IMPLEMENTATION MODULE KermType; (************************************************************************) (* Type displays a text file at the screen *) (* written: 25.02.86 Matthias Aebi *) (* last modification: 26.02.86 Matthias Aebi *) (************************************************************************) FROM M2Kermit IMPORT Param1; FROM Terminal IMPORT Write, WriteString, WriteLn, Read; FROM FileSystem IMPORT Lookup, Close, ReadChar, File, Response; IMPORT KermMisc; FROM String IMPORT Insert; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Type; (************************************************************************) CONST ESC = 33C; VAR theFile : File; ch : CHAR; BEGIN IF Param1[0] = "?" THEN WriteString("Specify the name of the file to be listed"); ELSE WriteLn; Insert(Param1, 0, "DK."); Lookup(theFile, Param1, FALSE); IF theFile.res # done THEN WriteString("Could not open file"); WriteLn; RETURN; END; ReadChar(theFile, ch); Write(ch); REPEAT WHILE (NOT theFile.eof) AND (NOT KermMisc.ReadChar(ch)) DO ReadChar(theFile, ch); Write(ch); END; IF (NOT theFile.eof) AND (ch # ESC) THEN (* pause *) Read(ch); (* wait for character *) END; UNTIL theFile.eof OR (ch = ESC); Close(theFile); END; END Type; END KermType.