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Usage: gkermit [ options ] Options: -r Receive files -s fn Send files -g fn Get files from server -a fn As-name for single file -i Image (binary) mode transfer -T Text mode transfer -P Path/filename conversion disabled -w Write over existing files with same name -K Keep incompletely received files -p x Parity: x = o[dd],e[ven],m[ark],s[pace],n[one] -e n Receive packet-length (40-%d) -b n Timeout (sec, 0 = none) -x Force Xon/Xoff (--x = Don't force Xon/Xoff) -S Disable streaming -X External protocol -q Quiet (suppress messages) -d [fn] Debug to ./debug.log [or specified file] -h Help (this message) More info: %s <%s>values-Xa.c/builds/on596-gate/usr/src/lib/libc/port/gen/values-Xa.cXt ; V=2.0/export/home/igor/gkermit/gkermit/usr/ccs/lib/values-Xa.o.>N^n~Σޣ.>N^n~Τޤ.>N^n~  0  $ o0X     Z^(# &Y~ ##=Ԁ0$С     X| #. =\AO`[ qP h  d ,   P) 8 = C I O`Ydahjlqpxt~x|$ $``-(-x 12@3X D D !x ,:GU\\cHD h mo tz" xHh `3|d33tG u pg h^ c h? @!H # ) ?8E K QxXأaw}7 8 99d @1 09H8X(ؤD> ȣ `= @t #  #(@ -u 3: :B=FLȤS$]cp7 i<ut* |==8#8Xhh(ap`) q8#X  P 8 < $+@146خf :@Ig OVZx`fljLpv |hr  X6 ,`3!t$a H(  ,!(X2L 8@C2 IP jp/ u||< (|   X s  @ : 4: H7 !0@8#dī@ (  x$8-0 38=,D CLx Sv X ^' ejs q x{7 |a  |  ,~ p ("DN gkermitcrt1.scrti.svalues-Xa.ccrtstuff.cgcc2_compiled.p.2__DTOR_LIST__completed.3__do_global_dtors_aux__EH_FRAME_BEGIN__fini_dummyobject.8frame_dummyinit_dummyforce_to_data__CTOR_LIST__gproto.cgcc2_compiled.streamonxgkermit.cgcc2_compiled.ftbuf.26c.49remain.50gunixio.cgcc2_compiled.statlstatfstatmknodhavemodesttflagsnonblocktinptrtincnttlastxparityrawttoldttrawtinbufjbufworkgcmdline.cgcc2_compiled.actiongptrgbufgargsgargcdoargcrtstuff.cgcc2_compiled.__do_global_ctors_aux__CTOR_END__init_dummyforce_to_data__DTOR_END____FRAME_END__crtn.ozinptrchk1chk3_startspsizread_mcountfailure_START_atoirpsizfreadtblosptoupper_environ_endosizeofiledecoderpacketttchkversiodoexitretriesbackupgnfilesysinitrptq_iobgattrzchki__register_frame_infofirstzrtolzchkocmarg2__flsbuf_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sleepebqflgurpsizdatalen__ctypegetpktnfilscmargttolencstrdelayttnamesignalatexitexitalarmtolowerreolaccess_xstatrcvfilsprintfackebqtinit_initseofseolseotsinitlogerr_fxstatifpspadcsetjmpnoxonxoffspadnrinitlongpacketsdecstrrdataprpadcsmarkxxdatarpadnfclosegetenv_END_setbuftcsetattrmanualzinbufsndpklrmarkclosofsndpktstrncpystreamokttpkt_DYNAMICusagetcflushsizechksumprintf__iobtextnaksctlqrecvtypesattrrptflgispwritexargcurldfttyrctlqgwartzbackupstreamingxargvfilnamzincntack1parityenvironbuilderrnottfluiunlink__fpstartxdatadbcxczmaxsizkeepspacket_lxstat__deregister_frame_inforlntiminttcgetattrttinlattributestmsgl_edata_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_fopenscmdcmlisttimerhfcntlzfillbufzltorfilelengthdoparrptrqf_etext_lib_versionresendquietnxtpktinputmaxrprtimorparstart_ctypersnrcvpktstatemainmystrchrseqofp__filbuffatalbctrbctuttressendtypecmdlinsparsdatazclosilinkzclosoencoderqginitsfilesq_finizopenixonxoffzopenoemailttopen_cleanupdebugfprintfliterallongjmperrpktnomodes_xmknodGNU C crt1.sas: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995GNU C crti.sas: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995@(#)SunOS 5.5.1 Generic May 1996GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)as: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)as: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)as: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)as: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)as: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)as: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995GNU C crtn.oas: SC4.2 dev 30 Nov 1995ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris/ELF (3.0).stab.index.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.plt.text.init.fini.rodata.stab.indexstr.got.dynamic.data.ctors.dtors.eh_frame.bss.symtab.strtab.comment.shstrtabԀH 00 $$# + !4 С!= !0 F#pK%FQk#Wk]k e tyXX4 ܢ Z