PACKAGE NAME: icewmvmods-2-noarch-1vl70.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./ap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 3359 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4300 K PACKAGE MD5: 5d44bb9095d31c29b119f8ee5815d64e ./ap/icewmvmods-2-noarch-1vl70.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: ORBit2 >= 2.14.19,leafpad >=,icewm >= 1.3.7,gtkdialog >= 0.8.0,obmixer >= 0.11,aumix >= 2.9.1,yad >= 0.14.0,udisks >= 1.0.2,upower >= 0.9.8,libatasmart >= 0.17,consolekit >= 0.4.3,libgnome-keyring >= 2.32.0,gvfs >= 1.6.6,xarchiver >= 0.5.2,pcmanfm >= 0.9.9,lxterminal >= 0.1.11,lxmenu-data >= 0.1.2,gtkfind >= 1.1 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: icewmvmods: VectorLinux customizations for Icewm, combining several resources. icewmvmods: Custom script enables automatic population of menu. icewmvmods: Pcmanfm is set to manage desktop icons and background. icewmvmods: Includes a set of custom wallpapers. icewmvmods: Obmixer and aumix are used for volume control icewmvmods: icewmvmods: icewmvmods: icewmvmods: icewmvmods: icewmvmods: Packaged by Nightflier for Vector Linux 7.0