# $XConsortium: polyline4.pi,v 5.2 91/11/26 14:49:53 hersh Exp $ ## polyline4- test ppolyline with all combinations of widths and ## line types - based on polyline2, but ordering differently to ## work around bug. tbegintest("polyline4", "POLYLINE with combinations of width & line type"); source macro.pi imagename = malloc(16); imagetext = malloc(100); # Set up phigs, workstation, and structure i_open_phigs(NULL,PDEF_MEM_SIZE); i_open_x_ws(1, &display, &window, 100, 300, 200, 200); popen_struct(1); ppost_struct(1,1,1.0); foreach @linetype @typename (PLINE_DASH; "dash"; PLINE_DOT; "dot"; PLINE_DASH_DOT; "dotdash"; PLINE_SOLID; "solid";) pset_linetype(@linetype); foreach @size @y1 @y2 ( 1.0; 0.5; 0.4; 2.5; 0.3; 0.2; 10.2; 0.1; 0.05; 0.0; 0.9; 0.8; 0.2; 0.7; 0.6;) # draw a crooked line with given type and size pset_linewidth(@size); points4 = IA_Ppoint(4, 0.1,@y1, 0.5,@y1, 0.3,@y2, 0.8,@y1); line4 = I_Ppoint_list(4, points4); ppolyline(&line4); end; # compose the image name and description, compare images strcpy(imagename, "pln4"); strcat(imagename, @typename); strcpy(imagetext, "polylines of different widths, type "); strcat(imagetext, @typename); i_check_image(imagename,display,window,0,0,200,200,imagetext); i_pause(); # empty the structure pempty_struct(1); end; tendtest();