PACKAGE NAME: ipager-1.1.0-i586-4vl70.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./ap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 44 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 190 K PACKAGE MD5: 0d80733b43d28ca38f76c6e2d3fdf82f ./ap/ipager-1.1.0-i586-4vl70.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: cxxlibs >= 6.0.14 | gcc-g++ >= 4.5.2,freetype >= 2.4.4,gcc >= 4.5.2,glibc-solibs >= 2.13,imlib2 >= 1.4.4,libICE >= 1.0.7,libSM >= 1.2.0,libX11 >= 1.4.3,libXau >= 1.0.6,libXdmcp >= 1.1.0,libXext >= 1.2.0,libXmu >= 1.1.0,libXt >= 1.1.1,libxcb >= 1.7,util-linux >= 2.19,zlib >= 1.2.5 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: ipager: ipager (A simple pager) ipager: ipager: IPager is a pager! ipager: Originally it was developed for Fluxbox but can also be used with ipager: other WMs. ipager: ipager: ipager: ipager: License: MIT ipager: Authors: Suhanov Vadim, Shashkin Konstantin & Mathias Gumz ipager: Website: