PACKAGE NAME: haskell-QuickCheck- PACKAGE LOCATION: ./d PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 5 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 30 K PACKAGE MD5: f0551ba94f493c07083d185044edb4d4 ./d/haskell-QuickCheck- PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: haskell-QuickCheck: haskell-QuickCheck (Automatic testing of Haskell programs) haskell-QuickCheck: haskell-QuickCheck: QuickCheck is a library for random testing of program properties. haskell-QuickCheck: The programmer provides a specification of the program, in the form haskell-QuickCheck: of properties which functions should satisfy, and QuickCheck then haskell-QuickCheck: tests that the properties hold in a large number of randomly haskell-QuickCheck: generated cases. haskell-QuickCheck: haskell-QuickCheck: License: GPL haskell-QuickCheck: Authors: haskell-QuickCheck: Website: