See document FEATURES for canonical list of features (up until version 2.4). See document README-2.0 for a readable summary of changes from Mosaic 1.2 to Mosaic 2.0. From 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 ................... o Multiple submit buttons support. o Closing of windows refixed (Exit confirmation pops up on last window now). o News page style improved. o Little patch for News protocol. (switch to 'mode reader' included) (Thanks to: Christian Treber ) o Added '-speed ' argument, to slow down the spinning earth icon ( 1: normal, 2: half of the normal speed, 3: 1/3 of the normal speed ...) This is useful for most Linux architectures (there is was really too fast!), if the user wants to see that it is the earth which is rotating (and not just a 'something') o Added Imake stuff from Fish-search Mosaic, made some fixes, so it works just fine on tested architectures (c.f. README) (Original Imakefiles: Rainer Klute ) o Added several features to file. o Added fish search source o Changed HTML-only functionality, so that really only http://*.html files get checked. (A better patch will follow later) o Fixed ftp-filedate function. o Finally fixed the stupid colorbug again. Thanx for all your complaining. o Fixed qsort() function calls! o Fixed fontSet resource initialisation o Fixed finger protocoll (was hanging up sometimes) o Edit source window advanced (Thanks to: Panagiotis Christias ) o Added: MAILTO protocoll o Added TERM source From 2.4 to 2.4.1 ................. o Rewrote the source (libXmx, libhtmlw, libwww2, src) so that you easily can translate Mosaic into another language. (Using include-files) o Realized the -geometry option. o Fixed mo_post_exitbox() function, so that the Exit Confirmation box appears in the middle of the main window, not in the upper left corner of the screen. o Added -in option for iconName XResource: *iconName o Added -fq option for forceQuit (Exitbox does not appear at all on the last Window) Added resource *forceQuit as well. o Fixed testing of "internal-" prefix of image filenames. The images can be in another directory now. (Oh, I think this is really undocumented, this feature. If you have an image which name starts with "internal-" so the image won't get a border in the document window (even if it is a link).) o Fixed color initialising in colormap o Added Mosaic*fontSet XResource: If you set fontSet to a valid of the option/fonts-menu Mosaic will load this font on start. Example.: If you have Mosaic*fontSet: New Century Large or similar in your .Xdefaults Mosaic starts with the requested font. (Thanks to: Glenn Randers-Pehrson ARL|WTD|TED|TIB ) o Added french include file (Thanx to: Nicolas Pioch ) o Added finger protocoll (Thanks to: Andrew Brooks ) o Show filedate and filesize in ftp documents, if available. If your system has the strptime() function, you should define HAVE_STRPTIME as a sysconfigflag in your Makefile(s). o Made source window editable. (Thanks to: Panagiotis Christias and Eric Bartley ) From 2.3 to 2.4 ............... o Fixed really embarassingly dumb bug that made widgets names appear next to toggle buttons on forms. From 2.2 to 2.3 ............... o Fixed security bug in telnet URLs. o Fixed bug with dithered images inverting on some displays. o Fixed bug with non-direct-WAIS clients core dumping on WAIS URLs. o Fixed bug with uninitialized gatewayed for proxy gateways. o Fixed memory overrun in PEM_AUTH code. o Fixed loss of small messages in PEM_AUTH code. o Fixed improper defaults for VerticalScrollOnRight. o Fixed more GIF decoding core dumps. o Fixed mispelling of XtSpecificationRelease in gui.c o Fixed 24bit handling bug that caused some displays to switch red and blue. o Added names to child widgets in forms. o Added autoconfiguration of MOTIF1_2 based on XmVERSION and XmREVISION. o Made dialogs rise to the top when selected a second time. o Added 24bit DirectColor support. o Added 16bit TrueColor support. o Changed dithering to Floyd-Steinberg dithering. o 2 color images go to black & white on monochrome, instead of dithering. o FORM now uses ENCTYPE and ENCENTITY to submit encrypted if PEM_AUTH defined. o New menu under "Options" to always request enrypted if PEM_AUTH defined. From 2.1 to 2.2 ............... o Fixed bug in unrecognized URLs that have whitespace at the beginning. o Fixed bug with transparent color GIF89 images. o Fixed more inlined image parsing code dumps. o Fixed odd extra flashing in documents accessed after form documents. o Fixed socket leak in interrupted I/O. o Fixed bug in whitespace terminated entity '&' escapes. o Added Frans Van Hoesel's latest postscript changes. o Added Frans Van Hoesel's extra font support. o Speedups in GIF decoding, thanks to David Koblas. o Improved handling of monochrome displays. Detect mono without needing the -mono option, and dither inlined images. o Added