS 9.2.2. Startup Doubler runs on Mac OS 7.0 through 9.2.2. You may download and try Startup Doubler for 15 days, at no charge. If you decide to keep it, please register your copy. Upgrades are free to registered users. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/startup-doubler-262-jp.hqx; 180 K] ------------------------------ Date: 24 Dec 2001 From: Yannick CALLAUD <> To: Subject: [*] Structurix PPC 1.0.0 en Structurix-PPC-100-EN is a calculation programme based on the principle of the finite elements. It makes it possible to solve plane problems with elements: bars, beams and triangulars. As well as space problems with elements: bars and beams. Lastly, ElemFin allows the calculation of: displacements of each nodes, reactions to the supports and stress in each element. Version PPC [Archived as /info-mac/sci/structurix-10-ppc.hqx; 1249 K] ------------------------------ Date: 20 Dec 2001 From: Yannick CALLAUD <> To: Subject: [*] Structurix PPC 1.0.0 French Structurix-PPC-100-fr est un programme de calcul base sur le principe des elements finis. Structurix-PPC-100-fr est un programme de calcul base sur le principe des elements finis. Il permet de resoudre des problemes plans avec des elements : barres, poutres et triangulaires. Ainsi que des problemes spatiaux avec des elements : barres et poutres. Structurix permet le calcul des : deplacements de chaque noeuds, reactions aux appuis et contraintes dans chaque element. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/structurix-10-fr.hqx; 1242 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 Dec 2001 From: "J. Barnholt" <> To: Subject: [*] TXWizard 2.1 Author: Jan Barnholt (, Homepage: Contact: Version: 2.1 Shareware: 5 Euro Category: OS Requirements: MacOS 8.1 or better HW Requirements: Any PowerPC Macintosh The TXWizard is a collection of utilities for the YAMAHA TX16W digital sampler including sample converter, tools for handling TX16W setup files as well as simple Editor-Modules. See included PDF document for a detailed description. The TXWizard is shareware, meaning that you should send me a small shareware-fee if you like and use the program. This program may be included on CDROMS as long as the archive remains unchanged. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/tx-wizard-21.hqx; 325 K] ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 2001 From: To: Subject: [*] Web Confidential 3.0.1J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Web Confidential package. Web Confidential is the most powerful password manager on the Mac today. It organizes passwords and protects them with industrial strength encryption. It is also available for Windows and Palm operating systems. "Version 3 is the best release of Web Confidential so far. It runs fully native on Mac OS X and Mac OS 9. I never thought that I could port Shared Menus to Mac OS X, but thanks to Apple's outstanding support of the Component Manager on Mac OS X, it proofed possible. This means that thanks to Shared Menus, you have access to your passwords via a Shared Menu right in your browser's menu bar.", said Alco Blom. These are the main features of Web Confidential for Mac: Encryption : Industrial strength encryption (using BlowFish) Automation : Automatic entry of WWW Forms and automatic HTTP Authentication Integration : Access to your passwords in your browser and from the Dock Synchronization : Synchronization with your Palm via a Conduit Cross-platform : Binary compatible with Web Confidential for Windows Other new features: Password Generator : You can generate random passwords easily Dock Menus : You have access to all your passwords via the Dock Help Book : A full reference manual right onder the Help menu Web Confidential is shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-confidential-301-jp.hqx; 1583 K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 15:43:58 -0500 From: "Howard M. Fried" <> To: Subject: [Q] Why 3 minutes to get print dialog? Hi: I have a beige G3. It was running under OS 8.1. Some time ago, I installed AdobePS and I noticed that every time I tried to print with the AdobePS chooser extension, from any application, it took about a minute before the print dialog box would appear. For part of this time, the hard drive was being accessed. If I used a LaserWriter extension, the print dialog box appeared immediately. I've now upgraded to OS 9.1 and installed the latest version of AdobePS. Amazingly, it now takes over three minutes before the print dialog box appears and, again, part of the time the hard drive is accessed. On my PowerBook with OS 9.1 and AdobePS, there is no delay. I've rebuilt the Desktop File, checked things with Disk Warrior, turned off File Sharing, etc, but to no avail. I'd be grateful for any insight. Many thanks, Howard Fried ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:41:55 -0800 From: Bill Rausch <> To: Gordon Werner <> Subject: extract images from IE web archives >I was wondering if there is a utility that will extract the contents >from a Microsoft Internet Explorer web archive? > >If there is, please let me know (and if possible email me at > I just drag-and-drop the images from the displayed page. That works the same whether IE is on-line or reading a web archive file. Bill -- Bill Rausch, Software Development, Unix, Mac, Windows Numerical Applications, Inc. 509-943-0861 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 17:13:25 +0100 From: Jean-Marc Gabriel <> To: Subject: HSCSD modem script for Nokia 6210 Where could I find a HSCSD modem script for Nokia 6210 GSM cellular phone to get connection up to 43.2. kbits/s ? Regards, Jean-Marc Gabriel ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 16:02:41 +0000 From: Emilio <> To: Subject: i want linux (A) Try A/UX or MachTen. Emilio Souto Spain ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 02:12:32 +0100 From: Carlos Alejaldre <> To: Subject: mail I am using the new mail application that comes with system X. Does anybody know if it is possible to delete attached files and keep only the text of the messages and also if it si possible to send automatically all attached files to some folder? thanks ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 07:29:24 -0600 From: WJ Shack <> To: Rick Schultz <>, <> Subject: QuickTime movies On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 15:46:42 -0500, Rick Schultz <> wrote: >It appears that Apple has removed the mov saving capability from >Quicktime 5. I used to be able to save movie trailers so I could play >them back without a connection to the internet. > >When did this change and is there a solution? > >-Rick You can still save movie trailers if you register QT 5. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2001 22:35:23 -0500 From: Stuart Schneider <> To: Subject: strange problem - won't startup from CD I have a Mac G4 Cube 450/DVD/384 meg running system 9.2.1 with a non-partitioned hard drive that also contains OS 10.1. I am a long time Mac user. My first Mac, years ago, was the then new SE/30. When I try to start up from Tech Tool Pro 3.0.1 CD or Norton Utilities 6.0 CD by holding down the "c" key on start up, it ignores the CD and starts up from the hard drive. I then tried the old control-option-shift-delete start up and it just blinks the "can't find disk" icon and then if I let up the keys it will eventually find the hard drive. My wild guess is that when I put in 10.1 and upgraded to 9.2.1, it also added an extension that allows the hard disk to start up from either system and that this is somehow stopping it from looking in the other drives for a startup system. Any thoughts? Any suggestions where to or of whom to ask this question? Merry Christmas, Stuart Schneider -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************