Development Planner and Task History

Basic rules

+ Every new version will be uploaded to CTAN network
+ For each single task there will be a single commit

Hypothetical development task list:

20__-__-__: [dev] TiKz driver
20__-__-__: [dev] debug driver, ga stream pretty printing
20__-__-__: [dev] make thing happen: font property for text
20__-__-__: [dev] develop LaTeX user package
20__-__-__: [dev] coherent error management
20__-__-__: [dev] proportional options
20__-__-__: [dev] a number parameter can be a string? unit measure...
20__-__-__: [prj] a command line program to print barcodes
20__-__-__: [dev] make optional file name in all the Driver methods
20__-__-__: [prj] test l3build for testing and CTAN files packaging
20__-__-__: [dev] load barcode parameters from an external file
20__-__-__: [dev] new Parameter Class
202_-__-__: [dev][barcode] new `alias` feature
202_-__-__: [dev][barcode] new `preset` feature
202_-__-__: [project][build] make a Lua script to easily create the CTAN upload
          : compressed files
202_-__-__: [dev] statistical data on how many barcode symbols was printed
202_-__-__: [upc] UPC-E barcode symbology

Scheduled task list for Data Matrix 2D symbology implementation:

202_-__-__: [dmx] data matrix first run
202_-__-__: [dmx] ecc200 error correction code
202_-__-__: [svg] opcode for grids
202_-__-__: [pdf] opcode for grids
202_-__-__: [ga] ga new grid opcode
202_-__-__: [geo] grid vector object
202_-__-__: [dev] init source file encoder for Data Matrix

Ongoing Scheduler:
202_-__-__: [milestone] version 0.1
202_-__-__: [test] update test files with recent changes
202_-__-__: [dev][ean] fix the `ean:checksum()` to include ISBN and ISSN variant
202_-__-__: [dev] control the method call on the right class
202_-__-__: [code128] add human readeable text
202_-__-__: [breaking change] refactor Text libgeo object
202_-__-__: [project] adhere to semver specification
202_-__-__: [doc] API reference
202_-__-__: [doc] barcode symbologies reference: code39

2022-06-22: [code128] fix a bug in the encoder (complete rewriting)
2020-05-03: [barcode] debug_bbox option
2020-05-03: [libgeo] optional tx, ty moving point for encode_<object>
2020-04-06: [driver] new methods for gaCanvas class and default style graphic
2020-03-20: [upc] new UPC-A barcode symbology
2020-03-13: [barcode] new method get_code() and get_hri()
2020-03-11: [breaking change][barcode] new `draw()` method
2020-03-07: [ga] new <dash-pattern> and <reset-pattern> opcodes
2020-03-06: [doc] new section explains `Vbar`
2020-03-02: [doc] add a chess example for `ga` stream

    2020-03-02: [doc] put ga-asm-spec together with the manual

2020-02-27:*[dev][i2of5] human readeable text for i2of5 and ITF14

    2020-02-26: [ean] guard text in EAN symbology
    2020-02-25: [libgeo][gaCanvas] Polyline object test file
    2020-02-25: [libgeo][gaCanvas] new Polyline object

2020-02-22: [dev] new methods _process_char() and _process_digit()
2020-02-09: [dev] new constructor `Barcode:new()`

    2020-02-17: [libgeo] delete `Vbar_archive` in favour of `Archive`
    2020-02-16: [libgeo] arithmetic of new object `Queue`
    2020-02-12: [libgeo] new class `Archive`
    2020-02-12: [dev][libgeo] add method `Vbar_archive:add_space()`
    2020-02-12: [dev][libgeo] refactor `Vbar_archive:push_queue()` method
    2020-02-12: [dev][ean] refactor ean to use `Vbar_archive`
    2020-02-11: [dev][i2to5] refactor i2of5 to use `Vbar_archive`
    2020-02-10: [dev][code128] refactor code128 to use `Vbar_archive`
    2020-02-09: [dev][libgeo] refactor code39 to use `Vbar_archive`
    2020-02-06: [dev][libgeo] new `Vbar_archive` class in libgeo

2020-02-05: [dev][libgeo][breaking change] return `ok, err` instead of `err`
            for canvas methods
2020-02-04: [dev][ean] new function `encoder:_init_parse_state()`, and EAN
          : family adoption;
          : [dev][i2of5] `encoder:_init_parse_state()` adoption for ITF14
          : variant
          : [project] update version number in preparation of the next version

2020-02-04: [milestone] version <v0.0.10> completed task/commit list:
2020-02-04: [dev][ean] ISSN support
2020-02-03: [dev][ean] move out of `_config()` `finalize()` method as in i2of5
2020-02-02: [dev][i2of5] new ITF14 variant, plan for the next version
2020-02-01: [dev] new semantic for barcode parameter: alternative family
          : parameters definition for a variant, via `_par_def_<variant>` field
2020-02-01: [dev] rewrite code for the filter option in
          : `Barcode:param_ord_iter()` and execute a test on it
2020-01-31: [dev] add filter option on `Barcode:param_ord_iter()`
2020-01-18: [dev][breaking change] rename config() private method to _config(),
          : encoders can now decide if variant argument is mandatory or not,
          : update to year 2020 copyright notes
2020-01-08: [dev][ean family] complete the ISBN support
2019-12-29: [dev] a new data structure for encoder parameter ordering
2019-12-29: [dev][ean family] inital ISBN support
2019-12-28: [api][barcode] new Barcode method `:get_code()`
2019-12-27: [api][breaking change] rename the `get_barcode_class()` method
          : to the more simple `barcode()`
          : [api][breaking change] new encoder naming convention
          : reuse or create a new encoder object in barracuda:hbox() and
          : barracuda:save() methods

Task history and previous version:

[🎉] <v0.0.9.1> 2019-12-04: prelude to version v0.1
09.15: 2019-11-29: [prj] upload to CTAN version v0.0.9.1 (under CTAN rules)
09.14: 2019-11-29: [prj] upload to CTAN version v0.0.9
09.13: 2019-11-26: [man] say something about barracuda.sty
09.12: 2019-11-26: [man] edit the section 'A more deep look' for clearness
09.11: 2019-11-26: [prj] reformat todo file: no more date at line end
09.10: 2019-11-26: [svg] take dimensions as scaled point and then mm
09.09: 2019-11-26: [prj] every dev task ends with a repository commit
09.08: 2019-11-25: [prj] .gitignore .out file
09.07: 2019-11-25: [svg] support for text
09.06: 2019-11-25: [man] time to get an usable manual even if minimal
09.05: 2019-11-23: [chk] some new test files
09.04: 2019-11-23: [dev] new barracuda methods save() and hbox()
09.03: 2019-11-20: [svg] driver first run
09.02: 2019-11-10: [dev] implement ga opcode for line-join style and line-cap style
09.01: 2019-11-10: [prj] make lib-parseopt a separated project

<Version 0.0.8> move costructors to the barcode abstract class     🎉 2019-11-09
Task   8.5: adopted new Barcode costructors in the EAN encoder        2019-11-09
Task   8.4: adopted new Barcode costructors in the ITF encoder        2019-11-09
Task   8.3: adopted new Barcode costructors in the Code128 encoder    2019-11-09
Task   8.2: adopted new Barcode costructors in the Code39 encoder     2019-11-04
Task   8.1: new costructor method in the barcode superclass           2019-11-04

<Version 0.0.7> code refactoring for ga-canvas                     🎉 2019-11-02
Task   7.5: recompile all the test files                              2019-11-02
Task   7.4: new functions canvas:encode_<obj>()                       2019-11-02
Task   7.3: text position options for Code39 became two indipendent   2019-11-02
Task   7.2: added a new code39 test file (and bugs fixed)             2019-11-02
Task   7.1: added subdirectories in the test tree                     2019-11-02

<Version 0.0.6> implement Interleaved 2 of 5 encoder               🎉 2019-07-02
Task   6.4: test files                                                2019-07-02
Task   6.3: add bearer bars for itf encoder                           2019-07-02
Task   6.2: check digit capability for itf 2 of 5 encoder             2019-07-02
Task   6.1: implement basic Interleaved 2 of 5 encoder                2019-06-29

<Version 0.0.5> implement Code128 and EAN family encoders          🎉 2019-01-27
Task   5.5: test file                                                 2019-01-27
Task   5.4: implement EAN2 variant                                    2019-01-26
Task   5.3: implement EAN5 variant                                    2019-01-26
Task   5.2: new family encoder concept                                2019-01-25
Task   5.1: implement EAN13 encoder                                   2019-01-12
Task   4.4: refactoring param iterator                                2018-12-30
Task   4.3: test the local system of option set up for Code128        2018-12-30
Task   4.2: test the local system of option set up for Code39         2018-12-30
Task   4.1: test for ga-canvas                                        2018-12-29
Task   3.3: opt in Code 39 and Code 128 symbol constructors           2018-12-24
Task   3.2: focus on a new constructor in Barcode Class for
            better encoder implementation                             2018-12-21
Task   3.1: import and refactoring previous Code128 encoder code      2018-12-16

<Version 0.0.2>                                                    🎉 2018-12-11
Task   2.5: option text_gap for code39                                2018-12-11
Task   2.4: resolved the horizontal correction in spaced text         2018-12-11
Task   2.3: further text option for the Code39 encoder                2018-12-06
Task   2.2: include minimal text ability to the system
Task   2.1: design and implement a basic framework

<Version 0.0.1> open 0.0.1 alpha dev master branch                 🎉 2018-11-30