PACKAGE NAME: transcode-1.1.5-x86_64-1vl70.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./ap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 998 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4770 K PACKAGE MD5: 885f90d160ead7995a2593b64f8923e2 ./ap/transcode-1.1.5-x86_64-1vl70.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: a52dec >= 0.7.4,alsa-lib >=,bzip2 >= 1.0.6,cairo >= 1.10.2,cxxlibs >= 6.0.14 | gcc-g++ >= 4.5.2,directfb >= 1.4.3,djbfft >= 0.76,djvulibre >= 3.5.24,expat >= 2.0.1,faac >= 1.28,ffmpeg >= 0.6,fftw >= 3.2.2,fontconfig >= 2.8.0,freetype >= 2.4.4,gcc >= 4.5.2,gdk-pixbuf2 >= 2.24.0,glib2 >= 2.30.2,glibc-solibs >= 2.13,gsm >= 1.0.13,ilmbase >= 1.0.2,imagemagick >= 6.6.6_10,jasper >= 1.900.1,lame >= 3.98.4,lcms >= 1.19,libdv >= 1.0.0,libdvdread >= 4.1.3,libffi >= 3.0.9,libICE >= 1.0.7,libiconv >= 1.13.1,libjpeg >= 8a,libmpeg2 >= 0.5.1,libnut >= 20110213,libogg >= 1.2.2,libpng >= 1.4.8,librsvg >= 2.32.0,libSM >= 1.2.0,libtheora >= 1.1.1,libtiff >= 3.9.4,libtool >= 2.4,libvorbis >= 1.3.2,libvpx >= 0.9.1,libwmf >=,libX11 >= 1.4.3,libXau >= 1.0.6,libXaw >= 1.0.9,libxcb >= 1.7,libXdmcp >= 1.1.0,libXext >= 1.2.0,libxml2 >= 2.7.8,libXmu >= 1.1.0,libXpm >= 3.5.9,libXrandr >= 1.3.1,libXrender >= 0.9.6,libXt >= 1.1.1,libXv >= 1.0.6,lzo >= 2.03,mjpegtools >= 1.9.0,opencore-amr >= 0.1.2,openexr >= 1.7.0,openjpeg >= 1.3,openssl >= 0.9.8r | openssl-solibs >= 0.9.8r,orc >= 0.4.3,pango >= 1.29.1,pixman >= 0.21.6,rtmpdump >= 2.3,schroedinger >= 1.0.9,SDL >= 1.2.14,svgalib >= 1.9.25,util-linux >= 2.19,x264 >= 20110214,xvidcore >= 1.2.2,xz >= 5.0.2,zlib >= 1.2.5 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: transcode: A video/DVD ripper and encoder for the terminal/console transcode: transcode: transcode: transcode: transcode: transcode: transcode: License: GPL transcode: Authors: transcode: Website: