Daemon Power

The NetBSD Packages Collection: mbone/vic

Brief description of the package:
MBONE video tool.

Please read the file "pkg/DESCR" for a longer description.

This package has a home page at http://www-nrg.ee.lbl.gov/vic/.

The package is located in the "mbone/vic" directory. It can be manipulated using the packaging tools, working on the vic-2.8 package. For a summary on how to use the package collection, go to the top of the packages tree.

This package requires the following package(s) to build: tcl-8.0.5 pkglibtool-1.2p2 tk-8.0.5 .

This package requires the following package(s) to run: tcl-8.0.5 tk-8.0.5 .

Click here to download the package in precompiled binary form for the following machine architectures:

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