Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/iso as of Sun 13 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     iso-008.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: ISO Issue#8

DATELINE: November 7th, 1995

ISO Issue#8 Released

Greetings and Happy Early Turkey Day from ISO!

This is the ISO Notification....The actual issue will follow if you are an
ISO subscriber - if not then please find ISO at the location most convenient
for downloading. For those of you who may be wondering, we have shifted
the distribution date for ISO back one day to Tuesdays every other week.

     This issue brings you some good information about the Claris press
release on the Newton Companion version of FileMaker for the Newton.
We also take less of a technical approach to this issue and have some
though provoking articles that deal with information and digital publishing
with databases.

     We ask you for a looping script and drop a couple of bonus files for you
to review. We also have a good piece for those of you who are trainers to
prepared students for the relational concepts found in the upcoming FM 3.0.

     Jon Rosen gives some good pointers on controlling your project and
sure to make your time worth the money you get.

Announcement: We will be taking the following issue period off since it will
be the Thanksgiving Holidays and will be coming back in the first half of 
December with the low down on FM 3.0. Hopefully it will be out by then!

FileMaker ISO is a I&I production. You can find ISO on all of the major
online services as well as the Internet. First year subscriptions are free
to all users of FileMaker. Here is a list of the available sites.

--ISO site-- <http://islandnet.com/~pevad/ISOmain.html>

--Claris Web--  <http://www.claris.com/>
* found in the Software Library/Solutions Showcase

--Info-Mac-- <ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
* also located at your most convienent info-mac mirror site

--On AOL-- You will find ISO in the Claris area on AOL. Use the keyword
"Claris" and enter the software area. From here you want to go into the
Solutions Showcase and you will find the issues.

--On CompuServe-- You will find ISO in the Claris Support area for
FileMaker Pro.

--Subscriptions-- ISO is sent out as an attachment to subscribed readers
of the magazine. With subscription notification you are also entitled to
occasional "extras" that ISO sends out.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any comments or suggestions please
feel free to contact us at <ISOeZine@aol.com>

ISO is Copyright (C) 1995 by I&I Productions

#### BINHEX     iso-009.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: ISO Issue #9 Notification

DATELINE: December 12th, 1995

ISO Issue#9 Released

Greetings and Merry Christmas ISO!

     This issue we jump into some of the issues related to making your
files into demo versions. We also help you with understanding what
anti-aliasing is and how to use it effectively in your interfaces.

     Bob Cusick of Working Solutionz talks about how indexing works
in FileMaker and how to best understand it.

     We also take an Up Close & Personal look at the new FileMaker 3.0.
You will find a follow up article about database publishing and
the effect it has on us all and to top it off we give you a
BONUS Loop.FM File.

     Finally we offer you some very valuable information that deal with
defining your buttons. 

FileMaker ISO is an I&I production. You can find ISO on all of the major
online services as well as the Internet. First year subscriptions are free
to all users of FileMaker. Here is a list of the available sites.

--ISO site-- <http://www.kudosnet.com/~pevad/ISOmain.html>

--Claris Web--  <http://www.claris.com/>
* found in the Software Library/Solutions Showcase

--Info-Mac-- <ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
* also located at your most convienent info-mac mirror site

--On AOL-- You will find ISO in the Claris area on AOL. Use the keyword
"Claris" and enter the software area. From here you want to go into the
Solutions Showcase and you will find the issues.

--On CompuServe-- You will find ISO in the Claris Support area for
FileMaker Pro.

--Subscriptions-- ISO is sent out as an attachment to subscribed readers
of the magazine. With subscription notification you are also entitled to
occasional "extras" that ISO sends out.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any comments or suggestions please
feel free to contact us at <ISOeZine@aol.com>

ISO is Copyright (C) 1995 by I&I Productions

#### BINHEX     iso-010.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: ISO Issue#10 Notify & Attchment

     Due to MacWorld Expo this past week we had to bump the issue back 
day. Hopefully you have been anticipating the information that we have 
back with.

     This issue we cover some of the HOT new STATUS functions in 3.0 and 
you a full blown BONUS file from one of our contributors. We also give you
some more in-depth hints about your interface design.

     Jon Rosen covers some issues related to printing invoices in the new 
and there are some other tidbits of information covering undocumented
tips and tricks in 3.0

      Finally to round things up you will find some powerful information 
using colors in your databases and to top that off we highlight 
everything that 
we found useful and interesting at MacWorld Expo '96.

FileMaker ISO is a I&I production. You can find ISO on all of the major
online services as well as the Internet. First year subscriptions are free
to all users of FileMaker. Here is a list of the available sites.

--ISO site-- <http://www.kudosnet.com/~pevad/ISOmain.html>

--Claris Web--  <http://www.claris.com/>
* found in the Software Library/Solutions Showcase
URL = 

--Info-Mac-- <ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
* also located at your most convenient info-mac mirror site. Here we have 
own directory called ISO in the periodicals section found at the popular 
Info-Mac site.

--On AOL-- You will find ISO in the Claris area on AOL. Use the keyword
"Claris" and enter the software area. From here you want to go into the
Solutions Showcase and you will find the issues.

--On CompuServe-- You will find ISO in the Claris Support area for
FileMaker Pro.

--SUBSCRIPTIONS-- ISO is sent out as an attachment to subscribed readers
of the magazine. With subscription notification you are also entitled to
occasional "extras" that ISO sends out. If you
then please copy the above, paste into an email message and send it to us.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any comments or suggestions please
feel free to contact us at <ISOeZine@aol.com>

ISO is Copyright (C) 1995 by I&I Productions

#### BINHEX     iso-012.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: FileMaker ISO Issue#12

ISO Issue#12 Released

Still cranking it out! BONUS Files galore!!!

	Well, your wait is going to be more than worth this
issue's weight in gold. This issue is literally PACKED with
good stuff.

	We covered the following issues...

Dynamic Value Lists in FileMaker
Making your own custom dialog boxes
Validations across related files
A follow up to learning relationality
Making the "return" key be the default key
Storing Saved Sets of data!

	All this wonderful information plus more great details
about things that have happend and things to come.

	From you headquarters for top FileMaker information we
bring you the best there is!

	Happy FileMaking!


ISO Digital Magazine for FileMaker Pro
"All the good stuff about the PROgram"

#### BINHEX     iso-013.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: ISO Issue Release - #13

ISO Issue#13 Released

And on to all of the good stuff you have been waiting for. This
archive is a hefty one. Weighing in at 700+K you will find a lot of
good stuff in this ISO release. We're still supporting 2.0 and have
also gone 3.0!

First off, we've got the ISO 3.0 Browser ready and usable. We have
left this one open and you will find many super new tricks that take
FM3 to the max. Oh, and the articles are good too!

We cover a lot of AppleScripting in this issue. Bob Cusick of
Clickware brings you two articles about learning some ins and outs of
using FileMaker and AppleScript on the Macintosh. And we back that up
with even MORE information about FileMaker and AppleScript.

You'll find some good information about what is going on in the world
of FileMaker and ISO as well as some grudges that ISO has against the
recently announce FileMaker Challenge by Claris Corp.

An ISO reader writes in with an article about converting files from
2.0. And we tease you with some information on setting up user stored
searches that you can select from popup menus and perform frequently.

All this and tons more that we'll let you read for yourself.

FileMaker ISO is an I&I production. You can find ISO on all of the
major online services as well as the Internet. ISO offers two forms of
subscriptions. Our freebie version and our power packed
"Professional Subscription" Send to ISOeZine@aol.com for more info.

#### BINHEX     iso-014.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: ISO Issue Release - #14

Boy can a day make a difference...

     Here is the good stuff we have this issue - plus some *really* good 
BONUS files.

      We've got our follow up article that shows you how to create user 
stored searches and its accompanying BONUS file. We also go into the 
basics of the Web and how it works with FileMaker.

      We offer some instructional tips on how to provide good FileMaker 
services. You'll also find a cool article that deals with using popups as 
filtering mechanisms. Some real useful interface techniques show up with 
a nice little BONUS file demonstrating how to do it.

      Included for Macintosh FileMaker users is an article about Blazing 
Fast AppleScript and yet another BONUS file showing off the technique.

      Macintosh users will also notice that their archive is about 250K 
larger than average. This is because of a very neat utility for working 
with multiple windows while developing in FileMaker. It's a fully stand 
alone application that helps you with productivity in FileMaker.

     And last but not least we bring you the AppleScript Database shell 
that is a handy collection tool for storing AppleScripts. Also a neat 
learning tool!
FileMaker ISO is an I&I production. You can find ISO on all of the major
online services as well as the Internet. ISO offers two forms of
subscriptions. Our freebie version and our power packed
"Professional Subscription" Send to ISOeZine@aol.com for more info.

--Subscriptions-- ISO is sent out as an attachment to subscribed readers
of the magazine. With subscription notification you are also entitled to
occasional "extras" that ISO sends out.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any comments or suggestions please
feel free to contact us at <ISOeZine@aol.com>

ISO is Copyright (C) 1995 by I&I Productions

#### BINHEX     iso-015.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: ISO Issue Release - #15

DATELINE: Friday, July 19, 1996 ISO Issue#15 Released

And you thought we might miss you this month. Well, here we are jam packed with
more FileMaker information! We've got batch printing in this issue. You can read
about the complexities of the Internet and how it relates to FileMaker. Find
information about Tango & Marionet, two Internet related FM tools.

Bob Cusick shows you how to create a new record in a related database without
external scripts. Some super layout tricks on the Macintosh side and we show you
how to implement user preferences in your databases.

Professional Subscribers will be picking up an ASCII.FP3 file that has all the
ASCII characters from 0 to 255. It also contains a calculation generator for
working with ASCII tables.

Remember, if you are not already a paid Professional Subscriber then send email
to ISOeZine@aol.com and request the "Professional Subscription Form".

FileMaker ISO is an I&I production. You can find ISO on all of the major online
services as well as the Internet. ISO offers two forms of subscriptions. Our
freebie version and our power packed "Professional Subscription" Send to
ISOeZine@aol.com for more info.

--ISO site-- <http://www.kudosnet.com/ISO/ISOmain.html>

--Claris Web--  <http://www.claris.com/>

--Info-Mac-- <ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
or URL = ftp://mirror.aol.com/mir02/INFOMAC/info-mac/per/ISO/

--On AOL-- You will find ISO in the Claris area on AOL. Use the keyword "Claris"
and enter the software area. From here you want to go into the Solutions Showcase
and you will find the issues and ISO Browser. (You may need scroll down the list)

--On CompuServe-- GO CLARIS and you will find ISO in the Claris Support area for
FileMaker Pro.

--Subscriptions-- ISO is sent out as an attachment to subscribed readers of the
magazine. With subscription notification you are also entitled to occasional
"extras" that ISO sends out.

ISO is Copyright (C) 1995 by I&I Productions

#### BINHEX     iso-016.hqx   ****

From: (Matt Petrowsky) ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: ISO Issue Release - #16

ISO Issue#16 Released

   In this issue we've got hints on being an interface craftsman, advice 
on working with the Found Set as well as how to manipulate lists within 

   We've also got some really useful BONUS files (as always) and 
encourage you to send in your tips and tricks for valuable prizes. We 
announce that we are starting to compile information for the "Everything 
FileMaker" ISO CD due around January Macworld time. Grab a cool trick for 
reinitializing your database and much more.

>> Remember, if you are not already a paid Professional Subscriber then send 
email to ISOeZine@aol.com and request the "Professional Subscription 

--ISO site-- <http://www.kudosnet.com/ISO/ISOmain.html>
* a site dedicated to show casing the best FMP information we can find

--Claris Web--  <http://www.claris.com/>
* found in the Software Library/Solutions Showcase
URL = ftp://ftp.claris.com/pub/USA-Macintosh/Solutions_Showcase/x.FileMakerPro3/F

--Info-Mac-- <ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
* also located at your most convenient info-mac mirror site. Here we have 
our own directory called ISO in the periodicals section found at the 
popular Info-Mac site.
or URL = ftp://mirror.aol.com/mir02/INFOMAC/info-mac/per/ISO/

--On AOL-- You will find ISO in the Claris area on AOL.
Use the keyword "Claris" and enter the software area. From
here you want to go into the Solutions Showcase and you will
find the issues and ISO Browser. (You may need scroll down the list)

--On CompuServe-- GO CLARIS and you will find ISO in the Claris Support
area for FileMaker Pro.

--Subscriptions-- ISO is sent out as an attachment to subscribed readers
of the magazine. With subscription notification you are also entitled to
occasional "extras" that ISO sends out.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any comments or suggestions please
feel free to contact us at <ISOeZine@aol.com>

#### BINHEX     iso-017.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com (ISO FileMaker Magazine)
Subject: ISO Issue Release - #17

The much long awaited (and to us, notorious) 17 is here. It has been a
bumpy road for the past couple of months. Along with a software release and
some other exciting events we found ourselves being delayed just a bit.

But none the less, in all its glory we present you with the latest issue of ISO.


- Article about learning ScriptMaker and using it efficiently.
- More information about doing things efficiently in your database
- Information from John Krische about using ClarisWorks for many things
- Coverage about making it happen when trying to sell your FileMaker database
- A nice little tidbits about making static HTML pages
- Some suggestions about the future of FileMaker
- Much more information related to FileMaker


- 256Color.FP3 = a database for more color access
- CalcDups.FP3 = a calculation method for finding duplicates
- DateRng.FP3 = a file to show you how to take a user through a date range
- Popup.FP3 = a very nice technique to clean up the way popups work


If you are a "Professional" subscriber and have not received your full
implementation of the FileMaker/Apple Guide help system then please notify
us. We sent out the file a couple of weeks ago and it has received
overwhelming response. If you are not a "Professional" subscriber and would
like to see this file please send email for a demo version or ask for a
"Professional" subscribers form.

#### BINHEX     iso-019.hqx   ****

From: iso@iso-ezine.com (ISO FileMaker Magazine)
Subject: ISO Issue Release - #19

DATELINE: Friday, January 31, 1997

ISO Issue#19 Released

We've made it. It has been a long 3 months. Most of our time was consumed
with creating the Everything FileMaker CD. But we got this issue done too.
This issue will mark the changes in our upcoming new policy, but never mind
that for right now. We've got a lot of good stuff in this one. As indicated
by its abnormally large file size! (1MB)

NOTE: Remember, if you want to get notifications only of new issues then
please make a request for NOTIFICATION ONLY from iso@iso-ezine.com!


- Part 3 of an ongoing series of ScriptMaker articles
- An overview of Claris Home Page
- Performing Auto Finds and regular scripting of searches
- Incorporating sound into your database solution
- Discussion about the requested features from users like you
- Constructing your ideal database template
- Using colors for backgrounds


- AUTOFIND = a folder with two unique files that automate finding information
- BONUSIDX.FP3 = an index on all of the ISO Bonus files available
- MULTISND = a folder with two files that deal with sound incorporation
- REQUESTS.FP3 = a database that has documented user feature requests,
FileMaker bugs and fixes
- SEARCH = a folder with two files that provide a *powerful* search file
you can hook up to your own files
- TEMPLATE.FP3 = a file that is the perfect starting place for database
creation projects

Thanks for reading, and if you have any comments or suggestions please
feel free to contact us at <iso@iso-ezine.com>

ISO is Copyright (C) 1995-97 by ISO Productions

#### BINHEX     iso-021.hqx   ****

From: iso@iso-ezine.com
Subject: iso-mac: ISO Issue#21 Mac File

Attached is issue number 21 of ISO FileMaker Magazine.
You will need the ISO Browser 4 to view this file.

If you do not have the Browser 4 then please visit
http://www.iso-ezine.com/ and enter the magazine section to download.

If you are an AOL or Compuserve user and the file did not translate 
correctly because of email gateways then please send email to 
iso@iso-ezine.com to notify us. (Some AOL users are experiencing problems 
with internet origin attachments)

Sincerely & Happy FileMaking!

Matt Petrowsky/ISO Editor

#### BINHEX     iso-18.hqx   ****

From: iso@iso-ezine.com (ISO FileMaker Magazine)
Subject: ISO Issue Release - #18

DATELINE: Monday, December 2, 1996
ISO Issue#18 Released

Just before we release the CD number 18 comes just in time. Thanksgiving
came and went (for those that celebrate it) and Christmas is just around
the corner. And we all like gifts!


- The continuation of an ongoing series of ScriptMaker articles
- Comparison of ClarisWorks Database to FileMaker Pro
- Making buttons modular
- Doing an AND search in a portal
- Moving information in and out of Eudora and FileMaker
- FileMaker finds explained
- Understanding the database beast


- FELDLBL.FP3 = a unique twist to field labeling
- FIELDFX1.FP3 = different things you can do with fields
- MLTIFIND.FP3 = database that offers understanding out FileMaker finds
- OMITTST.FP3 = a file that alerts you to a bug in FileMaker that may
affect some of your scripts if you use Omit


- MEGACOLR.FP3 = a file that contains many of the range color palettes and
all objects are native FileMaker (meaning they are very small and take no
storage space) Password will be emailed out to paid subscribers.


- Remember the upcoming "Everything FileMaker" CD. This one is going to be
hot. We're now taking submissions from all users of FileMaker Pro. Deadline
is December.

- ISO will be updating and revising its pricing structures in January of
1997. Stay tuned for more information.
FileMaker ISO is an ISO Production. You can find ISO on all of the major
online services as well as the Internet. ISO offers two forms of
subscriptions. Our freebie version and our power packed
"Professional Subscription" Send to iso@iso-ezine.com for more info.

#### BINHEX     iso-special-report-1.hqx   ****

From: ISOeZine@aol.com
Subject: ISO Special Report#1

Dear ISO Reader,

While you await the upcoming ISO issue #12 I have
created a new source for FileMaker information.

This comes to you in the form of the new
ISO Special Report.

Our first report is #1 and covers and advanced
topic about Self-relations and how to use them.

If you are a novice or beginning user then you
can get into the BONUS file that comes with this

If you do not get ISO attachments then you will
be able to find this report at the usuall archives
in the next couple of days.

I hope that this information will benefit you
well and I would like to thank those of you that
have sent in your letter of appreciation. As
always it gives me the drive to continue ISO.

Look forward to the next issue #12 coming around
the corner. Target date is next Monday and will
have lots of good information.

Until next time...

Matt Petrowsky, ISO Editor

ISO Digital Magazine for FileMaker Pro
"All the good stuff about the PROgram"