PACKAGE NAME: cdcd-0.6.6-i586-1vl70.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./base-apps PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 62 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 210 K PACKAGE MD5: 8ed8bba651ab357129b41afbf1e750da ./base-apps/cdcd-0.6.6-i586-1vl70.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: glibc-solibs >= 2.11.1-i586-1vl70,libcdaudio >= 0.99.12p2-i586-1vl60,readline >= 6.1.002-i586-1vl70 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: cdcd: cdcd (Command line cd player) cdcd: cdcd: cdcd is a command-driven cd player; it uses the facilities provided by cdcd: libcdaudio and can be called just once to do one particular action cdcd: (for example, $ cdcd play Lazarus 2:14 will play a song containing cdcd: lazarus" in its name, starting at position 2 minutes 14 seconds), or as cdcd: a command interpreter (i.e. you will have a cdcd> prompt). cdcd: cdcd: License: GPL cdcd: Website: cdcd: Authors: Tony Arcieri & Fabrice Bauzac cdcd: