PACKAGE NAME: haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl- PACKAGE LOCATION: ./d PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 43 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 260 K PACKAGE MD5: 2b6d4cf1f38a022447c6f421cdb4732e ./d/haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl- PACKAGE REQUIRED: ghc >= 7.0.3,glibc-solibs >= 2.13,gmp >= 5.0.1,haskell-mtl >=,haskell-transformers >= PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl (Monad-transformer version of the Control.Exception module) haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: Provides a monad-transformer version of the Control.Exception.catch haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: function. For this, it defines the MonadCatchIO class, a subset of haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: MonadIO. It defines proper instances for most monad transformers in haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: the mtl library. haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: License: GPL haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: Authors: haskell-MonadCatchIO-mtl: Website: