{"packages": [{"loc": "packages", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "efibootmgr", "descs": "efibootmgr (tool to modify UEFI boot entries)", "source": "source/packages/efibootmgr", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "efibootmgr is a Linux userspace application to modify the Intel Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) Boot Manager. This application can create and destroy boot entries, change the boot order, change the next running boot option, and more. Homepage: http://linux.dell.com/efibootmgr", "path": "./testing/packages/efibootmgr-0.6.0-i486-1.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "packages", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "4.4.14", "name": "kernel-module-ecryptfs", "descs": "kernel-module-ecryptfs (fixed ecryptfs kernel module)", "source": "source/packages/kernel-module-ecryptfs", "rel": "1", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Due to a regression in 4.4.14, the kernel module for ecryptfs does not work properly. This package contains a fixed module compiled using the patch found in source/k/. Install this package to fix ecryptfs.", "path": "./testing/packages/kernel-module-ecryptfs-4.4.14-i586-1.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "packages", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "4.4.14_smp", "name": "kernel-module-ecryptfs", "descs": "kernel-module-ecryptfs (fixed ecryptfs kernel module)", "source": "source/packages/kernel-module-ecryptfs", "rel": "1", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Due to a regression in 4.4.14, the kernel module for ecryptfs does not work properly. This package contains a fixed module compiled using the patch found in source/k/. Install this package to fix ecryptfs.", "path": "./testing/packages/kernel-module-ecryptfs-4.4.14_smp-i686-1.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "packages", "sizeu": "580 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "tmux", "descs": "tmux (terminal multiplexer)", "source": "source/packages/tmux", "deps": ["libevent", "ncurses", "utempter"], "rel": "2", "sizec": "224 K", "descl": "tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It enables a number of terminals (or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. tmux is intended to be a simple, modern, BSD-licensed alternative to programs such as GNU screen. Homepage: http://tmux.github.io/", "path": "./testing/packages/tmux-2.2-i586-2.txz", "arch": "i586"}], "locations": {"packages": "Slackware packages patches"}}