Begin4 Title: Mplot++ Version: 0.78 Entered-date: 2002-06-19 Description: Mplot++ is a(nother !!!) math plotter similar to Gnuplot. Mplot++ is not as powerfull as Gnuplot, because it can only display up to 10 functions in bidimensional graphic, and only one curve or surface at time in tridimensional graphic. Moreover, it can use only a limited number of nodes (the curves are approximated by polygonals, every surface is approximated by a certain number of polygonals which form polygonal faces). However, Mplot++ has some features that Gnuplot or other plotters haven't: 1) you can move at once the figures of a bi- or tri-dimensional graph; 2) You can increase and decrease in a flash the magnification of the view; 3) You can change the point of view of the observer in a tridimensional scene; 4) You can use a fog effect to improve the look of a figure in a 3D graph 5) You can export easily a graph in the form of Postscript(R) document. Mplot++ comes with a very complete user guide and it is very intuitive. Keywords: graphics, mathematics, interactive plotting of 2D-curves, 3D-curves and surfaces, Postscript(R) exportation of graphs Author: (Ivano Primi) Maintained-by: (Ivano Primi) Primary-site: 130K mplotxx-0.78.src.tar.gz 163K (available via sftp) Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: Built with GNU C++ compiler on SunOS 5.8 and RedHat Linux 6.2. g++ 2.95.3 or later definitely works, Non GNU C++ compiler might work too but I haven't tried it. Anyway it requires FLTK (Fast Light ToolKit), version 1.0.xx or 1.1.xx (see I think that it can be installed on any recent Linux system (RedHat 6.0 or later, Mandrake 7.0 or later, Slackware 7 or later, Debian 2.2 or later, Suse 6.3 or later). Moreover, it might be installed under Microsoft Windows(R) 98 or later and MacOS X(R) but it needs anyway FLTK, I haven't ever tried it and I supply only the Unix Makefile. Copying-policy: GPL (version 2.0 or later) End