README for NNMVS - MVS NNTP News Reader, Version 3, Release 2 August 13, 1993 Instructions: FTP the appropriate distribution file to your MVS system first. Use something like the following: To FTP distrib.cntl.v3r2 (source distribution): ftp anonymous password@myhost.mydomain cd /pub/comm/news/beginner/software/nnmvs get distrib.cntl.v3r2 NNMVS.DISTRIB.CNTL quit Please note that the source distribution is stored as a RECFM=VB LRECL=259 file, to save space and speed up file transfer. Either of these is one large JCL stream that executes the IEBUPDTE utility to build several PDS's. These PDS's are: NNMVS.INSTALL.CNTL JCL to complete the build, readmes, miscellany NNMVS.INSTALL.CLIST CLISTs and REXX execs NNMVS.INSTALL.PANEL ISPF panels NNMVS.INSTALL.H C headers NNMVS.INSTALL.C C source You can modify the job to generate a different prefix for the names if you don't want to call them NNMVS.INSTALL.*. You'll need to provide your own JOB card, too. Other than that, the JCL is ready to run (from ISPF EDIT, anyway). If you run into problems submitting a RECFM=VB file, copy the file over into a RECFM=FB LRECL=80 data set and then try it. Once you've done this, proceed to the $$README file in the .CNTL PDS, which you can read once the first stage of the unload is done. This will tell you the rest of the steps to finish building NNMVS. Legal stuff: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., 1992, 1993 SAS enhancements copyright (c) 1992 SAS Institute, Inc. This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis. All warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, are expressly denied. Provided this copyright notice is included, this software may be freely distributed and not offered for sale. Changes or modifications may be made and used only by the maker of same, and not further distributed. Such modifications should be mailed to the author for consideration for addition to the software and incorporation in subsequent releases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Gripes? Please email to... Steve Bacher