/* $NetBSD: verbose.c,v 1.14 2024/09/14 21:29:02 christos Exp $ */ /* Id: verbose.c,v 1.14 2021/05/20 23:57:23 tom Exp */ #include "defs.h" #include __RCSID("$NetBSD: verbose.c,v 1.14 2024/09/14 21:29:02 christos Exp $"); static void log_conflicts(void); static void log_unused(void); static void print_actions(int stateno); static void print_conflicts(int state); static void print_core(int state); static void print_gotos(int stateno); static void print_nulls(int state); static void print_shifts(action *p); static void print_state(int state); static void print_reductions(action *p, int defred2); static Value_t *null_rules; void verbose(void) { int i; if (!vflag) return; null_rules = TMALLOC(Value_t, nrules); NO_SPACE(null_rules); fprintf(verbose_file, "\f\n"); for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++) print_state(i); FREE(null_rules); if (nunused) log_unused(); if (SRtotal || RRtotal) log_conflicts(); fprintf(verbose_file, "\n\n%ld terminals, %ld nonterminals\n", (long)ntokens, (long)nvars); fprintf(verbose_file, "%ld grammar rules, %ld states\n", (long)(nrules - 2), (long)nstates); #if defined(YYBTYACC) { /* print out the grammar symbol # and parser internal symbol # for each symbol as an aide to writing the implementation for YYDESTRUCT_CALL() and YYSTYPE_TOSTRING() */ int maxtok = 0; fputs("\ngrammar parser grammar\n", verbose_file); fputs("symbol# value# symbol\n", verbose_file); for (i = 0; i < ntokens; ++i) { fprintf(verbose_file, " %5d %5d %s\n", i, symbol_value[i], symbol_name[i]); if (symbol_value[i] > maxtok) maxtok = symbol_value[i]; } for (i = ntokens; i < nsyms; ++i) fprintf(verbose_file, " %5d %5d %s\n", i, (maxtok + 1) + symbol_value[i] + 1, symbol_name[i]); } #endif } static void log_unused(void) { int i; Value_t *p; fprintf(verbose_file, "\n\nRules never reduced:\n"); for (i = 3; i < nrules; ++i) { if (!rules_used[i]) { fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s :", symbol_name[rlhs[i]]); for (p = ritem + rrhs[i]; *p >= 0; ++p) fprintf(verbose_file, " %s", symbol_name[*p]); fprintf(verbose_file, " (%d)\n", i - 2); } } } static void log_conflicts(void) { int i; fprintf(verbose_file, "\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++) { if (SRconflicts[i] || RRconflicts[i]) { fprintf(verbose_file, "State %d contains ", i); if (SRconflicts[i] > 0) fprintf(verbose_file, "%ld shift/reduce conflict%s", (long)SRconflicts[i], PLURAL(SRconflicts[i])); if (SRconflicts[i] && RRconflicts[i]) fprintf(verbose_file, ", "); if (RRconflicts[i] > 0) fprintf(verbose_file, "%ld reduce/reduce conflict%s", (long)RRconflicts[i], PLURAL(RRconflicts[i])); fprintf(verbose_file, ".\n"); } } } static void print_state(int state) { if (state) fprintf(verbose_file, "\n\n"); if (SRconflicts[state] || RRconflicts[state]) print_conflicts(state); fprintf(verbose_file, "state %d\n", state); print_core(state); print_nulls(state); print_actions(state); } static void print_conflicts(int state) { int symbol, act, number; action *p; act = 0; /* not shift/reduce... */ number = -1; symbol = -1; for (p = parser[state]; p; p = p->next) { if (p->suppressed == 2) continue; if (p->symbol != symbol) { symbol = p->symbol; number = p->number; if (p->action_code == SHIFT) act = SHIFT; else act = REDUCE; } else if (p->suppressed == 1) { if (state == final_state && symbol == 0) { fprintf(verbose_file, "%d: shift/reduce conflict \ (accept, reduce %ld) on $end\n", state, (long)(p->number - 2)); } else { if (act == SHIFT) { fprintf(verbose_file, "%d: shift/reduce conflict \ (shift %ld, reduce %ld) on %s\n", state, (long)number, (long)(p->number - 2), symbol_name[symbol]); } else { fprintf(verbose_file, "%d: reduce/reduce conflict \ (reduce %ld, reduce %ld) on %s\n", state, (long)(number - 2), (long)(p->number - 2), symbol_name[symbol]); } } } } } static void print_core(int state) { int i; core *statep = state_table[state]; int k = statep->nitems; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { int rule; Value_t *sp = ritem + statep->items[i]; Value_t *sp1 = sp; while (*sp >= 0) ++sp; rule = -(*sp); fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s : ", symbol_name[rlhs[rule]]); for (sp = ritem + rrhs[rule]; sp < sp1; sp++) fprintf(verbose_file, "%s ", symbol_name[*sp]); putc('.', verbose_file); while (*sp >= 0) { fprintf(verbose_file, " %s", symbol_name[*sp]); sp++; } fprintf(verbose_file, " (%ld)\n", (long)(-2 - *sp)); } } static void print_nulls(int state) { action *p; Value_t i, j, k, nnulls; nnulls = 0; for (p = parser[state]; p; p = p->next) { if (p->action_code == REDUCE && (p->suppressed == 0 || p->suppressed == 1)) { i = p->number; if (rrhs[i] + 1 == rrhs[i + 1]) { for (j = 0; j < nnulls && i > null_rules[j]; ++j) continue; if (j == nnulls) { ++nnulls; null_rules[j] = i; } else if (i != null_rules[j]) { ++nnulls; for (k = (Value_t)(nnulls - 1); k > j; --k) null_rules[k] = null_rules[k - 1]; null_rules[j] = i; } } } } for (i = 0; i < nnulls; ++i) { j = null_rules[i]; fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s : . (%ld)\n", symbol_name[rlhs[j]], (long)(j - 2)); } fprintf(verbose_file, "\n"); } static void print_actions(int stateno) { action *p; shifts *sp; if (stateno == final_state) fprintf(verbose_file, "\t$end accept\n"); p = parser[stateno]; if (p) { print_shifts(p); print_reductions(p, defred[stateno]); } sp = shift_table[stateno]; if (sp && sp->nshifts > 0) { int as = accessing_symbol[sp->shift[sp->nshifts - 1]]; if (ISVAR(as)) print_gotos(stateno); } } static void print_shifts(action *p) { int count; action *q; count = 0; for (q = p; q; q = q->next) { if (q->suppressed < 2 && q->action_code == SHIFT) ++count; } if (count > 0) { for (; p; p = p->next) { if (p->action_code == SHIFT && p->suppressed == 0) fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s shift %ld\n", symbol_name[p->symbol], (long)p->number); #if defined(YYBTYACC) if (backtrack && p->action_code == SHIFT && p->suppressed == 1) fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s [trial] shift %d\n", symbol_name[p->symbol], p->number); #endif } } } static void print_reductions(action *p, int defred2) { int anyreds; action *q; anyreds = 0; for (q = p; q; q = q->next) { if (q->action_code == REDUCE && q->suppressed < 2) { anyreds = 1; break; } } if (anyreds == 0) fprintf(verbose_file, "\t. error\n"); else { for (; p; p = p->next) { if (p->action_code == REDUCE && p->number != defred2) { int k = p->number - 2; if (p->suppressed == 0) fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s reduce %d\n", symbol_name[p->symbol], k); #if defined(YYBTYACC) if (backtrack && p->suppressed == 1) fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s [trial] reduce %d\n", symbol_name[p->symbol], k); #endif } } if (defred2 > 0) fprintf(verbose_file, "\t. reduce %d\n", defred2 - 2); } } static void print_gotos(int stateno) { int i; Value_t *to_state2; shifts *sp; putc('\n', verbose_file); sp = shift_table[stateno]; to_state2 = sp->shift; for (i = 0; i < sp->nshifts; ++i) { int k = to_state2[i]; int as = accessing_symbol[k]; if (ISVAR(as)) fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s goto %d\n", symbol_name[as], k); } }