2000-01-23 -+- Guido -+- guido.s@writeme.com -+- very nice article, I like it! 2001-03-20 -+- Jon Mcdermott -+- jonmcdermott@cableinet.co.uk -+- Great article, but (there always is a but!).....
I have played around with apache on a standalone unit. I have managed to get virtual hosts responding to lynx and ping and also nslookup. What i cannot find anywhere is a comprehensive HOW-TO - setup a working single machine with multiple domains.
For example, once the domain is responding, if you mail to webmaster@some_domain.cxm, where does it go to? would you need to create a user to be the administrator for each domain? how about the other email address's you need postmaster@ etc.
2002-03-19 -+- David -+- -+- Very clear article. Thanks! 2003-03-29 -+- yousuf anwar sabri -+- yusufsabri2000@yahoo.com -+- plz read my problem my problem is when anyone in my interior network access any website but the ip display to that website is my server ip (my external ip) will u plz send me any method that my server ip can not displayed to that website if any one solve my problem i will be very thankfull ALLAH HAFIZ -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)