Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/inet/conn/ppp as of Sun 13 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX control-ppp-20.hqx **** From: richardb@cocytus.demon.co.uk Subject: Control PPP 2.0 Control PPP is the original and best control strip module for all you road warriors. It lets you connect or disconnect PPP and open the TCP and PPP control panels. It also indicates whether PPP is open or not by a mere glance at its icon, records the time you spend online, shows your IP address and activity, and lets you switch between saved configurations. It now works with all versions of MacPPP, FreePPP and OT/PPP available at the time of writing, (including FreePPP 2.6 but excluding AOL link or AT&T WorldNet, which use proprietary code). Q: There are millions of PPP control strips: why use this one? A: Because it: * Combines the features of all the other control strips in one simple module. * Unlike certain other control strip activity meters, this one works smoothly. * Works with _all_ the current versions of PPP, even if you switch among them without restarting. * Is standalone and doesn't require any extensions, scripting additions, installers or similar baggage. * Is carefully optimised to use as little CPU time as possible. * Runs PowerPC native if you're using Extensions Strip 1.2 or greater. * Monitors OT/PPP directly, using an efficient, asynchronous C interface, and doesn't go blasting AppleEvents around your Mac every second, which is what some others do. New in Version 2.0: * An activity meter so you can keep an eye on your PPP efficiency. * It has a new menu which lets you switch between saved configurations of OT/TCP, OT/PPP and FreePPP. * Now shows the IP address of your Mac in the popup menu. * Updated for compatibility with FreePPP 2.6 and OT/PPP. * Auto-detects the relevant flavour of PPP, even if it is changed without restarting. * Fixed the bug whereby FreePPP 2.5 with MacTCP would only connect once. Control PPP is shareware and costs $10 if you use it for more than 30 days. #### BINHEX easy-ppp-connect-as.hqx **** From: mactech@csbh.mhv.net (Carver Tangeman) Subject: Easy PPP Connect AppleScript This is a modified version of the "Connect PPP" AppleScript that's included with OT PPP 1.0f1c6. Unlike the original there is no need to enter your username, password or phone number at connection time. I though it defeated the purpose of an AppleScript to have to type all that information, especially when you could have connected via the PPP Control Panel faster. Have fun! Carver Tangeman mactech@mhv.net http://www.ulster.net Ulsternet Macintosh Tech http://www.ulster.net mactech@mhv.net #### BINHEX eco-ppp-as.hqx **** Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 01:03:01 +0200 From: dewost@email.enst.fr (Philippe Dewost) Subject: Eco PPP Hi there! I just wanted to submit to your sagacity an Applescript applet that I wrote a month ago to fix what might be known as a Mac PPP "bug or feature". It seems that lots of Mac PPP users sometimes have auto initiated PPP connections, which can be painful if you're out for the day (and if your IP provider charges a lot for extra hours). So instead of trying to find out the reason (I am an as enthusisatic Mac user than a poor programmer), I wrote an applet, thinking also of people who need regular reminders to keep their dialup IP bill acceptable. This freeware "PPP watchdog" applet is called Eco PPP. It is aimed to monitor unexpected or too long PPP connections, and is provided with all necessary osaxen (I got written permission from their authors). It relies on an alert dialog popping up after a selectable PPP open timeout: hence the user can choose between closing PPP, dismissing until next time, or choose a delay before next alert. But if nobody's here (case of an "unexpected" connection), Eco PPP performs a PPP (hard) close itself, updates a log, and opens it for you to be aware of what went on in your back while you return to your machine. Eco PPP is open, which means it is editable, configurable, and quite commented, hence useful for learning from sample code. Eco PPP has been uploaded on eWorld as on the AppleScript archive site: ftp://gaea.kgs.ukans.edu/applescript/scripts/EcoPPP.sit.hqx May you find here enclosed a copy of Eco PPP, case you'd like to review it or simply upload it on info-mac and umich. Best regards from France, Phil #### BINHEX free-ppp-105-de.hqx **** From: "Andreas Wuertz" <wuertz@tik.ee.ethz.ch> Subject: FreePPP D1-1.0.5 This is the first German version of FreePPP, the popular PPP extension for the Macintosh. Have fun and enjoy! If you have any questions regarding especially the German version, feel free to contact me at: Andreas Wuertz Im Tiergarten 6a CH-8055 Zuerich SWITZERLAND email: awuertz@access.ch wuertz@tik.ee.ethz.ch #### BINHEX free-ppp-105-fr.hqx **** From: Guy.Brand@chimie.u-strasbg.fr (Guy BRAND) Subject: FreePPP F105 Hi, Please replace FreePPP F1.0.5 previously uploaded with this archive file. Previous version contained bogus strings :-( BuG :-) #### BINHEX free-ppp-262.hqx **** From: ace@tidbits.com Subject: FreePPP 2.6.2, PPP client software The FreePPP Group has released FreePPP 2.6.2, the latest version of the popular free implementation of PPP and the latest in the line of the original MacPPP code. Improvements include better performance, improved stability, an enhanced interface, and more lines for connect scripts. FreePPP 2.6.2 is completely free (as long as you're not selling it). For more information see the FreePPP home page at: <http://www.rockstar.com/ppp.shtml> cheers... -Adam -- Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Publisher/Info-Mac Moderator -- ace@tidbits.com http://www.tidbits.com/ -- http://www.tidbits.com/adam/ #### BINHEX free-ppp-admin-101.hqx **** From: Ermanno.Pozzoli@imiucca.csi.unimi.it (pozzerm@imiucca.csi.unimi.it) Subject: FreePPPAdmin In FreePPP, S. Dagley and FreePPP group preserved up to now the original structure of MacPPP: an extension plus a control panel. However, some people complaints about too frequent crashes and memory errors when opening ConfigPPP. I think that my translation of the control panel to an application should avoid some of the problems reported. FreePPPadmin allows to utilize nearly all the options ConfigPPP 1.0.1 yet provides. This program was tested on a Quadra700 with and without PPC upgrade card, an LCIII and a PowerPC 7100/80 with no trouble. I do not know if any problem can arise on the other Macs. FreePPPadmin is released e-mailfree: please e-mail to me if you use it. Ermanno Pozzoli - Associated Professor - University of Milan, Italy pozzerm@imiucca.csi.unimi.it #### BINHEX free-ppp-d1-25v2-de.hqx **** From: (Andreas Wuertz) awuertz@access.ch Subject: FreePPP D1 2.5v2 This is the third German version of the popular PPP extension FreePPP. Andy Wuertz proudly presents: FreePPP D1-2.5v2. The installer (Internet Setup Monkey) is not the same version as in FreePPP US-2.5v2, because I couldn't get their latest version in time. I hope you won't have any problems with that. As soon as I get it, I will produce a D2-2.5v2 version of FreePPP. If you find localization problems, contact me at: Andy Wuertz Im Tiergarten 6a CH-8055 Zuerich Switzerland email:awuertz@access.ch #### BINHEX free-ppp-icon-update.hqx **** From: lhender@utdallas.edu Subject: FreePPP Icon Update (Requires ResEdit) What is it? This is a quick set of resources to replace the icon resources in the FreePPP 2.5 distribution. It requires ResEdit, which is available at <ftp://ftp.support.apple.com/> in the utilities directory. I found the quality of the FreePPP small icon to be very ugly. So these patches replace them with a more "styling" set wherever it appears. In the control strip, when you are connected, the phone will appear with a cable attached, when you are disconnected, the phone cord will not be shown. Sorry, its impossible at this time to do the same with the System Menu. This has not been made into a updater yet, due to the 3 or 4 different releases of FreePPP 2.5, this distribution method assures 100% compatibility with all 4 versions. And as always, there's no promise it won't crash you, and I warranty it for the amount you paid for it. Although theres no reason why it should. Lee Henderson lhender@utdallas.edu #### BINHEX free-ppp-new-icon-resources.hqx **** From: twrigley@ea.oac.uci.edu Subject: FreePPP-NewIconResources Here it is, another set of icons to replace those plug ugly originals that ship with FreePPP. Stuffed and hexed, for your browsing pleasure. This download will require ResEdit to use - please see enclosed ReadMe for instructions on how to get and use that program. Enjoy! #### BINHEX free-ppp-password-decoder.hqx **** From: mkb@cs.cmu.edu (Mike Blackwell) Subject: FreePPP Password Decoder I wanted to move my AT&T Worldnet account from FreePPP to OT/PPP, but ran in to a problem: the Worldnet software automatically configures the account and password info for FreePPP and never tells you what they are. I spent an afternoon playing with the FreePPP Preferences file, figuring out how to decrypt the password info, and whipped up this little program, which will display all of your FreePPP accounts and passwords. Useful if you want to move accounts to a different computer, merge accounts, or switch to something other than FreePPP (OT/PPP works great, by the way, and seems a little faster). #### BINHEX free-ppp-switch-10b1.hqx **** From: tjb@inch.com Subject: FreePPP Switch v1.0b1 FreePPPSwitch is the first of what will be a new family of connection scripts based on FreePPP. This is a test of how I will adapt my OT/PPP script apps for use with FreePPP, using commands added by the FreePPP Control scripting addition. The commands are different than those for OT/PPP, so some rethinking of the basic flow for scripts must be made. System Requirements: *Any Mac with AppleScript installed, and the scriptable Finder, including Macs running OS8. * FreePPP v2.5 or better. * FreePPP Control osax--see my website or the ReadMe file enclosed for more information. For more information visit my website at http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html Tom http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html #### BINHEX freeppp-control-12.hqx **** From: kloska@mpimp-golm.mpg.de Subject: FreePPP Control FreePPP Control is a scripting addition which gives Applescript access to the main functions of the FreePPP 2.6 system extension (open/close/set/get). The FreePPP Control homepage is http://www.snafu.de/~sebastian.kloska/ For more information about FreePPP please visit http://www.rockstar.com/. #### BINHEX keep-ppp-alive-20.hqx **** From: Cavykid <pygmysw@bigfoot.com> Subject: KeepPPPalive v2.0 - keep your PPP internet connection alive KeepPPPalive is a Macintosh extention to keep your PPP (dial-up) internet connection alive. It also has some very useful other features, like being able to tell your time online, and your IP address from a single window brought up with a simple key combination. From this window, you can also disconnect and connect with as simple click. KeepPPPalive is a primere extention and a bargain for it's price. Cavykid pygmysw@bigfoot.com Pygmy Softwyr, Creators of MiniWeb and KeepPPPalive http://www.bigfoot.com/~pygmysw #### BINHEX mac-ppp-201.hqx **** Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 12:00:09 -0700 From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst) Subject: MacPPP 2.0.1 - the official version of MacPPP still If all the new versions of MacPPP are giving you trouble, the original, official version is still 2.0.1. #### BINHEX mac-ppp-add-ons-201.hqx **** Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 21:40:35 -0700 From: mmatteo@sna.com (Marc Matteo) Subject: MacPPP Add-ons v2.0.1 This is a very minor update to MacPPP Add-ons, the set of additions that add 3-D icons, "cleaned up" dialog boxes, and color connection icons to the popular MacPPP communication/network utility. It fixes the following: *The "Color Hands" icons are now "purgeable" which means they shouldn't copy over each other. *While there is still very little in the way of documentation, what is there is no longer smug and does mention some common pitfalls of icon manipulation. *My email address has been updated. #### BINHEX mac-ppp-doc-ps.hqx **** #### TEXT mac-ppp-doc.txt **** Installing MacPPP --TCP/IP Access Over Serial Lines University of Michigan Merit Network, Inc. June 1993 (c) 1993 by Merit Network, Inc. and The Regents of the University of Michigan. MacPPP was developed at, and is copyrighted by, the Merit Network, Inc. and the University of Michigan. Merit and the University of Michigan grant an unlimited license for use and redistribution of the executable program provided that it is not sold for profit, either as is or as part of another product. Charges to recover the cost of duplication and distribution are permitted. MacPPP is offered "as is"-neither Merit nor the University of Michigan make any guarantees about the performance or reliability of the software. Acknowledgements #### BINHEX mac-ppp-launcher-10.hqx **** From: pompamagna@geocities.com Subject: MacPPP Launcher 1.0 AS MacPPP Launcher 1.0 by Giovanni Giusti (<pompamagna@geocities.com>) Required OSAXen: MacPPP control This applet allows you to manage your MacPPP connections. Basically, it toggles PPP between open and closed. Its nice feature is that by choosing "Edit..." at the dialog, you can choose a different PPP server right before connecting. If the connection is busy or if you brought your Powerbook somewhere else, you don't have to open ConfigPPP to connect to a different number than usual (provided you have that number in the server list). Coming up: - possibility of setting the default PPP server (to open at TCP applications' request) - OT version (for those of you who have clock cycles to spare) Feel free to edit the script to suit your needs, and drop me a line if you make major improvements :) -- Duel S.p.A. Via G. Dandini, 15 00154 Roma (ITALY) Tel. ++39-6-5743826 Fax ++39-6-5759368 e-mail <duel.spa@iol.it> #### BINHEX mac-ppp-qk-40.hqx **** From: richardb@cocytus.demon.co.uk Subject: acPPP Quickeys 4.0 The MacPPP QuicKeys are three QuicKeys extensions which communicate between QuicKeys and PPP. They allow QuicKeys to open and close PPP and test whether it is open or closed, doing a decision or jump on the outcome. The MacPPP Quickeys need QuicKeys 3.0 or better and System 7.0 or better and are fully compatible with MacOS 8. They work with all versions of MacPPP, FreePPP and OT/PPP available at the time of writing, including FreePPP 2.6, and are quite happy for you to switch between them without restarting. New in Version 2.0: * Updated for compatibility with FreePPP 2.6 and OT/PPP. * Auto-detects the relevant flavour of PPP, even if it is changed without restarting. * Fixed the bug whereby FreePPP 2.5 with MacTCP would only connect once. The MacPPP Quickeys are shareware and costs $10 if you use it for more than 30 days. #### BINHEX mac-ppp-timer-20.hqx **** From: EricPRESTO@aol.com Subject: MacPPP Timer v. 2.0 It is a utility application to be used with MacPPP that allows you to keep track of how much time you spend on your PPP account. MacPPP must be installed on your computer for it to work. MacPPP Timer requires System 7.0 or later. Please post it to comm/tcp/conn/ppp/ and remove all previous versions. Version 2.0 adds support for OT/PPP, FreePPP 2.6 or greater and allows automatic opening of internet browser or other application when MacPPP Timer is launched. Thank you, Eric Preston #### TEXT mac-slip-uunet-ppp.txt **** From: fesmith@netcom.com (Frank E. Smith) Subject: MacSLIP scripts Here are two MacSLIP scripts that I modified from the sample.script that comes with MacSLIP. I have used the Netcom script (mac-slip-netcom..) for some time now without any problems. And it is setup to start The Internet Adapter (TIA) on a Netcom shell account. The UUNet script (mac-slip-uunet..) is one I just modified to work on my UUNet PPP account. So far it seems to work OK. I hope these scripts help others get up on their accounts in less time than it took me. Frank E. Smith (fesmith@netcom.com soon to be fesmith@beartooth.com) # # Sample.script # # This is a generic script for logging into a SLIP/PPP server # You may need to modify it to work with your SLIP/PPP server or #### BINHEX modem-light-ppc.hqx **** From: hernansoft@xoommail.com Subject: Modem Light submit My name is Hernan Spaltro and recently I launched an application called Modem Light. It is a little application that lets people to have a global floating window with real time information about the PPP status. You have information about read/sent bytes, connection time, remaining time, server name, user name, speed and a graphical representation of the lights of a real modem. There are five built-in appeareances for the modem, it works with any web browser (it also works if you don't have a web browser). This little program is great for iMacs or PowerBooks with internal modem and you want to see information about the connection status. License: Shareware Price: $6 Web site: http://gomac.to/HernanSoft PPC version: http://members.xoom.com/hernansoft/ ModemLight(PPC).sit.hqx 68K version: http://members.xoom.com/hernansoft/ ModemLight(68K).sit.hqx Thanks in advance. Hernan Spaltro HernanSoft mailto:hernan@geocities.com #### BINHEX netcom-tia-ppp-installer-10.hqx **** From: Mark Hickenbottom, snap@netcom.com Subject: Netcom/TIA/PPP Installer 1.0 This installer installs TIA, PPP, and the PPP and MacTCP settings you need to turn your Netcom shell account into a pseudo-PPP account. The Netcom/SLiRP/PPP and Netcom/TIA/PPP installers turn a Netcom shell account into a pseudo-PPP account, so that you can use TCP/IP programs such as Anarchie, Eudora, Fetch, MacMUSH, Netscape, NCSA Telnet, and Newswatcher (or YA-Newswatcher). This doesn't increase the fees that you pay to Netcom. The installers install PPP, and the PPP and MacTCP settings you will need to set up Netcom and PPP. The installers also automatically install either SLiRP or TIA into your regular personal dial-up account on Netcom, and PPP on your Macintosh. No Unix commands need be entered by you nor do you have you access your shell account at all, all the work is done by the installers. Installation in your user directory takes less than 100 bytes. The installers also detail the specific step-by-step instructions for configuring PPP and TCP/IP programs for your user id and modem. Netcom does not support SLiRP or TIA and will not answer any questions about it, but allows its use. #### BINHEX new-ppp-30-sv.hqx **** From: (Ben Taft) psyctaft@pew.psy.gu.se Subject: NewPPP3.0 (Swedish) This is a swedish version of NewPPP 3.0, a english version is comming soon. NewPPP is based on MacPPP/FreePPP. INFO: NewPPP gör det möjligt för din mac med modem att ha en en TCP (Internet) koppling via modem PPP (Point to Point Protocol). Vad du behöver: Mac Plus eller senare, Mac OS 7.0 eller senare. Open Transport version 1.1 eller senare eller MacTCP. Ett modem 2400 bps eller snabbare (stöder upp till 230 000 bps). Du behöver även en modempool att kopla upp dig till (t.e.x din internetleverantör). /Ben Taft 1996 SWEDEN #### BINHEX ot-advanced-tuner-12.hqx **** From: psichel@sustworks.com Subject: OT Advanced Tuner 1.2 Macintosh TCP/IP Tuner The "OT Advanced Tuner" is a simple control panel like application that allows you to view and set internal TCP/IP parameters including the TCP Window Size under Macintosh Open Transport. The application allows you to specify new settings and includes a "Make Active" button to put the new settings into effect. You can save your settings in OT Advanced Tuner settings documents and invoke them each time you startup by placing the corresponding document in your Startup Items folder. As currently implemented, the OT Advanced Tuner is best suited for configurations where TCP/IP is permanently loaded since there is no automatic way to remember custom settings when TCP/IP is unloaded (TCP should not be set to "load only when needed" as commonly used for dial-up connections). System requirements: MacOS 7.5.3 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later Sustainable Softworks OT Advanced Tuner is shareware, US$25. <mailto:psichel@sustworks.com> <http://www.sustworks.com> #### BINHEX ot-ppp-bot-16.hqx **** From: tjb@inch.com Subject: OT/PPP Bot 1.6 This is the newest release of OT/PPP Bot, an AppleScript application that stays open and runs in the background to maintain a PPP connection using OT/PPP. With this version, I have tried to make the Bot operation fool proof--you should see no operational errors if you cancel out of connection attempts, you can set preferences for just about any aspect of what the Bot does, and it should aggressively check and maintain your connection. New Features: *You can escape from a connection attempt by hitting the cancel button, and the Bot will ask if you want to retry or quit. *You can set the idle time period to one of three possible settings. *If you use multiple accounts, simply enter the information for the account you want to use the Bot with, and it will connect to that account. *Easily change user preferences by launching the Bot while pressing the option key. System requirements: *Any system with AppleScript and Open Transport/PPP installed (including the standard scripting additions and the PPP Commands scripting addition that is installed with OT/PPP). *Jon's Commands, a free scripting addition available from Info-Mac in the Development/OpenScripting directory. For more information, and the latest updates, check my renovated web site at http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html Tom http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html #### BINHEX ot-ppp-cs.hqx **** From: hcir@alaska.net (Rich Allen) Subject: csOTPPP csOTPPP is a control strip module for automating logging on and off the Internet. With csOTPPP you can open/close up to three applications and the PPP session with just one click. System requirements: * System 7.5 * Control Strip control panel * Apples's OT/PPP For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: http://www.alaska.net/~hcir/csOTPPP.html Thanks, Rich Allen Allen ReSearch http://www.alaska.net/~hcir/ I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX ot-ppp-csm-13a.hqx **** From: thomas.schmitt@dfki.de Subject: OT/PPP CSM 1.3a ot-ppp-csm-1.3a - This control strip module is for use with Open Transport/PPP or ARA 3.0 and allows you to connect and disconnect to an PPP Server. You must have installed and configured OpenTransport 1.1.1 or greater and OT/PPP 1.0 or 1.01 and the Control Strip 1.3 or greater. You can also use ARA 3.0 instead of OT/PPP It is better that you don't check the "Load only when needed" option in 'TCP/IP', because 'OT/PPP CSM' needs TCP/IP to be loaded. If you check the option TCP/IP will be loaded during the startup process of 'OT/PPP CSM' and the option doesn't make sense. 'OT/PPP CSM' has been successfully testet on Macs and PowerMacs with the these Systems: System 7.5.3 to 7.6.1 using OT/PPP 1.0 and OT 1.1.1/1.1.2 System 8.0 using OT/PPP 1.0.1 and OT 1.2, System 8.0 using ARA 3.0b16 and OT 1.2 #### BINHEX ot-ppp-module-10.hqx **** From: andreoli@ridgecrest.ca.us Subject: OTPPPLMM10.hqx OTPPPLMM10.hqx - OpenTransport/PPP Location Manager Module This is a module for use with Apple's Location Manager. By installing this module, you will be able to add OpenTransport PPP and Modem configurations to your location sets, as well as import and export configuration information. (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :&'pd,A#3!beYEf4eE'8Y-6!ZFfPd!&0*9%46593K!*!%'L%!N!6I8&0*9#%!!3! !'L&b6'&e!J#3""B!!#!J&Np8,e#3!b"-65"0Ef4eE'8J-5i`)-3!N!QLH!#3!k` ")`)c![F!N!-#!*!2KJ!!!5$rN!3"!+m"Ymb[Qhi(!*!'-,J!N!BCQrr`rrJ!N!B Aj!d!"Np8,e#3!`#3'DN)!*!4&J!!%iX!N!-@!*!%G'KZChGKE'X"!+lRmGq[!EC j!!!Nr!#3"K+9!*!%j#X!N!MUQ!d!P@ap[M)m[EebbQPbZZPQ+Ak[R'l+kF))dfF Pi3[PP+r--pRjXT96[RDFIJdNE'(LBqZC9(EV3,B1f-NTSB3YP$$#&jVml@MG`JP E'1%,*e[+l3JrHJZr++IFKC&0GT4`XK"'0Z'%,h`KLl&0qFAfNCeNabT1'0R(&Vk `c6E,M#jXdf`9#1#kRJff6rH4r4eCb#pN[*!!i8*'#aP`XZ#T!$V)RK,#%8*UH8* Za5mjGmj"l2Lp&6AY-`)[N!#5I0R8eHIXlT!$-U$@(8aPHMIfIEA!4BBqrJhUq[I kA`jlY8VYiK8BeIPVVI5$&h9AI`'a-L#Ri[ZX@VQL0kY)+F'E6-DP9$!K#pdT+C) 'X[V,JH4Zi6-d)DY1L@@%K**K+6ZMD@jG8-m'GJCfLZ6,hB(lBBQEN!$*jepTGeT SCH+E,lDrmEjF*MJ)rm)hl3PLXBq*GDd,j%kAqm2ll%!G155Er)INFR&qr3)4[Mm AH*HaM(Jpkcc%&YJUp(H2"qE!eL1Hh5@PU$YL2"JD`$ZFIMLp#qma*C8-iIed4-N +H(pMCeLJlp-lYSAajUU$QGJ1[,ha1-9ci93`6YpM-46S1pmr#LIZY3mDTK8M(b9 CBT(,qDKK&l&%M$dHd@4Vj2pkbiK)9&%KVNCZ-bVh+m6@b$Q"*UUIEd421Z9'#pl ,lI)G3YIj%8)q[XeeXm2(HfUUj%VHde)Pfr"UP-Z!D*3Y#K(,S0UU'%568L)D8#F Ui3GE9-16LC8Z0qfN@YC*VjDmdNlI($Nk&M'"NBJQ@MH!-AIFeQKBKDkUY2[+Uf5 5Hqm)LF`rpIH#"GJM*6FY0h!QXh'Cj3DL%(qMiDNGPH@0h#8$4ll%Fi5,@)4"`dp XpF3-YNIJSS&caLZTXr`EL$P1j[%UL4Yl2CSr1I'U,j2Mm+@4Xa`GNkd2MEHi5HA NZ&!$PLClIhQ0UmE2bFCAfNA$Lqf1XF#lJI[9id,A@R3iUCVJd1&@fZ&pk(!JM`P GAddJSmSC[R*L"I"PJDhfrLhM5)9q@ih3(c%HAL%DAPl42()&83&%a4@%56%I&N@ MBRjC[-CM"Bq9)S3N-3T1B[(+8fH4,ef"1BESR[SA1plfX4B2X6LH$f6KbE$[jeq UUS-Ip3R#0cP)j4S(+IFD0idlhC&N,1a,U-1"fFZ@jTS),cM8B3Y54$B-FRkMA,e T['@Cde6M)$BRlebZN!$*@pIeNbU4N!!2q9%N@&VfmU-C+Dl)6IbSJZ#9EqG(TF& -3Pl0MiBbUCKXjdH$m84@VZC(djP8"QN%RN4'YUiE9Smc*4-+DI#S6r0Y)b45Yfl 3qU"kb*Y3Re--3-fZ2kZ1#"X9bf'aQ858G3ReU(T30+jV8`mU*Z"IDMfV,M6ie!Q Gad9jq!leZ'ccGd5Dd0XB@ij0UiX4"p0%PIiB[c-Dhf%c9&AlTp8IbpE'DI9J(5U LGFm24"2B$AYqX+k$9(@HV6URKQQ(Grd5@6lh@2['`)EfVXi0E6hS%h6AGjhQKJ5 aU5FhMD16[UZ3!"S5Q-h90pF)k$EAY2S"hKB"(N"0KF1K[U0Vi30cqh`GEAhhGh9 U1U#L6$fj$UcU"kKCe-@VLLkrKFiVelQYP,Zhb$hU0)1h8Rd1[1AUYjL53ek(1R% ,9I-#mrd`8c1UUjPKrPMJccHSbr"PEp(MIEkZlVC!6h[HAfLV8$p!"rf-+ERQp19 ZTX3'*@HSip4ThI(68&CjaI'b`0bM-2b"$4X$l9e-ffNNNkA+`C,*ZYT"bYa)*Rl 34,M0m6YS3Vr3MZiq660jXPVKU0l&"$,Up-ccFJ@bbH4FjZ4VM*29k)d+C-NF8N9 9ca54m1NXZ[%Nc6DJ(,5kk'QZmAI)&Z6%pb+BZ$D0+m4*`(31[qI"YJCX3ib0)ZE aHa'rLd#H"e,8q+K#)(a!)#8&IQ+6%j0*#kNa6U&6U3G6VcIA+)DCDI9LT&,RK#+ RJfQd0GD)YL)U-([TV8Di%M%d'pIqR99%dTdK&CeREHI8%m@m1+$eC9Y[qmE1YSl 16@eD!PedQVabLhZ%10ddJlfh`DdFIKIJY3&HA25M(b29i(#S1HKIm!f4[KSh-F+ (BAH0@(80@DmMYlPV@Na6KebQ06@"VB(X%ef+P'#cGAXd*K(hMIGLJ)kcD9Y+5BQ 3!*5ZEqU4iXQ-*,5'8%eIV`VVNiQ%&-T%NiNdp@c4pr-5@`Xk2c#V0V2-9[['j6A H9jcZ8#J#0`Nh@92A,bbAE8)[TQRVl3HFbkGH(-DXLBRRGEJ'cqQla6ceV-[8qEl P'(ATX3iTdbYP-Y'%c(SMGl'S-rI$JXiHTM-4M!0TRDca2bmh,5PI*G`cm8G#VfZ D@+(pVr!l!m4UhBF+h3IHl9Ba@Ir@$9KacBejjh)S,TXk",A`"$9qDU+ZhlQmQ$1 jqDP*i+UR$MAFSbjkC5ej&QU4UC9q@ppiT!*pZJKfkQS&ihY9,,q+`EYbkP@+Q*V 4e0Ee8cIfhj[F*I9)k@3f&C+B(i38Zq2bYlp)S![hS`[ACe1)KFc'$9T'SGr0a1d Q)lTDId(YUN)[QPJR'R[D46T*@&fM3pJ28(e0QVjPRHq6Re*pMd*I!'-Q&3GY#d8 A&mmAG,Q[pcKc8D!GcETYJIB91S@IQVc5drrPkK08G6!ZYDH5F9djF5l(A'hepmT qedhEEcGke1r*pZePH1q8KHhf(Xrf-R(PRhKNJeKjjjZ%%fhXCFA,)"Va+Q(*E&% 5FlehMQ"l-NMI@VH1)6MD8UPN+Tra9#P,M-PpY+XR(k0j-IQiX)0-#0eVKl&&maG U0j!!ETG$[6J(RbN'laa`(P+P-i#C9'XkRi(1$G&J,#Qh*a1CeN5i0cT%db&Sa)2 BqqN'3FX*URr96A6'kjNQr%VE2hm&qaAch10e(Va0pRXSmV!Mhbf2YLSB'-+p'4K )qar6B`krfQcBh@,cbZK@FCd(cM"%mb3ad,`"bJr8SKpm@mDa9`0Ra)LGM8(Kr"l XHD"5iB341Z03$EQK2"-FciNVD9pV1R)LjGD4Lq!R,*-hTD@VQB`8-&0IU$plL'+ NENc80MFDK-KQ@R-bTbi&LNlj"[*1A@UN6Z@GZ(b11S&*VIac,bkIZ1k&bqaJ8p9 6aD3XQ-)fN!"dIdMh"lDCqb,PK@Sp-Fa%L8(@qi'P8Y[1E$#QNf1c50QGCMTGB,+ b0a0A4i12m*M#&`0Ek6k)6NLkiX)-`0RfN!#rq!HUdRY!-EjJVr-jPk0r6MRqR(D Ed`BP-6rT(SpJcN"())2SP1`ljJ#QSB2Bd2-Mq5dRRAQZkh1Dpe!rS3-HfT`h3Xd UUY8f!Qkk%B%cq3PhI(dbVJ46q3l9rD4*hYIfB&q,1cXc03&ZQr#mdcEe0-@P-`r (#MKHadh$rH+@"Bj[6%559-ZPHF`KVQDi5(1Ep[`3jdHDbU6N11e@eZXpY0Hp$`4 Q,llN*RblUU*[LD%Ed`#Gfpc*M2,e&RI*,bCVD[ZG9PrL-QD*bjMHFSZBh$!ajqF 1LTJ8-0'i2f9aY6NYU'+ZZp$N'c*08"4bla$&k,Ap2@ed&b-HD6'"B4Mcq5*8"F1 T&M1dRpCF#-cqkVAQ8H!hkrM33*!!iIqeJ0r2m)dk2Kc9m"m@m$''Vp6aX4eTK[q h!Vk6iTGGd2(aG)MKca6`Di#(BcUH6PX8riX#RSH,#HVKXQQG!hX!aR%fch(a001 iAmGRdjV([bcJhf(il4SqUS38KMpA`%mb[%r$ad++`2!I&I"M$&qRij0bNZ(2&r! 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Additionally, if it tries to connect on a phone number, and that attempt fails, you can cancel out of the attempt, and try to connect again, only the Dialer will use the next phone number that you have supplied when configuring the script application. If your ISP has several dialup phone numbers, and it is a pain to keep re-entering the next phone number with each connect attempt, just enter the list of numbers into this script, and let the script do the work of redialing. System Requirements: *Any Mac with AppleScript installed, and the scriptable Finder, including Macs running OS8. *OT/PPP and the PPP Commands scripting addition (PPP Commands is installed by default with OT/PPP). *Jon's Commands, an excellent and free scripting addition available on Info-Mac in the development/open scripting directory. For more information visit my website at http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html Tom http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html #### BINHEX ot-ppp-strip-11.hqx **** From: "Dennis J. Wilkinson, II" <djw@ici.net> Subject: OT/PPP Strip 1.1 OT/PPP Strip 1.1 has been released! The big news is that version 1.1 adds support for Mac OS 9.1. In addition: - Mac OS 9.0 and 9.1 users will now connect without a modal dialog, freeing them to do other things while their machine is connecting. - OT/PPP Strip's user interface gets it's first touch-up since the very first versions -- I think it looks much cleaner now. - a bug where the balloon help displayed by the strip would seem to flash was corrected - a few other minor "code housekeeping" items were completed In addition, version 1.1 sees OT/PPP Strip change from freeware into shareware, as I've spent a substantially larger amount of time on it than I ever imagined when I first released it. The registration fee is small (US $5) and can be paid via Kagi at: <http://order.kagi.com/?4LZ> Even though it's now shareware, OT/PPP Strip is distributed as fully-functional software, with no "time outs" or crippled features, and without any annoying reminders to register. #### BINHEX ot-ppp-switch-151.hqx **** From: tjb@inch.com Subject: OT/PPP Switch 1.5.1 This is the newest release of OT/PPP Switch, an AppleScript application that toggles the state of your PPP connection. If you are connected, it will close the connection. If you are not connected, it will attempt to establish a PPP connection using the current settings in the PPP Control Panel. New Features: *You can escape from a connection attempt by hitting the cancel button, and the app will ask if you want to retry or quit. *If the connection attempt fails, the app will ask you if you want to quit or retry. *All error messages should be trapped and dealt with without the user seeing them. System requirements: *Any system with AppleScript and Open Transport/PPP installed (including the standard scripting additions and the PPP Commands scripting addition that is installed with OT/PPP). For more information, and the latest updates, check my renovated web site at http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html Tom http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html #### BINHEX otppp-toggle-221.hqx **** From: tcallaha@risd.edu Subject: OT/PPP Toggle 2.2.1 OT/PPP Toggle 2.2.1 OT/PPP Toggle 2.2.1 toggles the state of the PPP connection using Open Transport PPP. If it's closed, it opens it using the currently active configuration as set in the PPP control panel. If it's already open, it closes it. Using the Auto-Open feature, it can also open any application or file you want once the connection is made (up to two of them). Just click on it in a launcher or select it from the Apple menu and it opens or closes the connection. It uses less than 10kb on disk and 200K of RAM (and only when actually opening or closing a connection). System Requirements: OT/PPP Toggle requires any Macintosh computer with the following minimum software: System 7.5.3 or later AppleScript 1.1 or later Open Transport 1.1.1 or later Open Transport PPP 1.0 * * Open Transport PPP (OT/PPP) also installs the "PPP Commands" addition to AppleScript, which is required for this application to function. New in this version: 2.2.1 - Updated Read Me with workaround for MacOS 8 incompatibility. #### BINHEX ppp-admin.hqx **** From: Ermanno Pozzoli <pozzerm@imiucca.csi.unimi.it> Subject: PPPAdmin If you hate Control Panels and you love FreePPP 1.0.1 this application is for you. All the options provided from ConfigPPP are allowed. Try it. Ermanno Pozzoli, M.D. Associated Professor - Universita' degli Studi di Milano #### BINHEX ppp-and-netscape-as.hqx **** From: SamCo@aol.com Subject: PPP and Netscape-Cool Script for 'Net Newbies This is a very simple script I made to open a PPP connection, open Netscape (or any application for that matter), and when you have completed browsing to close the PPP connection. It depends on MacPPP Control by Mark Alldritt. This is available on AOL or on the internet at Info-Mac archives. Knowledge of AppleScript required. May Be Distributed Freely (email me though) Thanx, Sam Charap |samco@aol.com|GO NY GO NY GO| #### BINHEX ppp-connect-12-as.hqx **** From: daver@idiom.com (David Ray) Subject: PPP-Connect 1.2 Many people who use MacOs 7.5.5 and PPP have a choice between OpenTransport/PPP and FreePPP. Many people saw some speed improvements with OT/PPP but went back to FreePPP because they preferred the interface. This AppleScript lets you use OpenTransport/PPP while providing an interface similar to FreePPP. It includes the ability to choose "sets" that contain your location, dialup phone number, TCP/IP setting, and login name. There are several optional features such as saving password and quiet mode. The script is distributed in 2 versions. The standard version runs on all machines (68k & PPC) and requires the user to initially set up the dialing information. Menus allow adding/editing additional locations and accounts. The enhanced version of the script automatically obtains location and account information from FreePPP settings and uses them for OT/PPP, and requires a PPC machine and additional software. -David Ray daver@idiom.com #### BINHEX ppp-contact-10-as.hqx **** From: cracker@inch.com (Larry Jarvis) Subject: PPPContact 1.0 AppleScript This is a simple Apple Script which allows you to open and close your PPP connection. #### BINHEX ppp-floater-12.hqx **** Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 19:21:08 +0900 From: lockheimer@twics.com (Hiroshi Lockheimer) Subject: PPPfloater 1.2 ©1995 by Hiroshi Lockheimer NEW FEATURES: Configureable via PPPfloater's Control Panel Cumulative Timer function Hot-key to open a PPP connection ...and many bug fixes PPPfloater is a Control Panel that will automatically open a floating windoid whenever you open a MacPPP connection. The PPPfloater windoid "floats" above all other applications for easy access. The floater has two functions: it will provide you with a "scissors" button that will close the connection, and it will also display the amount of time you have been online. Click anywhere inside the window (except for the title bar and scissors, of course) to temporarily toggle the display to the cumulative timer. PPPfloater allows you to optionally set a "hot-key" that will open a PPP connection. This feature is useful for those who Hard Close their PPP connections: Config PPP no more. PPPfloater is FREEWARE #### BINHEX ppp-guardian.hqx **** From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst) Subject: PPP Guardian PPP Guardian is meant to help you keep a PPP connection up continuously even with all the burps that phone lines typically throw at you. It's especially useful to those who rely on PPP connections for their full-time Internet access, though others might benefit from it as well. #### BINHEX ppp-icq-10b2.hqx **** From: Andrew Clegg <andy@sector14.freeserve.co.uk> Subject: PPP-ICQ A PPP Monitor/ICQ (and others) Launcher PPP-ICQ, a PPP monitor for the Apple Macintosh What is it? PPP-ICQ is a monitor program which runs in the background and launches ICQ when the PPP dialup connection on the Macintosh is active - saving the user from manually running ICQ when connected to the internet. From version 1.0.0b2 multiple programs can be launched, not just ICQ. #### BINHEX ppp-pref-fix-110.hqx **** From: Michael D Mays, mdmays@airmail.net Subject: pppPrefFix 1.1.0 Many times when using MacPPP the error message: The control panel "Config PPP" cannot be used now because not enough memory is available. is encountered when our Web Browser launches a third or fourth helper program. "Config PPP" is forced closed at this time by the Finder and when we attempt to open it afterwards we are greeted by the error message: Config PPP Error! Opening Preferences This program, "pppPrefFix", is an AppleScriptR application which was inspired by a work around to this problem of Lofty Becker's. He found that he could solve the problem of opening "Config PPP" being unable to open by duplicating the PPP preference file, moving the old file out of the preference folder, renaming the copy to the original's name, and then opening "Config PPP". By double clicking "pppPrefFix" you launch an AppleScriptR application which automatically performs the above outline steps. You only need to make sure that you have at least 200 kbytes of free RAM before double clicking. This program requires system 7 or greater, the "AppleScriptTM" extension installed and the extension "Finder Scripting Extension" installed or that you have the runtime library "FinderLib" somewhere locatable with the finder. You also should have ran "Config PPP" at least once before attempting to use this program. This version corrects the problem encountered with system 7.5.2. #### BINHEX ppp-pref-saver-12.hqx **** From: (Eric Long) 72764.1072@compuserve.com Subject: PPP PrefSaver 1.2 Now configurable with ResEdit. This is an Installer add-on for ISPs, for their Mac clients. Create an Installer for new users to install all needed software for Internet Access, then with this plug-in, before the Installer quits it will ask the user to enter the account name and password needed to log-on with their new PPP account. Settings are saved in either the connect script or Authentication settings. Requires Aladdin's InstallerMaker program. By Eric Long #### BINHEX ppp-quencer-11.hqx **** From: Richard Buckle <richardb@cocytus.demon.co.uk> Subject: PPPquencer 1.1 PPPquencer is a KeyQuencer extension, corresponding to my MacPPP QuicKeys, that lets KeyQuencer open and close MacPPP and test whether MacPPP is open or closed. Version 1.1 adds compatibility with FreePPP and Open Transport. Permission to distribute on the info-mac CD-ROMs is granted. Postcardware. Enjoy. #### BINHEX ppp-remote-132.hqx **** From: Robert Welz <r_welz@informatik.uni-kl.de> Subject: PPPRemote 2.6 PPPRemote , in addition with FreePPP (>Ver. 2.6) allows to record internet connections and calculates the phone fee. Freeware. Runs even on a classic, low RAM. #### BINHEX ppp-report-10b3.hqx **** Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 08:40:27 -0800 From: patkins@wimsey.com (Peter Atkins) Subject: PPPReport 1.0b3; logs internet usage Have you ever wished for some way to log your Internet usage? PPPReport was designed to do just that. It's not that you don't trust your Internet providers, just that it's nice to know that you are getting what you pay for. Until now, there has been no easy way for Macintosh users to keep track of their on-line time. #### BINHEX ppp-summarize-12-excel5.hqx **** Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 01:37:06 +0000 From: martyl@pcnet.com (Marty Lindower) Subject: PPPSummarize 1.2 Hi all- Here's PPPSummarize 1.2, an Excel 5.0 spreadsheet which totals up your online time when using a PPP connection, and summarizes it by day and month. It requires: --PPPReport, an excellent control panel by Eric de la Musse; available at any Info-mac mirror near you, and --Excel 5.0 (not 4.0, 3.0, 2.2 or any other earlier version) PPPSummarize is written in Excel's Visual Basic for Applications, the new macro language for Excel 5.0. For this reason, it will _not_ run under any earlier version of Excel, nor can I convert it to do so! (Sorry) Version 1.2 fixes a major problem with times over 24 hours not displaying properly. Comments and questions to: martyl@pcnet.com #### BINHEX ppp-thang-141.hqx **** From: (Nick King) nking@synner.demon.co.uk Subject: PPPThang 1.4.1 A small utility to toggle the state of MacPPP. This new version has slightly smaller sound files, responds to apple events, and remembers its position on the screen. Nick King nking@synner.demon.co.uk #### BINHEX ppp-thang-lite-141.hqx **** From: (Nick King) nking@synner.demon.co.uk Subject: PPPThangLite 1.4.1 A small utility to toggle the state of MacPPP. This new version responds to apple events, and remembers its position on the screen. Nick King nking@synner.demon.co.uk #### BINHEX ppp-toggle.hqx **** From: tracy@linksware.com (Tracy Valleau) Subject: OT/PPP Toggle This is an AppleScrip Applet that toggles the Open Transport PPP between connected and disconnected. Double-click to run or hook up a QuickKey to it. Requires OT/PPP and OT 1.1.1. Free. Regards Tracy Valleau, ACM LinksWare #### BINHEX pppop-204-ppc-jp.hqx **** From: frie@gte.net Subject: pppop-204-ppc-jp.hqx - PPP Operator Utility Japanese Version PPPop 2.0.4 PPC /JP PPP Operator Utility Japanese Version Shareware $20 US PPPop2 provides a small floating button window to click on to open and close a PPP connection. It includes a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu for PPP and TCP/IP configurations, selectable user profiles for different accounts, and it is scriptable. This version is optimized for use with OS 8.5. System Requirements: PowerPC CPU. MacOS 7.1 or later with Appearance extension 1.0.2 or later. MacOS 8.1 or later recommended. RAM 400. Open Transport with Remote Access, OT/PPP, MacPPP, or FreePPP. Recommended Additional Software: Internet Config 2.0, Apple Location Manager. (These come with OS 8.5.) Version 2.0.4 is a bug fix update. This is a localization by Koichiro Sobue and Shigenobu Kinoshita. News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web page, <http://home1/gte.net/frie/>. [Permission is given to include this archive on the info-mac CDROM.] Rob Friefeld April 16, 1999 Rob Friefeld PPPop Info: <http://home1.gte.net/frie/> #### BINHEX pppop-204-ppc-nl.hqx **** From: frie@gte.net Subject: pppop-204-ppc-nl.hqx - PPP Operator Utility Dutch Version PPPop 2.0.4 PPC /NL PPP Operator Utility Dutch Version Shareware $20 US PPPop2 provides a small floating button window to click on to open and close a PPP connection. It includes a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu for PPP and TCP/IP configurations, selectable user profiles for different accounts, and it is scriptable. This version is optimized for use with OS 8.5. System Requirements: PowerPC CPU. MacOS 7.1 or later with Appearance extension 1.0.2 or later. MacOS 8.1 or later recommended. RAM 400. Open Transport with Remote Access, OT/PPP, MacPPP, or FreePPP. Recommended Additional Software: Internet Config 2.0, Apple Location Manager. (These come with OS 8.5.) This is a localization by Frank Meyer. News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web page, <http://home1/gte.net/frie/>. [Permission is given to include this archive on the info-mac CDROM.] Rob Friefeld April 16, 1999 Rob Friefeld PPPop Info: <http://home1.gte.net/frie/> #### BINHEX pppop-204-ppc.hqx **** From: friefeld@deltanet.com Subject: PPPop 2.0.4 - PPP Operator Utility PPPop2 provides a small floating button window to click on to open and close a PPP connection. It includes a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu for PPP and TCP/IP configurations, selectable user profiles for different accounts, and it is scriptable. This version is optimized for use with OS 8.5. System Requirements: PowerPC CPU. MacOS 7.1 or later with Appearance extension 1.0.2 or later. MacOS 8.1 or later recommended. RAM 400. Open Transport with Remote Access, OT/PPP, MacPPP, or FreePPP. Recommended Additional Software: Internet Config 2.0, Apple Location Manager. (These come with OS 8.5.) This is a maintenance update to PPPop2 with fixes for all bugs reported to date. News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web page, <http://home1/gte.net/frie/>. Rob Friefeld February 28, 1999 Rob Friefeld PPPop Info: <http://home1.gte.net/frie/> #### BINHEX pppop-2d-ppc.hqx **** From: friefeld@deltanet.com Subject: PPPop2d-PPC PPP Operator Utility PPPop2d - PPC PPP Operator Utility Shareware $20 US PPPop2 provides a small floating button window to click on to open and close a PPP connection. It includes a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu for PPP and TCP/IP configurations, selectable user profiles for different accounts, and it is scriptable. This version is optimized for use with OS 8.5. System Requirements: PowerPC CPU. MacOS 7.1 or later with Appearance extension. MacOS 8.1 or later recommended. RAM 400. Open Transport with Remote Access, OT/PPP, MacPPP, or FreePPP. Recommended Additional Software: Internet Config 2.0, Apple Location Manager. (These come with OS 8.5.) News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web page, <http://home1/gte.net/frie/>. This archive replaces pppop2-ppc.hqx through pppop2c-ppc.hqx which had various problems ranging from disappearing icons to total corruption. If you still have problems with icons, please visit the web page. [Permission is given to include this archive on the info-mac CDROM.] Rob Friefeld <http://home1.gte.net/frie/> Rob Friefeld <http://home1.gte.net/frie/> #### BINHEX pppremier-timer-204.hqx **** From: Nathan Lamont <nathan@biggerplanet.com> Subject: PPPremier Timer 2.0.4; an internet connection tool PPPremier Timer <http://www.biggerplanet.com/pppremier> is a small internet tool that allows you to easily open and close your internet connection with a convenient button, and features a cool timer and a graphical throughput indicator. PPPremier Timer also includes customizable time limits, customizable connection sounds, a globally floating window option, and much more -- all with very low memory requirements. Rated **** (4 mice) from macdownload.com, **** (4 cows) from TuCows, a Macworld Pick o' the Week, and "a great PPP timer" from Macworld Magazine. "...perfect if you haven't the willpower to give up the Web voluntarily" -- CNET New in version 2.0.4: - fixed incompatibility with MacOS 9.1 (new version of Universal PPP API, 1.3.1) - added acknowledgement dialog to correctly entered registration code - connection speed reporting known to not work with MacOS 9.1. Only users of MacOS 9.1 need to upgrade. PPPremier Timer requires: Remote Access, OT/PPP, MacPPP, or FreePPP (some features only available with Remote Access and OT/PPP); 68020 or better processor (accelerated for PowerPC); System 7.5.5 or better. #### BINHEX synch-ppp-111.hqx **** From: Sander Tekelenburg <tekelenb@euronet.nl> Subject: SynchPPP 1.1.1 - Auto-Synchronise an application with yourPPP connection SynchPPP monitors the status of your PPP connection to the Internet, no matter how that connection was initiated. When it notices a connection, it will immediately launch the application you told it to launch. When it notices you disconnected, it will quit that same application. Use: Can be nice to make sure you always check your mail when you're on-line; or to always have ICQ running when on-line; or to always have a counter running (nice if you're being charged per minute for your on-line time); or to always have your server running when on-line; or... you get the picture ;) System Requirements: - Mac OS 8.6 - AppleScript needs to be installed Legalese: SynchPPP is $10 shareware. #### BINHEX toggle-ppp-as.hqx **** Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 18:13:47 -0800 From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst) Subject: Toggle PPP, an AppleScript for MacPPP --========================_26924454==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" [Submitted for Dennis -ace] Enclosed is the script that I use to toggle MacPPP between open and closed and write a log containing the date, beginning time, ending time, and minutes connected (rounding up) to a tab deliminated text file. The script can be edited and I commented everything I could think of in the script so there's no read me file other than that. A couple of notes: This script requires MacPPP Control (1.2 is what I'm using) to open and close the PPP connections. It also requires the Read/Write Commands osax as shipped with AppleScript 1.1. PowerMac users may experience difficulties with version 1.1 of this osax (this was fixed with version 1.1.1 shipping with System 7.5). MacPPP Control and a beta of Read/Write Commands 1.1.1 is available from the Mac Scripting site at: ftp://gaea.kgs.ukans.edu/ Dennis L. Whiteman ultimate@mail.icon.net --========================_26924454==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Toggle_PPP.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Toggle_PPP.sit"