{"draft":"","doc_id":"RFC1779","title":" A String Representation of Distinguished Names ","authors":["S. Kille"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"8","pub_status":"DRAFT STANDARD","status":"HISTORIC","source":"Access, Searching and Indexing of Directories","abstract":" The OSI Directory uses distinguished names as the primary keys to entries in the directory. Distinguished Names are encoded in ASN.1. When a distinguished name is communicated between to users not using a directory protocol (e.g., in a mail message), there is a need to have a user-oriented string representation of distinguished name. This specification defines a string format for representing names, which is designed to give a clean representation of commonly used names, whilst being able to represent any distinguished name. [STANDARDS-TRACK] ","pub_date":"February 1995","keywords":["[--------|h]","STR-REP","X.500","directory names","representing names"],"obsoletes":["RFC1485"],"obsoleted_by":["RFC2253","RFC3494"],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC1779","errata_url":null}