2004-03-31 -+- Günther Orth -+- orth@enbiz.de -+- Hi!
Can anyone help me with the configuration of storebackup?
I want to backup a directory and store the files 30 days, 12 backups of the first of a week, 12 backups of the first of a month, 2 backups of the first of a year.
What are the correct timePeriods for this configuration?

storebackup -s <dir> -f <backupdir> --keepFirstOfMonth 12m --keepFirstOfWeek 12???? --keepFirstOfYear 2????

Thanks a lot!
Günther -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; de-AT; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007 2004-06-03 -+- Heinz-Josef Claes -+- hjclaes(at)web.de -+- Hi,

sorry, I didn't read you notice :-(

simply use:

storeBackup.pl -s <dir> -f <backupdir> --keep 30d --keepFirstOfWeek 85d --keepFirstOfMonth 367d --keepFirstOfYear 732d

-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040207 Firefox/0.8 2006-05-16 -+- Siegfrid Brandstätter -+- garafrut@web.de -+- Hi,
I would like to say, that I'm very satisfied with storeBackup!
But now I have a little problem when I made a backup from /home, I respond this message:

ERROR 2006.05.15 01:09:19 22100 unsupported file type 'socket'
ERROR 2006.05.15 01:09:26 22100 unsupported file type 'socket'
ERROR 2006.05.15 01:09:26 22100 unsupported file type 'socket'
ERROR 2006.05.15 01:12:38 22100 unsupported file type 'socket'

What can I do?
Thanks a lot!
Sigi -+- = unknown_agent 2006-08-31 -+- dudler -+- -+- Hi,

Great program. Thansk for it.

I am trying to backup with storeBackup from a linux machine on a Windows NTFS share shared with Samba. Unfortunately it seems NTFS doesn't support hardlinks. Is this correct? Is there a way to get the very efficient way of storing which is used on ReiserFS etc. on a NTFS share? -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)